Rich, Allen, and Amanda have a chat about games that make mechanics you hate more fun.
Games: Laika: Aged Through Blood, Thirsty Suitors, Alan Wake 2, Cultic: Intermission, Forgive Me Father, World of Horror.
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00:01:18 Laika: Aged Through Blood
00:11:10 Thirsty Suitors
00:18:02 Alan Wake 2
00:30:02 Cultic: Chapter One
00:31:53 Forgive Me Father
00:35:33 World of Horror
00:38:21 Games That Make Mechanics You Hate More Fun
I generally dislike arena shooters. When playing solo they fell like a pointless merry-go-round of spawning, possibly shooting one person or being shot, dying and respawning.
On top of that team based arena shooters add the unbearable pressure of having to constantly play well in order to not let the rest of your team down (I’ve enjoyed playing Battlefield in the past because you are one of twenty or more so the pressure to perform feels lower.)
Uncharted multiplayer is a team based arena shooter where the mystical powers, AI companions, and utility items offer more varied and interesting matches as wildly different strategies emerge and I enjoy it immensely. I probably would have given the game up long ago though if it wasn’t for Spikeout who is a natural encourager and who never complains (but sometimes offers tips!) when I’m playing poorly.
Also, I recent years I’ve tended to disliked games with reams of text to read but Citizen Sleeper, with it’s evocative writing (the kind of writing where, when the protagonist eats a meal, you can practically taste it,) has fully converted me and I’m now onto Disco Elysium.
‘…or you can get to work. That's all it is. You just begin. You do the math. You solve one problem... and you solve the next one... and then the next. And If you solve enough problems, you get to go home.’ - Mark Watney, The Martian.