Dragon's Dogma 2 Catch-All

Honestly you can switch between them all pretty easy and its even recommended as you'll probable max more then a few. I did enjoy the thief/rogue class a lot. As you had to climb and it felt like you hit real hard.

Yeah, thief was the best feeling basic vocation for me. Beyond the climbing and powerful attack on weakspots, it also has the dodge ability to avoid hard-hitting attacks from big monsters. Once learned, the augments from one vocation can be used with any other vocation, so maxing out all vocations is highly encouraged, for both you and your pawn (which will be much easier as they can't learn hybrid vocations).

Watching a Lets play of Fable 3 (released in 2010) and I want the sparkling trail that leads you where you should go in DD2. The only, really only thing stopping me from playing DD2 is how incredibly frustrating it is to figure out where to go.

You can use pawns for that. If a hired pawn has knowledge of a quest, or if your pawn has done the quest while hired by another player, they can guide you to where you need to go. Have the quest be the active one and use the "Go" command and they'll lead you to where you need to go. If you happen to get distracted by a monster or collectable or just exploring, you can just hit the "go" command again and they should start leading you again. If you need to, you can specifially search for pawns with knowledge of the quest you need guidance for.

Some quests will just be frustrating (especially the sphinx riddles), which is a deliberate choice by the developers rather than an oversight.

As Stengah says, the pawn systems is a brilliant solution to this problem (I guess it falls under the modern gaming definition of 'diagetic'). The problem this doesn't solve is the often significant distances involved. It's no joke having to follow a pawn from one end of the map to the other.

From memory, the Sphinx riddles involved an awful lot of legwork.

detroit20 wrote:

As Stengah says, the pawn systems is a brilliant solution to this problem (I guess it falls under the modern gaming definition of 'diagetic'). The problem this doesn't solve is the often significant distances involved. It's no joke having to follow a pawn from one end of the map to the other.

From memory, the Sphinx riddles involved an awful lot of legwork.

It's highly recommended to place a portcrystal at her location, which saves a lot of running around.

You almost have to for one of the Sphinx quests:


There's one where you have to bring her a certain NPC and the idea of dragging his ass all the way there, without dropping him off one of the many nearby cliffs when he struggles out of your grip or getting killed by a random mob seems like a nightmare. I know there's a bottle you can use to capture one NPC but I couldn't figure out how to use it so I just slung him over my shoulder and warped straight to the sphinx

Vulpes Absurda wrote:

You almost have to for one of the Sphinx quests:


There's one where you have to bring her a certain NPC and the idea of dragging his ass all the way there, without dropping him off one of the many nearby cliffs when he struggles out of your grip or getting killed by a random mob seems like a nightmare. I know there's a bottle you can use to capture one NPC but I couldn't figure out how to use it so I just slung him over my shoulder and warped straight to the sphinx

I was thinking of the amphora quest, but yes, that one too.


You need to deliver a very breakable vase to a specific NPC who is located in Bakbattahl. Even if you set it down each time you enter combat it can be easily broken by aoe, or even just if you drop it from too high a height. Or, you can go find the NPC in Bakbattahl, pick him up and teleport back so you can deliver him to the vase instead and save yourself a whole lot of trouble.