The GWJ cRPG Club Main Thread Part 2 - Now Playing Kingdom Come: Deliverance

Wasteland 3
Grim Dawn
Cyberpunk 2077
Kingdom Come: Deliverance
Dragon Age: Inquisition

Kingdom Come: Deliverance
Grim Dawn
Wasteland 3

1. Cyberpunk 2077
2. Greedfall
3. Dragon Age: Inquisition
4. Kingdom Come: Deliverance
5. Wasteland 3

1. Grim Dawn
2. Anachronox
3. Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077
Grim Dawn
Dragon Age: Inquisition
Kingdom Come: Deliverance
Wasteland 3

Kingdom Come: Deliverance
Cyberpunk 2077
Grim Dawn
Dragon Age: Inquisition
Wasteland 3

Cyberpunk 2077
Dragon Age: Inquisition
Wasteland 3

Dragon Age: Inquisition
Cyberpunk 2077
Wasteland 3
Kingdom Come Deliverance

kstress71 wrote:

1. Grim Dawn
2. Anachronox
3. Cyberpunk 2077

Unfortunately Anachronox was eliminated in the pick 6 round and isn’t available to vote for.

Shall I just put you down for Grim Dawn and Cyberpunk?

kstress71 wrote:

2. Anachronox

kstress with the protest vote. I should have voted for Alpha Protocol.

Wow, I am just batting 1000% on voting! Yes, that's fine, just put me down for (1) Grim Dawn and (2) Cyberpunk 2077.

*Legion* wrote:

kstress with the protest vote. I should have voted for Alpha Protocol.

I'll second Alpha Protocol! Hahahaaaa

Cyberpunk 2077
Kingdom Come: Deliverance

I may have neglected to mention that my folks are visiting this weekend so my ability to post updates may be a little limited.

I’ll make sure I get the result done on Sunday, but you might need to wait for Monday for me to show my working as it were.

That is all.

OK Quick update

First Place Vote tally results so far:

Kingdom Come: Deliverance4 Votes
Cyberpunk 2077 - 4 Votes
Grim Dawn - 2 Votes
Wasteland 3 - 2 Votes
Dragon Age: Inquisition - 1 Vote
Greedfall - 0 Votes

Still plenty of time to vote.

The Nominees

Kingdom Come: Deliverance £5.29 / $5.99
Cyberpunk 2077 £24.99 / $29.99
Dragon Age: Inquisition £3.49 / $3.99
Greedfall £5.99 / $6.99
Grim Dawn £6.29 / $7.49
Wasteland 3 £11.21 / $16.99

Quick list for ease of Voting

Kingdom Come: Deliverance
Cyberpunk 2077
Dragon Age: Inquisition
Grim Dawn
Wasteland 3

My votes are:

Cyberpunk 2077
Kingdom Come: Deliverance
Wasteland 3
Grim Dawn
Dragon Age: Inquisition



1. Dragon Age: Inquisition
2. Kingdom Come: Deliverance

So we've had a couple more votes come in and things are unintendedly quite interesting:

First Place Vote tally results so far:

Cyberpunk 2077 - 5 Votes
Kingdom Come: Deliverance - 4 Votes
Grim Dawn - 2 Votes
Wasteland 3 - 2 Votes
Dragon Age: Inquisition - 2 Votes
Greedfall - 2 Votes

EDIT: Sorry, Spreadsheet Typo. Cyberpunk has 5 votes, not 4

So, Cyberpunk is out in front followed by Kingdom Come, but everything else has 2 votes each. As it currently stands, 2nd, 3rd and possibly even 4th place choices are going to have quite an impact.

Votes in by 9pm (give or take an hour) tonight please.

The Nominees

Kingdom Come: Deliverance £5.29 / $5.99
Cyberpunk 2077 £24.99 / $29.99
Dragon Age: Inquisition £3.49 / $3.99
Greedfall £5.99 / $6.99
Grim Dawn £6.29 / $7.49
Wasteland 3 £11.21 / $16.99

Quick list for ease of Voting

Kingdom Come: Deliverance
Cyberpunk 2077
Dragon Age: Inquisition
Grim Dawn
Wasteland 3

Wasteland 3
Dragon Age: Inquisition

Ok time is up. I’ll calculate in a bit but I think it’s going to be Cyberpunk.

Edit: I'm not going to get a chance to sort this out properly until tomorrow morning my time. I'll let you know then.

Well I guess I'm too late.

1 Grim Dawn
2 Dragon Age: Inquisition
3 Greedfall

If it matters.

OK, a chance to sit and work this out when I should actually be working. Don't tell anyone!

Adding in Stele's votes then the final tally looks like this:

Game 26 Ranked Choice Voting Results

Round 1
Voters: 19
Votes needed for a majority: 10

Candidates - 1st choice votes

Cyberpunk 2077 - 5 Votes
Kingdom Come: Deliverance - 4 Votes
Grim Dawn - 3 Votes
Wasteland 3 - 3 Votes
Dragon Age: Inquisition - 2 votes
Greedfall - 2 Votes

With Dragon Age having 4 second place votes compared to Greedfall's 2, Greedfall is the first game to be eliminated

Game 25 Ranked Choice Voting Results

Round 2
Voters: 18
Votes needed for a majority: 10

Candidates - 1st choice votes

Cyberpunk 2077 - 6 Votes
Kingdom Come: Deliverance - 4 Votes
Grim Dawn - 3 Votes
Wasteland 3 - 3 Votes
Dragon Age: Inquisition - 2 votes

Of Greedfall's 2 votes, one rolls up to Cyberpunk 2077 and the other disappears as the voter only voted for Greedfall and no other game.

Dragon Age: Inquisition is left abandoned with only 2 votes and so is eliminated

Game 25 Ranked Choice Voting Results

Round 3
Voters: 18
Votes needed for a majority: 10

Candidates - 1st choice votes

Cyberpunk 2077 - 7 Votes
Kingdom Come: Deliverance - 5 Votes
Grim Dawn - 3 Votes
Wasteland 3 - 3 Votes

DA:I's votes are split equally between Cyberpunk and Kingdom Come, gaining another vote each.

Between two last placed games, Grim Dawn has 3 second place votes, compared to Wasteland 3 with just the one. Wasteland 3 is eliminated

Game 25 Ranked Choice Voting Results

Round 4
Voters: 17
Votes needed for a majority: 9

Candidates - 1st choice votes

Cyberpunk 2077 - 7 Votes
Kingdom Come: Deliverance - 6 Votes
Grim Dawn - 4 Votes

In this round we lose another voter who has had both their choices eliminated. As such the remaining votes for Wasteland 3 roll up as 1 for Kingdom Come, and 1 for Grim Dawn.

However, this isn't enough and Grim Dawn is eliminated

Game 25 Ranked Choice Voting Results

Round 5
Voters: 15
Votes needed for a majority: 8

Candidates - 1st choice votes

Cyberpunk 2077 - 9 Votes
Kingdom Come: Deliverance - 6 Votes

A little confusing this round as 2 voters had no more votes left. The remaining 2 votes from Grim Dawn both went to Cyberpunk 2077 giving it the necessary majority.

Cyberpunk 2077 will be the 26th cRPG Club game!

I will setup the game thread tonight. Apologies for the slightly disjointed way I have done things this weekend...

So in for this

Sweet - great excuse to pick up my Phantom Liberty playthrough that's on ice.

Tempting. I have gone back and forth on playing this since they improved it. Reluctant to start another long game right now though.