The GWJ cRPG Club Main Thread Part 2 - Now Playing Kingdom Come: Deliverance

The latest Humble Bundle might be of interest to anyone who is interested in Owlcat’s Pathfinder games & Rogue Trader, or not own any of Beamdog’s Black Isle enhanced editions.

It’s pretty good tbh. I’m not really a fan of Owlcat’s Pathfinder games - far too bloated for their own good - but getting them all plus the season passes is probably not to be sniffed at.

Erm, so having a quiet evening I've realised I haven't updated this in quite a while, and I've just checked back on the last couple of games and updated accordingly.

Shoutout to AlienLoveGardner for pulling out in front of us all at level 18, and Gewy jumping two levels after the last couple of games I hadn't got around to acknowledging them for!

Although I appreciate the more relaxed approach we have taken this year, I now feel like we've possible taken it too far and we're all forgetting this club is even a thing. I think next year I will see how we all feel about either going back to the one game per quarter schedule, or maybe a game every 4 months instead of 3.

We can talk about this nearer to Christmas if needed.

Ok people.

Thinking caps on. I’ll be kicking off for the next game soon, I’ll be aiming to have the voting done before Christmas Day as I’ll be travelling over the New Year period.

A lot of games became eligible this month, not least Baldur’s Gate 3 and Rogue Trader. There’s also the imminent release of Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 and the first game might be something to think about too.

I know I didn’t get much response to my last post but next year I think I might move to one game per 4 months, as 6 months between games feels a little too long. We had very little engagement for PoE2, and CP2077 didn’t really pick up until the last couple of weeks.

Of course if people would rather keep things as they are or move back to one game per quarter then that’s fine too. Just……. be vocal about it.

4 months seems like a good middle ground to me.

4 has a nice ring to it.

My delayed engagement was due to committing to three monster club games at the same time (Cyberpunk, Crosscode, and Octopath Traveler II), so I had to do them one after the other. The order I played them in was mostly randomly selected this time.

4 months, 6 months, doesn't really make much difference to me except that the CRPG club game would be higher in the priority list if I ever found myself in a similar situation again.

I'd totally be down for some KC:Deliverance. Been wanting to play it for years, but just haven't had that nudge that gets me there.

I think 4 months is reasonable as well.

Four sounds good to me.


Nominations for the 27th cRPG club game are now open

I appreciate I am doing this a little early, but I have travel plans over the new year and I don't want to be doing this then. Plus getting it done before Christmas will give us longer to make use of the Steam sale.

Usual format - you can nominate 1 game but can second as many as you like. I'm going to go for 3 days (ish) between each phase:

1. Initial Nomination round to close Wednesday 18th December 9pm GMT.
2. "Pick 6" round (depending on the number of nominations) to close Saturday 21st December 9pm GMT
3. Final pick round to close Christmas Eve, 9pm GMT - I'll get the results sorted as quick as I can

Nominate away.

I will start with Baldurs Gate 3 on the basis we should go big or go home.

I nominate Greedfall.

I’ll nominate Fallout: New Vegas

Seconding BG3.

BG3 is gonna run away with this one, and I'm fine with it. But I'm gonna nominate Daggerfall, now that the Daggerfall Unity project is in such great shape.

I was gonna nominate Greedfall probably, so I’ll second it.

I'll nominate Kingdom Come: Deliverance, in preparation for KC:D 2 early next year.

I'll second Kingdom Come: Deliverance.

I'll second Fallout: New Vegas.

OK, first 24 hours and we have:

Nominated and Seconded

Baldurs Gate 3
Fallout: New Vegas
Kingdom Come: Deliverance

Nominated Only


Plenty of time to get those nominations in.

*Legion* wrote:

Seconding BG3.

BG3 is gonna run away with this one, and I'm fine with it. But I'm gonna nominate Daggerfall, now that the Daggerfall Unity project is in such great shape.


OK, so with 24 hours left we have:

Nominated and Seconded

Baldurs Gate 3
Fallout: New Vegas
Kingdom Come: Deliverance

Get those votes in, don't be shy etc etc

12 hours to go and it looks like we’ll be moving straight to ranked choice.

Hopefully I made it just under the wire:

Fallout 4

jdzappa wrote:

Hopefully I made it just under the wire:

Fallout 4

I'll second whichever one of those you go with since they're both on my unplayed pile, which, yeah, is pretty surprising in the case of Skyrim. Or both, if that's allowed.

In a surprising turn of events, Jdzappa has nominated Skyrim which Gewy has seconded, and Gewy has nominated Fallout 4, which I will second. unless Gewy wants to nominate something else in the next hour or so...!

Sure I’ll nominate Fallout 4.

OK, nominations closed.

Pick 6 Voting Time

So we've ended up with 7 candidates for this round, some old stalwarts have reappeared and a couple of new choices as well.

In this voting round, pick up to 6 candidates that you'd like to play. This is an unranked round, so just list them in any order.

This round will run until 9pm (GMT) on Saturday, 21st December. When we are finished, the top 5 vote getters will be carried over to our ranked voting round. (If two games are tied for 6th place, we'll carry both games to the final round. If more than 2 games are tied for 6th place, we'll drop them and carry 5 games to the final round.)

I'll do the prices the next round. For now here are the steam links:

Baldurs Gate 3
Fallout: New Vegas
Kingdom Come: Deliverance
Daggerfall (Free to play Steam version), Daggerfall Unity project
Fallout 4

I've just realised we have two fallout games, but I don't think that violates any rules or anything, so whatever.

Quicklist for ease of voting:

Baldurs Gate 3
Fallout: New Vegas
Kingdom Come: Deliverance
Fallout 4

Fallout: New Vegas
Kingdom Come: Deliverance

Kingdom Come: Deliverance
Fallout 4

Baldurs Gate 3
Kingdom Come: Deliverance
Fallout 4

Baldurs Gate 3
Kingdom Come: Deliverance
Fallout 4
Fallout New Vegas