Hmm, I've not seen that noted as a criticism before - the remake thing, that is (although I've not booted mine up yet, I'm waiting for the first patch or two).
So I chose my words there carefully - remastered expansion, not remake. The story is better explained and told, but some of the bullet points are remarkably similar. You find your way to a big city and get told by a knight-captain type that you need to do three quests across the land to be let into the meat of the plot in both games, for example.
Graphically it’s better but nothing particularly impressive if you’ve played the first game on PS4. Maybe PC is leaps better but I’m a console guy and PS5 it’s just kinda par for the course. Graphics are diminishing returns for me anyway.
My main point of pain is the combat and classes. It just isn’t the direction I’d hoped they would go. Fighter and Warrior play exactly the same as the first game as far as I’ve seen. Mage seems a little different, a few new spells and mechanics, but 75% is the same. They eliminated a couple of classes I enjoyed. They made it so thieves can’t use bows and archers can’t use daggers, which makes both vocations feel kinda like half of strider from the first game. And then the three new classes are reportedly obtained mid-game. So if you want to play an archer I guess you’re just stuck with the base class for 30+ hours? I guess that encourages branching out, which is a good and integral part of the game, but it still feels odd that you unlock advanced fighter and mage classes within the first 5ish hours but have to wait however much longer for archer.
I’m enjoying the game because the baseline experience is still fun and unique but I feel like they should/could have come up with more unique combat mechanics.
Thanks for sharing and give out those points. And despite that glad to see that you are still having a good time
Yeah overall there's not much innovation in the combat so far. It feels a bit more polished with some new moves. As if the give was released five years after the first one not 10+. That said everything else feels more polished too. It really comes down to if you liked the original and wanted more. You'll like this. Otherwise nah.
My whiny thief pawn is great. "Must we run everywhere? You sure are in a hurry."
The classes are unlockable from very early levels.
It mostly just takes a little to a lot of running depending on whether you want to unlock the warfarer. There is a video on how to do each class with an edit to include the warfarer.
Class unlock spoilers
-Warrior and Sorcerer you need to find their weapons in the first main city
-The other base classes can be unlocked in the same city with the vocation trainer who you turn in the warrior and sorcerer weapons to
-mystic spear you have to fight and do an amount of damage to a certain small dragon that has blisters on it
One of the guys that helps you fight is the spear trainer
-mystic archer is gotten by helping a dwarf on the road who's wife is the elven trainer
-trickster has something to do with finding a temple not far from the house of the mystic archer
-warfarer needs you to find 3 bottles of wine in a few locations and give them to the trainer that is the furthest along the main story path
Apparently you can just find the wine and run to the trainer to unlock it
There's also a mod out that eliminates job requirements for weapons/armor.
Kinda bums me out that there is only a single save.
I would have loved to have made another character that tries to get the warfarer out of the gate...
Finally picked up my Best Buy preorder, but was informed that the steelbook preorder bonus was apparently first-come-first-serve depending on when the preorder was placed, and I apparently didn't qualify.
Small potatoes all things considered, the real item of value is the game itself, but also me likey shiny...
Finally picked up my Best Buy preorder, but was informed that the steelbook preorder bonus was apparently first-come-first-serve depending on when the preorder was placed, and I apparently didn't qualify.
Small potatoes all things considered, the real item of value is the game itself, but also me likey shiny...
I picked mine up yesterday within a few hours of the notification email and they told me the same thing. How are they gone already? I don't recall seeing while supplies last when I preordered so this will be my last time buying from BB. Should probably just go all digital at this point.
The thief class has a skill called gut and run. I swear it's broken against large enemies. A griffon showed up and random and I thought I was screwed. I basically stun locked the damn bird as the rest of the team stomped it hard. Damn think flew away with a sliver of health and I was so pissed I chased after it. Randomly it attacked me again but landed next to some explosives. Which my pawn caused a nice kaboom. Cooked birdbrain anyone.
But yeah that skill murders ogres, and other large creatures that bleed. It causes huge damage if you hit a weak point then stuns them as they fall. Wail on them again and repeat the whole thing when they get up. The thief's whole sticht seems to be hit'em while they're down. It's good fun. I've set my main pawn to knock enemies around at which point I jump them.
Got my copy last night. Played it a little, then more this morning. I love it. My opinion is very biased considering I was playing DD1 up until two days ago. Take it or leave it.
Go for it! Eager to see your Opinions
PSA for anyone else that didn't get the tutorial message popup until 5 hrs into the game. Yes, 5 hours.
When a pawn tells you they know where something is. Press up on the D-pad ("Go") and they will lead you there.
PSA for anyone else that didn't get the tutorial message popup until 5 hrs into the game. Yes, 5 hours.
When a pawn tells you they know where something is. Press up on the D-pad ("Go") and they will lead you there.
Also if the are trying to point out something it often appears as an exclamation mark on the minimap. Like when they see something useful like a ladder or seeker token. Or something useless. Like a poster for a sale on vegetables.
It can show up much earlier. Tutorial messages pop up when you first encounter the right conditions. So it taking 5 hours means you just didn't have a hired pawn that had the required knowledge, didn't have the correct inclination. I have noticed that while the pawn system is greatly improved, a lot of it needs to be unlocked. You get inclination items you can use on your main pawn that give them passive abilities like using curatives on everyone (base pawn behavior is to only use them on themselves), or being able to show where rare resources are (useful for after you've already explored an area, or if your main pawn learned about them when hired by another arisen).
Only the hype/disappointment issue, I feel like a lot of people are going to bounce off the game the same way lots of people have with the first one. I know it took me multiple tries over several years before it finally clicked with me, but once I was in the right gaming mood for the type of game it is, it was great. The setting is typical fantasy rpg, but the mechanics are very much not what people usually expect in typical fantasy rpg games, and can feel unfairly limited and punishing in that regard. It auto-saves a lot, and the one-save file can mean you occasionally get stuck with a quest resolution you did not want, unless you want to redo hours of playtime from your last inn/camp save.
Nah. I had pawns telling me they knew where a cheat was for a good few hours before the tutorial popped up. I was getting annoyed because I didn’t know what to do.
Then a pawn carried a downed comrade to me in the heat of battle for healing and all was forgiven. Way to go Corazon!
I had a great moment fighting a griffin. We were wailing on it pretty hard when it decided to fly away. With me still on it. At this point I panic using stamina potions to hold on. It eventually crashes from the damage I'm doing and lands between two special ogres. Who decide to wail on both of us. Griffin flies away, without me this time, and I kill one ogre then run like hell. As I was extremely damaged by this point.
Now there's a curious case of the thief not having an advanced class or another class it can easily shift into. So I'm not sure what to switch to now that I maxed it out. Which was a lot quicker then I thought. Even if I stay thief I could use a few augments from another class. Something to think on.
On a negative side the game crashing has not really stopped for me. Sometimes I can play hours without issue. Other times its every 20 minutes. I have a few guess, alt tabbing, cpu load, etc. But nothing concrete sadly. Otherwise the game has been playing fine for me.
I spent most of my pawn currency on a good pawn only 10 minutes later to watch her run after some goblin and then just vanish in mid air. The other pawn commented a few minutes later how they miss having a thief in the party. Can other players pawns vanish like that?
I had a mage disappear, noticed it right before dragon spotted me. I’m so dead and it autosaved right there when it aggroes.
I've not had them disappear, but I have had it look like they disappeared but fell into water. They go straight back to the rift when that happens.
I had a mage disappear, noticed it right before dragon spotted me. I’m so dead and it autosaved right there when it aggroes.
To flee when faced with a superior foe isn't cowardice, tis survival.
I had to take a lengthy detour on an escort/amenity quest because a dragon blocked the road and I have no hope of taking one on currently.
I finally got some time to play (~5 hours) and as someone who didn't play DD1 I'm feeling mixed emotions and some frustration. Couple of questions, none of these are spoilers they're just general gameplay mechanics -
>I don't see any upside to riding an oxcart unless I'm missing something. They're slow, vulnerable and forced to stay on main roads. Why would I ride one when I can walk twice as fast with more maneuverability from attacks. Is there a reason why I would want to hop on one?
>Is there a way to instruct pawns to avoid combat before it begins and to have them abort combat once it begins. I stumbled into a higher level group of enemies and it was struggle to get them to stop fighting, seems like it just happened by chance.
>I'm playing as a average sized thief and finding the encumberance to be very problematic as I am getting heavy so quickly. This seems odd and even more so when the large beastern in my group does as well. Is this normal and what's the best way to increase weight carry early in the game for myself and pawns?
>There are enemies in just about every direction I turn, most of them being goblins, and it seeks like I'm getting into battles constantly with no time to explore. It's this how the entire game will be? Maybe its just the area I'm in but it's excessive and even more annoying because I'm so underleveled.
You can fast travel on the oxcart by choosing nod off once you're on it. Still a potential to be attacked but not always.
I think much of how your pawns behave depends on their inclinations. Kindhearted inclination will keep them closer to you as they'll be healing/buffing/protecting.
In combat the "wait" command will stop them, "follow me" works if you're running away.
Encumbrance- yeah. Eat the gold bugs and spread equipment across your main pawn and yourself. Crafting items helps reduce weight and store things at the inn. I think the weight of the camping supplies should be nerfed.
Constant battles are part of exploration, that doesn't ever change. If combat feels overwhelming, it might help to buy better gear (spending everything you have on the best gear you can afford does make a difference, especially at early levels), change up your equipped skills (some are only useful in certain situations or when going up against certain enemies). Also make sure your hired pawns have skills that complement you and your main pawn and that you are swapping them out every so often as you level up. Once they're hired, they don't level up on their own, but you can release them and find them again using a rift stone, and if their Arisen has improved their level/gear/skills since you had first hired them, you'll see that. Pawns that belong to people on your friend's list don't cost Rift Crystals to hire, so you can get pawns much stronger than you for free that way.
On buying and upgrading gear. I'm almost constantly broke due to this and it is worth it in my view. Enemies don't level with you in the zones around you. So those annoying fighting take seconds or can just be ignored. I don't bother hoarding upgrade materials and just spend them as soon as I get them. Higher level weapons require higher level materials anyway. Plus it lowers the weight of gear which is super helpful.
When it comes to weight. I deposit everything that isn't healing, or equipped. One tent is enough and my pawn carries it. I often sell most the non healing potions. As they are so rarely needed. There is a pawn specialization that automatically moves stuff around in backpacks. So that weight is more evenly distributed. Sadly I overwrote that not realizing a pawn could only have one specialization.
Worth noting as well that anything your visiting pawns have collected (or you shunted into their packs) automatically goes into your storage if they die or you dismiss them.
So if you’re in the middle of nowhere, you can always load up a visitor and send them away to (I imagine) drag all your stuff to an inn. It’s not very nice, but it IS efficient.
I also just noticed that you get a base set of gear when you learn a vocation, and that gear gets dumped into your backpack immediately upon learning it. So be sure to move that stuff to storage. Especially if you're just learning and not switching.
Apparently the base gear is very much that. So you should look for a vendor because for not a lot of gold you can find serviceable equipment that is much better that the starter stuff.
Of note: the game hard crashed on me just after I switched to archer in Melve. I haven't played since
Encumbrance: fight the instinct to have a bunch of “just in case” potions and food. Your mage has infinite healing. I keep a few panaceas, a camping kit, a ferrystone, a wakestone, lamp, and my gear. Everything else gets stuck in storage. If you run into some specialized enemies you can go grab stuff pretty easily.
Edit: also it took me a bit to notice, you can find gold bugs on trees and using them as an item adds .15kg to your max encumbrance.
I went and got the trickster class last night. It’s quite absurd for anyone to say it’s simple to get before level 25 or so lol.
So dumb they locked the Warrior vocation behind a seemingly random Greatsword that you can find on one of the first main storyline quests. I figured it was just junk and sold it to get my character a better sword. Now apparently you get locked out for quite some time since you can’t buy anything back from Vendors.