WoW: The War Within Catch-All

The quest line "Remember Me, Earthen" is brutal. I lost my father after a stroke wiped out most of his identity. I kind of feel like this quest line needs a trigger warning or something.

So consider yourselves warned.

If you guys have been doing the story campaign, I just noticed yesterday they added up to 4/5. Just have to wait for 9/3 to finish the story and unlock the new Earthen race!

I’m firmly in the endgame rep grind now and in terms of story and zone design this is my favorite expansion in quite some time, but it’s also been one of the buggiest in recent memory and it’s only gotten moreso with some of the endgame stuff. There’s one activity in particular in Asj-Kahet that’s triggered by an NPC that randomly appears throughout the zone but whether the activity actually starts when you talk to them is sort of a crapshoot- half the time he does the animation to start the activity then nothing happens until the NPC resets.

Worked my way up to 77 after taking a break to level alts.
The expansion is a lot of fun. I think perhaps I should be doing more delves. Questing is netting around 1/12th or 1/15th of a level.

It seems they have revamped or added content to vanilla zones. There is a whole new lowbe section east of Thelsamar that I uncovered earlier this week.

Finally hit 80 earlier today.
My campaign progress shows 1/5
I feel like I've already put 20 hours into this. I mean, I am okay with having to do stuff post 80/leveling. But 4/5ths left is discouraging. Especially as a requirement for unlocking the earthen. (are they even available to unlock yet?)

Earthen unlocks only require like 3 side quest chains. They're marked as part of it when you accept them. IIRC they're all on the Isle of Dorn, though one is mainly inside the city with a quick trip down below.

I hit 80 on my main with just a bit of side questing and mostly focusing on the main story. I think with no side quests you can get through the main campaign by level 78. My other 80 got there from hitting a few world quests and doing the side stuff in Isle of Dorn and Ringing Deeps. Not sure what approach I'm going to take for Hallowfall and the Nerubian zone.

U need to complete the campaign to unlock Earthen up to and thru chapter 4. You also need to complete a few side quests.


I had to use wowhead's guide which also isn't entirely accurate. But earthen unlocked and their intro quest is pretty cool! It unlocks both horde and alliance races no matter which faction you use to unlock.

2 of the side quest chains I had mostly completed by level 78. However, one of them wouldn't assign me or let me complete the turn in until 80.
Another, the achievement may have been named correctly (mourning something) but the npc who starts the quest and the name of the starting quest is wrong. Thankfully, the right NPC is next to the wrong one. And when you look at the quest text from the right one, it lists that it is part of the Earthen unlock requirements.
The third was much more simple than the others but the NPC was tucked away really good.

I'll spoil the hints in case anyone else is struggling with earthen unlock:


-Korgan is the NPC that starts Mourning Rise, not Urtago. He is right next to Urtago but still. Before I Start is the starting quest. I never got To Mourning Rise.
The chain ends with Weight of Duty, but there are a hell of a lot more quests (17) than the guide initially shows. (I didn't realize I had to scroll on wowhead to see the full chain.
-Steelvein: I got to the step where he confronts Obstorn and then nothing. No turn in. Nothing on the map to continue the chain. I was 78 and when I hit 80 I started digging on wowhead to find the location of Steelvein to continue the quest. I think I ended up finding the scroll that gives the Sedition step to continue.
-Broken tools was quick and easy. Just for some reason, I have a hell of a time finding Machinist Kittrin.

Yeah, there's that one quest chain where it doesn't point you towards the next step; you just have to find the ! elsewhere in the city that does it. I think they were probably meant to be unlocked at various time and/or reputation thresholds. Either Blizzard decided not to do that or I passed all the rep thresholds before I started in on the quest. It was basically what my second character did when he dinged 80, so I could very well have just been ahead of the rep curve.

The thing that tripped me up is that you have to have renown 4 with each of the factions. I was only renown 3 with the Ringing Derps.

renown 3 with the Ringing Derps

You can get rep with the Derps?
Damn I need to take some sick days...

The goblin zone on the backside of ogrimmar has been spruced up a bit. The quest density has gone at least doubled since the last time I created a newb goblin. The xp reward is good, but not as good as hillsbrad and stone talon mts for horde. I will have gone from 10 to 23+ on my Maghar Orc warlock. I went affliction and like it a lot. At low levels it seems to lack aoe but trades that for a simpler rotation and the ability to tap everything with corruption in seconds. (seeds of corruption not needed)

Sad that they axed most of the troll newb zone. One of my favorite tactics was to bounce around from newb zone to newb zone to get to 30 really quickly. Then go to stone talon or stranglethorn for horde and redridge mtns for alliance.

So be careful with the “update gear” option in the character select screen- I tried it on an alt that was in the high 60’s and not only did it unequip all my profession tools, but it also gave me gear that was a couple points below what I already had and bags that were significantly worse, replacing all my 32 slots with 22 slots.
They were all sent to the mailbox so it was just a minor annoyance having to re-equip everything, but I guess “update” doesn’t necessarily mean “improve.”

Yeah that happened to several of my characters. I thought I read a patch note that they fixed something related to that, but apparently not everything got fixed.

The Gear Update is mostly meant for characters who are hanging around from before various item and character level squishes. I've got various alts sitting in their Legion strongholds with item levels at half of what they should have for their character levels who would greatly benefit from a gear update if I decided to return to them.

For more recent characters, like ones that got into Dragonflight and are appropriately geared for the current level and ilevel scale, it isn't so useful. They still let it trigger based on character activity because you still might want to clean out your quest log and start fresh.

On a different note, I'm kinda digging Delves. It's nice to have some challenging solo content. Some of the bosses are tuned a bit more aggressively than I'd like, but overall it's been fun. I like having to think about my pulls and crowd control abilities. Heck, I think this might be the first time I've ever cared about Soothing an Enrage effect, and that's been in the game since sometime before Burning Crusade. And I'm getting to know my Tank spec a lot better than I have before.

I had no idea what the gear update was and am a little annoyed that the option appeared for that character now since it also completely reset map progress and most flight paths across the entire game. It’s one of my two main alts that I’ve been using since Wrath, I just hadn’t gotten around to finishing Dragonflight and wanted to skip ahead to WW.

For all you BM hunters ...

You can now tame Aradan! Pretty easy to get done as it just includes a follower dungeon and that bird looks goooooood!


Keep track of your Spark halves. I had miscounted and hadn't realized I could have made myself a level 603 gun about a week ago. It turns out I had forgotten to combine mine, which is why I hadn't seen the resource as available on the crafting screen.

So if you need a 2-hander, or a second piece of whatever else, check and see if you can get it made.

Someone let me know when they patch in Dracthyr warriors and such I really loved playing Evoker and the ability to instantly take off into the sky was just an absolute pleasure. I think they're in PTR now?

Not sure.
Sites listed the 20th Anniv Event on Sept 27th but now it seems TBD.
I am sure all that they are adding to the game has introduced quite a few bugs and is taking longer to stabilize.

I really can't wait. Lots of dungeons and raids going follower or story mode. Drachyr get a host of new classes.(would have been cool if they could be demon hunters and got double wings!)
Gearing and transmogs and mounts, oh my!

Ooh. Looks like pushed back to oct 22nd

OMG the original warcraft faction crests look amazing!

edit: also loving my magar orc affliction warlock and my nightbourne blood death knight!