GWJ Strategy Club Game 17: Age of Wonders 4

The Summer 2024 strategy club title is Age of Wonders 4 which we will be playing from July 1, 2024, to September 30, 2024.

Steam Link


Rule a fantasy realm of your own design in Age of Wonders 4! Explore new magical realms in Age of Wonders’ signature blend of 4X strategy and turn-based tactical combat. Control a faction that grows and changes as you expand your empire with each turn.

If you're new to the club, please check out the main thread.

Count me in. It's been on the pile for a bit, and is already installed. May be a couple of weeks as I have another PC game I'm working on, but I'll get to this next.

Alright, I'll give this one a second chance. I don't remember why at this point, but I really disliked the game at launch. Glancing at the forum thread for the game, it seems at the very least I found the end-game to be a slog, especially coming off playing a bunch of Old World. Here's hoping that's been improved at least somewhat in the intervening year.

Count me... in? I stink at these games, so we'll see how it goes.

This is a good game, and it opens up after the initial game. If yo0u don't enjoy, well, you probably don't like the genre after all.

I'm on the fence whether I'm in. I don't have a copy of the game sitting around, don't have prior experience with the series, and have just dropped a bunch of coin on other new games in the Steam sale.

I'm in. Going to try to start a game tomorrow...

Moggy wrote:

I'm in. Going to try to start a game tomorrow...

Same here! They have beginner factions right?

Another excellent choice by the Strategy Game Club, I'll probably be playing along co-incidentally, much like with Gladius a while back. This has been my comfort game since it came out, and it just finished its initial DLC run, which I think has been popular enough that they're going to continue making DLC for it, although details about what that might be are thin so far.

If you're into the faction creation in Stellaris, this should also be right up your alley, although it's not quite that complex. You're given a lot of flexibility to create your own factions and leaders to a very granular degree. Half the fun for me is thinking up creative concepts and trying to make them work in game. But there's plenty of decent pre-made options if that isn't your bag. Meshara the Radiant was my pick for the tutorial, and I feel like she'd be a great beginner friendly option.

A couple of things that might be worth knowing going in: when you're outside of the campaign and picking map settings, the map size you choose is always relative to the number of players in the game, and the standard size is a lot tighter than you might expect in a comparable 4x, it's a real knife fight. I was initially a bit put off by that, and the large map size gives you a bit more breathing room, but I've come to like the tighter pacing in the default settings, there are rarely any lulls, and I find it more engaging with a lot of skirmishing right from the start, but your mileage may vary.

It's also not at all balanced for competitive multiplayer, especially at the moment after a recent DLC added some very powerful options, and if you're anything like me, that's a good thing, that way lies bland faction design, but once again, if you're into that sort of thing, I've heard it's very unbalanced. I imagine it'd be great for friendly comp stomps or similar messing about however.

I'm in, although I'd really like to add some of the DLC packs first. I'll let you know when I start

Trying to figure out if I play high elves, dark elves, or mystic humans. Having fun making all of those factions.

Started up Story Realm #2. The early game is really enjoyable. The fantasy-themed map has things to discover and lots of battles against various monsters, etc.

The only real complaint I have at this point is that the map feels a bit cramped.

I got this early on and kind of stalled out. This'll be the kick I need to have another go at it. Because of that I don't have any of the DLC, so maybe I'll pick some up on Steam Sale discount if it appeals.

billt721, the maps seem deliberately small and chock-a-block with stuff. I think that is to prevent the games elongating into drudge-work finishes. At least that's how it works for me.

I was playing AoW4 for a while last month, so this is a good excuse to pick it up again.

I've bounced off all of the other Age of Wonders games, so I was a little surprised how much it worked for me.

Redwing wrote:

It's also not at all balanced for competitive multiplayer, especially at the moment after a recent DLC added some very powerful options, and if you're anything like me, that's a good thing, that way lies bland faction design, but once again, if you're into that sort of thing, I've heard it's very unbalanced. I imagine it'd be great for friendly comp stomps or similar messing about however.

I think that's what I like about it--it's not great if you want to have a fair fight, but none of my fantasies about bring a fantasy wizard involve fighting fair. It's more fun to throw wildly imbalanced armies into the fray.

The thing that I both like and don't like about Age of Wonders 4 is how you can turn around a complete disaster. It feels terrible to have a massive stack out number you, or to have your entire army wiped out, but both of those things can be turned around. You can't always win against the odds, but the right spell can really disrupt things enough to tip a close battle into an overwhelming one. Getting your armies wiped out is bad, but you can bounce back (particularly if the upkeep was draining all your resources).

I'm up and running, put about 3 hours in the tutorial the last couple of days. I was expecting it to be a few quests to teach you how to play, but it's actually a full blown regular quick match with a bit of tutorializing on top, which is kind of impressive. I'm going for an expansion victory for now, trying to take over as much land as possible. Wasn't sure I was going to get into much war (although I guess the tactical side is the calling card of the AOW series), but one AI was buddying up to me and the other was talking trash. They went to war and I got dragged in, so that's the next thing on the to do list. Hopefully I can get a real feel for how combat works, since most up to this point have been more 6v2 or 6v2 battles that I might auto complete.

I'm also noticing right away that the strategic level is more fun for some reason than AOW Planetfall was, which we played a bit ago. I can't put my finger on it, but there seems to be more going on and more interesting decisions to make.

Evening edit: I finished the tutorial campaign via conquest. There was two AIs, one was my ally and we stomped the other. Apparently I didn't have to conquer both to get the win. About six hours total in the last couple of days, which is a lot for me. I forgot how addictive strategy games could be once they're up and running.

Magelock + the Killing Momentum skill might be my favorite combination.

Empire Improvements "Death Magic" and "Quickening" + summoning "Explosive Manifestation" + Spellweaver's "Weavers Overchannel" = drop an army behind enemy lines on turn 1 and wreck their soft units. Burns Mana like nobody's business, though.

Oh this is awesome. I love this game and I have been looking for an excuse to get back to it!

Finally got around to firing this up the other night, only to find one of the updates has apparently wiped all my save files, custom races and pantheon progress.

I know it really doesn’t matter at all, but I’m unfeasibly annoyed by it.

I’m also regretting picking this up on Epic Games Store as there really hasn’t been any sales of note that include this game, and none of the major online stores will sale any epic keys unless they relate to Fortnite. I’m not forking out £41 for the expansion pass just yet.

None of the updates wiped my pantheon on steam. I'm guessing something went wrong with the cloud save. I can't speak for Epic Games store but Steam has had trouble with saving and loading the cloud data with this game before when I switched computers. Might be worth manually backing up saves.

I knocked out the next story realm - while the beginner scenario (Fields of Rebirth) felt like a nice whole 6 hour mission, this one (Valley of Wonders) took just about 2.5 hours. It was just all about rushing against the one enemy, and was easy enough. I find I like to do the big siege missions even if they take longer than others. Having the big battles are pretty fun.

I still don't have much idea why I would pick one set of tomes over another as I play through the game; I've heard enough that the customization and roleplaying is what they're going for (more like Stellaris than Civ), and so maybe the point is to pick whatever sounds good, instead of encouraging minmaxing. Not really sure, but I do sort of like the flexibility.