I don't think any class is weak for the player, but I don't think some of the more straightforward classes are better for pawns. Then again though I haven't seen enough to be certain.
I’ve maxed mage, gotten fighter, mystic spearhand, archer to rank 5-6, and thief to 3.
Archer definitely felt slow to start but got much better at rank 4 when I got torrent shot. If you hold down r1 to manually aim, it’s very powerful. I’ve seen it melt an entire bar of health off a cyclops.
Regarding the game as a whole, I’ve settled into a comfortable groove once I remembered thanks to a post here that DD is best enjoyed for the journey, not the destination. Exploring without any particular aim is a lot of fun and making your character stronger just comes with the process.
This will sound VERY SILLY (As I havent done it in DD1) But what is the use to level multiple vocations?
This will sound VERY SILLY (As I havent done it in DD1) But what is the use to level multiple vocations?
There's no end goal. You pick what vocation you like and it levels as you play it.
This will sound VERY SILLY (As I havent done it in DD1) But what is the use to level multiple vocations?
vocation augments you’ve unlocked carry over and become available to all vocations, and there’s an advanced vocation later on that can use any skill you’ve unlocked in the other vocations.
Thaks for the explanation
The game is too long to only experience one play style, IMO. The different vocations are all so unique, you’re missing like half the magic of the game if you only ever play one.
That i s a good point
The game is too long to only experience one play style, IMO. The different vocations are all so unique, you’re missing like half the magic of the game if you only ever play one.
I'm finding it very hard to change from thief. I came into the game wanting to play just Mystic Spearhand but after spending 30 hours as a thief, I'm not as interested in that or any other class.
I had easily the most rewarding and epic experience so far in the game exploring a random cave that I happened to come across. Spent about an hour going through and it was very unexpected. Very minor spoiler just pointing out which cave.
There's a large cave system next to the waterfall north of Borderwatch Outpost that has some very interesting loot and enemies. Its worth the trek and there are also some nice points of interest in the area.
It s very nice to see all this nice comments
The game is too long to only experience one play style, IMO. The different vocations are all so unique, you’re missing like half the magic of the game if you only ever play one.
Definitely this. For my pawn it's so I can give them the best augments from each vocation, but for me it's because the different playstyles scratch different itches.
I am liking the game but damm they do seem to hate the player - and not in the good "dark souls" way.
small spoilers
I am suposed to go to a ball in a mask to meet the arisen. I get mask, I get clothes, I go to the location. No one is there. It occurs to me it is a ball so maybe I need to show up at night. No way to pass time that I can find except at a few benches around. So I have to go find a bench, then "doze off".
I go to the ball and there are a lot of people, yay! I put on my mask, I put on my clothes, I walk in - and suddenly every guard attacks me and I am tossed in prison.
Ok I maybe that is a scripted thing. I pay half my money to get out of prison and get all my stuff back. Not horrible I think. I go to the ball again, and instantly all the guards attack me again. Tossed back in prison.
At this point I am wondering if I am suposed to be doing something else, but the quest log hasn't changed so how would I guess that?
Hey the game has a system with very chatty AI to tell me about all sorts of stuff. Maybe they will say "arisen perhaps we should come back later" or something....no.
No clues no information, nothing to make sense of what I am supposed to do.
Really that isn't about making the game tough, or making players learn mechanics or even making players figure out puzzles. It is just poor design.
I am liking the game but damm they do seem to hate the player - and not in the good "dark souls" way.
small spoilers
Spoiler:I am suposed to go to a ball in a mask to meet the arisen. I get mask, I get clothes, I go to the location. No one is there. It occurs to me it is a ball so maybe I need to show up at night. No way to pass time that I can find except at a few benches around. So I have to go find a bench, then "doze off".
I go to the ball and there are a lot of people, yay! I put on my mask, I put on my clothes, I walk in - and suddenly every guard attacks me and I am tossed in prison.
Ok I maybe that is a scripted thing. I pay half my money to get out of prison and get all my stuff back. Not horrible I think. I go to the ball again, and instantly all the guards attack me again. Tossed back in prison.
At this point I am wondering if I am suposed to be doing something else, but the quest log hasn't changed so how would I guess that?
Hey the game has a system with very chatty AI to tell me about all sorts of stuff. Maybe they will say "arisen perhaps we should come back later" or something....no.
No clues no information, nothing to make sense of what I am supposed to do.Really that isn't about making the game tough, or making players learn mechanics or even making players figure out puzzles. It is just poor design.
Interesting. I did not have that problem. It went off without a hitch.
I will have to reload from an inn save and see if it works.
Another time when having only one save file is annoying.
I will have to reload from an inn save and see if it works.
Another time when having only one save file is annoying.
Did you
get the correct clothes, though?
Beats me.
I got a set of nobles clothes. I would like it if pawns who can tell me about every chest, etc. could say "youre not dressed right, or some indication.
And watching FightinCowboy's lets play at 8:42 (https://youtu.be/hUgrzb4jT98?si=xlR5...) he is talked to by someone who didn't' appear to me.
I understand your pain, farley3k. I've been set upon a couple of times, and I've not fully understood why.
On one occasion I went to the gaol, as instructed. And was beaten, arrested and thrown into gaol myself before I'd found and spoken to my target. That happened twice.
I was also set upon by local ruffians when trying to catch an oxcart to Melve, and even reloading my most recent save (not an 'inn save', mind you) didn't help.
It is hard to know whether this is mission design, a bug or something that I've unwittingly done.
What I'm learning through this, however, is that this is a game that demands to be played at different paces, depending on what the player is doing. I realise now that I'm only half-reading (or not reading at all) some of the pop-ups that appear when something new happens to my character, because I'm in a hurry to get to the next mission or the next fight. As a result, I missing out on crucial story, mission and general gameplay information.
I'm now playing much more slowly when I've got a pop-up on screen, or I'm interacting with NPCs.
I didn't realise, for example, that when a Pawn says 'I know where to find 'X' I should give them the 'Go' command. Instead, I've been wandering through the conversation menu wondering why they won't 'do-the-thing'.
I completely missed how devastating Dragon's Plague can be, because I couldn't really be bother to read and re-read the pop up.
I only realised how important that info was when I came across a guide on Kotaku.
As beanman101283 suggests, it may be something as small as not having all the right gear.
Also, don't we have two save files? Last save, and last-save-at-an-inn?
Two things about stealth. If the music changes from normal to something suspenseful that means you are considered trespassing.
When I did the same thing you did I made sure to unequip unrelated gear and talk to the guard at the door. Had to wait an extra day as it was cancelled for that night. Which the guard told me.
There is also an alternative solution. If you have made a nearby friend. Being cagey as the spoiler button is not working while posting.
You guys are making me test my willl power to its fullest.
I am close to finishing DD1 and I want to jump right in into this one.
So unless FF16 sucks real bad, i will keep resisting the temptation you devilish heretics! hehe
You guys are making me test my willl power to its fullest.
I am close to finishing DD1 and I want to jump right in into this one.So unless FF16 sucks real bad, i will keep resisting the temptation you devilish heretics! hehe
Having played through FFXVI and sat with it for awhile, I think DD2 is more worth your time, TBH.
There are interesting things about FFXVI, but DD2 is just so much more compelling. Especially if you dug DD1. This is that game but fully realized. And, for all of the ways it is dealing in tropes and some pretty bog standard genre stuff, the deviations and swings away from that status quo that it takes both mechanically and narratively make it a must play for anyone with a deep interest in the medium, IMO. I'm so utterly charmed by it.
I should also note that FFXVI was a major case of diminishing returns for me. I was mixed positive on it initially, but it cratered in my estimation once I reflected on it. I think some of the titan battles are neat, there's a visual gee whiz golly wow factor there, but beyond those things I don't know that there's much "there" there, if that makes sense. I hit a bit of a fatigue wall part way through it and pressed through and finished it, but if I could do it again I wouldn't. I'd put that time into another game. (Not that I regret it, I just didn't get much out of the back half of the game.)
I say stick with FF16. You just got off a long stretch of DD1. You don't want burnout.
I would also say that I bet the game goes on sale soon. It feels like Capcom is a publisher that does a lot of sales.
I say stick with FF16. You just got off a long stretch of DD1. You don't want burnout.
Yeah I agree with this. I'm more positive on FF16 than harpo, but even if i wasn't, I think it's good to take a break before jumping right into the sequel. Plus you've already spent the money for FF16, and you've been talking about starting it for months. Check it off the list, then see if you're still excited to return to DD2.
Capcom is looking for feedback about the game. Takes about 5 minutes.
Just like that, im 106 Horus into Dragon's Dogma 1
Level 68, BANG
I think Capcom needs to check their code. Monsters are appearing inside the castle walls. So far I've seen Goblins, an Ogre and just now had Saurians spawn inside the inn when I chose to rest.
Beats me.
Spoiler:I got a set of nobles clothes. I would like it if pawns who can tell me about every chest, etc. could say "youre not dressed right, or some indication.
And watching FightinCowboy's lets play at 8:42 (https://youtu.be/hUgrzb4jT98?si=xlR5...) he is talked to by someone who didn't' appear to me.
That could be an issue with how you waited in a nearby bench instead of waiting elsewhere and then approaching the ballroom. I've had that happen in the other sneaky quests too. If you are in the palace area and wait until nightfall you may not trigger then npc guard who is supposed to escort you to the entrance of where you need to get to, which means the conditions the captain arranged don't get applied.
Another thing I've had happen was that I didn't take a warning seriously enough about what I was supposed to do. When I was given access to the goal I first tried to explore it and open chests, which made the guards hostile. After reloading I just stuck to what I was supposed to do, freeing the prisoner, and none of the guards went hostile.
There's actually a lot of stuff like this in the game, so it's likely a design decision to not "coddle" the player rather than an oversight. It makes the npc chatter actually worth paying attention to. I've found quests this way, but they don't trigger when you overhear the chatter like most rpgs, you have to go find the thing they're talking about first before the quest gets registered in your quest log. I've also used this to find out how to sneak into Battahl. A random npc in Vernworth mentioned you could sneak past the border guard by hiding in an oxcart. I had to wait a long time before one went up to the gate, but it actually worked. It just had to be the fancy noble kind of cart, which has a "wall" you can use to stay out of the guard's line-of-sight .
20hrs in. Level 25. Just plinking away. Haven’t really advanced the story past completing most of the Brant quests.
While I wouldn’t call it groundbreaking, it’s keeping me coming back. Sort of like a summer action flick or junk food. They did a great job on the environment and vistas. There’s a sense of distance, depth, and scale that I don’t think other games have done as well.
Hoping they can patch some of the performance issues to smooth out the frame chugging in towns.