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Kingdom Come: Deliverance is the cRPG Club's 27th game, beating both Baldurs Gate 3 and Greedfall from a provisional 3rd place at the end of the ranked choice voting round.
Released in 2018, Kingdom Come: Deliverance is an open world, third person RPG. The game is set in the medieval kingdom of Bohemia, and Imperial State in the Holy Roman Empire. The game aims for historically accurate content.
The story takes place during a war in Bohemia in 1403, in the times of King Wenceslaus IV. On the orders of Hungarian king Sigismund, half-brother of Wenceslaus, Cuman mercenaries raid the mining village of Skalitz, a major source of silver. One of the survivors of the resulting massacre is Henry, the son of a blacksmith. Destitute and vengeful, Henry joins the service of Lord Radzig Kobyla, who leads a resistance movement against Sigismund's invasion. As Henry pursues justice for his murdered family, he becomes involved in an effort to restore Bohemia's rightful king, Wenceslaus, to the throne. The game features branching quest lines, an open world environment, and period-accurate weapons, clothing, combat techniques, and architecture (recreated with the assistance of architects and historians), which encourages immersive gameplay.
It utilises a classless role-playing system, allowing the player to customise their skills to take on roles such as warrior, bard, thief, or a hybrid of these. Abilities and stats grow depending on what the player does and says through branched dialogue trees. During conversations, the time a player takes to make a decision is limited and has an effect on their relationships with others. Reputation is based on player choices and therefore can bring consequences
Kingdom Come: Deliverance was released for PlayStation 4, Windows, and Xbox One on 13 February 2018, and on 15 March 2024 for Nintendo Switch. The game received generally positive reviews from critics for PC, with mixed reviews for consoles. There was praise for the story, attention to detail, and focus on realism, while criticism was aimed at technical bugs. It had sold over 8 million units by November 2024. A sequel, Kingdom Come: Deliverance II, is scheduled to release in February 2025.
We will be playing this game through to the 31st June, 2025. This thread is for friendly discussion as we play through the game. Share your reflections, successes, defeats, tactics, wishes, impressions, and whatever here! The more conversation the better, so post away.
For BIG spoilers, please use the spoiler tag. (No! I am your father!) Tactics, strategies, general story progression likely won't need them.
Anyone and everyone is welcome to participate, and can start at any time, so join the fun! One quick favour: If you decide to play, make a post here along the lines of "I'm in!" to let us know. If you start and finish the game before the end, you'll level up your GWJ CRPG Membership.
Links to the game:
Steam - £5.29 / $5.99
GoG -£5.29 / $5.99
Epic Game Store - £26.49 / $29.99
It should be noted that all of the major games stores have "Ultimate Editions" - or equivalents available and there are quite a few DLCs available.
HowLongtoBeat ~41.5Hours (130 Hours Completionist)
Kingdom Come: Deliverance Wiki
Members Playing
Members Complete
I'm in, though it'll probably be a few weeks until I start.
Really looking forward to it!
Count me in! I’ve been patiently waiting for this to become a club game, ever since I played a (good) bit of it earlier this year, and was completely enthralled.
Sure, I'm in. The premise of a RPG in a historical setting is an intriguing one. I've got it already from some random Fanatical bundle or other, and it'll be up next in the rotation.
I'm in. Installing now. Will tool around with it, but probably start in earnest in a week or two.
I'm in - picked it up as an epic freebie a couple of years ago and promptly never touched it.
(It's a psychological hangup of mine, if people give me things for free, I inevitably wind up not valuing it either.)
Gotta get through Metaphor, Indy and a bunch of other stuff before the GOTY vote closes though.
I’m in. Got it for free on Epic ages ago and played a few hours at the time. Don’t remember much so I’ll start afresh.
I'm in. It's been sitting on the PS4 for a while.
In for a penny, in for a pound. I, too, have it sitting on my PS4. Will start in earnest come January.
I am in. Starting this weekend.
I played this for a couple hours when it came out then dropped it, and forgot why I had stopped playing. I picked it up again after seeing this thread and while I’m enjoying myself, I’m pretty certain I remember why I stopped playing now. It seems like every individual component of this game is designed to be as annoying as possible.
I kept getting stopped and fined while fast traveling through Rattay and it took a couple times before I remembered a quest character off-handedly mentioning that it’s illegal to not carry a torch in town at night, and apparently the guards don’t care if it’s dawn and the sun is out, if it’s 5:59 AM they will still chase you down for not carrying that damn torch.
Only brigands walk around in town without a torch.
Only brigands walk around in town without a torch.
Rattay is apparently the crime capital of Bohemia since most times you and the guards are the only ones wielding torches at night.
I've seen enough to know that this is not an easy game though, so I guess if anyone finds something they think is genuinely useful, post away!
Follow the main storyline until you have decent gear and some skills trained up. This game can be weird in that it keeps throwing you into new systems with only pop-up information windows, but then introduces full tutorials with NPCs a couple hours later. Resist the urge to go off wandering like similar games and just follow the main storyline for awhile, you’ll get some equipment and training that will also increase your associated skills.
Most of that stuff is level gated so it’s slowly drip-fed as you level up, usually there’s only a couple options to choose from at any given time.
Going to give this a shot.
I've played a few hours. Enough to get past the credits sequence. It looks like this is where the game gets a bit less on-rails.
So far it feels like a really grim, magic-less Elder Scrolls. I do enjoy the UI.
Missed the vote but turns out I have this on Epic already. So I'm tentatively in. Probably need to finish off BG3 first, as I'm in Act 3 and getting close.
It is free on epic today and I will need/want a game to focus on this weekend so I might as well tag this thread.
Made it to Talmberg, but damn does the game not give you time to figure out stamina/bleeding/riding before throwing you to the wolves.
Had to restart that section almost a dozen times.
Yeah, that was a painful part of my journey as well. To be fair, it is pretty in-character for Henry though.
Rezzy wrote:Made it to Talmberg, but damn does the game not give you time to figure out stamina/bleeding/riding before throwing you to the wolves.
Had to restart that section almost a dozen times.I've just made it past this stage and I'm getting spanked. I don't like the Savior Snapps system. In fact, I'm sort of struggling to understand why they ever thought it was a good idea. Either implement Ironman or don't, but don't make burn saves early game.
There’s a sort of clunky way to cheat the save system- the “save & quit” saves are implied to be temporary but they actually aren’t, they just aren’t listed in the load screen. You can continue from a “save & quit” save as many times as you want but you have to fully close the game (without saving this time) and select continue from the main menu to reload. As long as you don’t have a more recent Schnapps or mission checkpoint save it will always reload the prior “save & quit” save.
Savior Schnapps are also craftable, once you unlock Alchemy.
Merphle wrote:Savior Schnapps are also craftable, once you unlock Alchemy.
Maybe it's just me in my cranky old age, but any game that doesn't come with a "you can save wherever and whenever you like" system is already having to work a lot harder to get me onboard.
I hear you. It's presumably meant to mitigate save scumming, but then they made those items easily craftable so it ends up just being a bit annoying. For what it's worth, I've got like 30 hours in the game (across Epic & Steam) and I don't think I've ever even used Schnapps once in that time. I usually carry one around with me just in the off chance that I want to make a "mid-quest checkpoint". Otherwise, sleeping for at least 1 hour will save your game, if I recall correctly.
And if you're on PC and really don't like this mechanic, there's undoubtedly a way to mod it out.
I got the game to point where the pre-game credits role and you clearly complete the "prologue". I'm beginning to suspect all that looting I did during that time was pointless.
There is a chest in the room you wake up in, but still... yeah. Probably. All that food spoils rather quickly.