It's news you can use from places with different views! (Don't misuse or abuse you yahoos.)
The Ray family are part of a growing Indian community in Australia.Nearly 220,000 additional people reported they were born in India in the latest census, compared to when the previous census was conducted in 2016, according to Australian Bureau of Statistics data released today.
This led to India overtaking China and New Zealand to become the third-largest country of birth, behind Australia and England.
And in total, more than 1 million people have migrated to Australia since the 2016 census.
Ms Ray says there is a large Indian community her family connects with for cultural activities, but she has also seen a wider recognition of India's traditional celebrations.
Another notable migration trend was the growth of the Nepalese population, which doubled since the previous census.Nepal had the second-largest increase in country of birth, with an additional 67,752 people counted.
Although India overtook China to become the third-largest country of birth, Mandarin continues to be the most-common language spoken at home other than English.Nearly 700,000 people reported speaking Mandarin at home, followed by Arabic with about 367,000.
Punjabi had the largest increase of 80 per cent since the 2016, with just over 367,000 Australians now using the language at home.
For reference, Australia's population is ~26m.
Tokyo residents told to conserve power as Japan endures heatwave
After the rainy season in Tokyo ended at its earliest since record-keeping began, the Japanese archipelago has seen record high temperatures for June in some areas.
Power supply is relatively tight after Japan idled most of its nuclear reactors after 2011 meltdowns in Fukushima.It also has been closing down old coal plants to meet promises for reducing carbon emissions.
Japan also faces a potential shortage of fossil fuel imports amid sanctions against Russia over its invasion of Ukraine.
This is extra-funny to me because I just recently watched a video about yet another RW lunatic who referred to Australia as a "ethnostate" where they all "get along with each other."
I mean, I know facts don't matter to fascists, but still.
They would love other results. We are now 'flooded' with Muslims as they are up to 3.6% of the population. (Surveys suggest that most people think this number is 10-20%)
I think the biggest note from the census was No-Religion is now up to 39%. It was 30% in 2016 and 22% in 2011. Christianity in all forms is at 47%. I feel it is very likely that these 2 categories will change places next census.
AU has the same problems with racism and a dark colonial history as many other countries.
As an Australian-born POC in Australia, in my (just under) 40 years of life, I've seen racism come in three general forms:
1. The overt racist: is unapologetic about being an a$sh4t. Quite rare to encounter but will leave you shaking in anger / fear fight or flight mode. Tends to be found in higher concentrations in lower socio-economic demographic areas.
2. I'm not racist but...: the person who is racist but thinks it's excused by prefacing racist comments claiming they are not racist. More common than no. 1 category, not quite as common as category 3. This one tends to be found in the middle class of society - trying to disguise boorish behaviour under a thin veneer of apparent politeness.
3. The quietly racist: these are the ones that do not openly support measures to bring diversity to all spheres of society (they also overlap in Venn diagrams with sexist and other discriminatory types). They'll happily enjoy eating ethnic cuisines domestically and travelling internationally and you wouldn't be able to pick them out as a racist person in a crowd, but these folks won't go out of their way to promote diversity and are content to maintain status quo when it suits them. Which basically means they're happy to see corporate C-suite / upper management, our judiciary and parliament full of old white dudes. These are the top 10% wealth holders in the country and just like any other jurisdiction they hold a disproportionate power over the rest of the population.
I'm not sure she gets much international recognition, but Senator Penny Wong (our current Foreign Minister) is gay and Malaysian Chinese background. She is a rare being in Australian politics - not just because of her personal history and preferences but because she is also eloquent and capable as hell. I wish she'd run for Prime Minister - she's one of the most capable politicians our country has ever had the privilege of voting into parliament.
Slowly, we are starting to see some change with our first authentic Hijab-wearing female senator (Senator Hanson wore one as a stage prop, back when she fell into category no. 1 - although she seems slightly less rabid than she was 20 years ago).
Whilst we certainly do have entrenched overt bureaucratic racism here (detaining political asylum seekers in contravention with UN charter for refugees, continuing to oppress and detain indigenous Australians disproportionately), Australians do however as a whole get along with each other.
Personally, I'd love to see our country grow even further non-religious. We don't need a basis for division between our people.
I still miss our great PM, Julia Gillard (she grew up the same place I did). Proudly atheist! The Labor Party has a lot to answer for.
Like so many of our world leaders, he’s scum, but I would have preferred the justice system to have dealt with him than this outcome. I expect it will be very impactful on people here, especially if he doesn’t make it. It is typical for political candidates to openly campaign with minimal security.
Looks like they officially announced him dead.
At the risk of seeming dark, I guess Abe couldn’t deny this political murder.
I don’t think he should be missed but, unfortunately, this doesn’t really count as justice and it certainly won’t act as any deterrent for other corrupt politicians. I’d say that they could still arrest his wife but that ship seems to have sailed.
It might not be making the news globally but we have a constitutional scandal erupting in Australia with the discovery that our former Prime Minister secretly swore himself into 5 ministries (Health, Home Affairs, Resources, Treasury and one more I cannot recall as I type) without informing his own party, intelligence, or the public.
This is about as spicy as constitutional law has gotten since the Governor General dismissed Labor Prime Minister Gough Whitlam in the late 70s.
It might not be making the news globally but we have a constitutional scandal erupting in Australia with the discovery that our former Prime Minister secretly swore himself into 5 ministries (Health, Home Affairs, Resources, Treasury and one more I cannot recall as I type) without informing his own party, intelligence, or the public.
(PS. For non-Australians, the LNP (Liberal-National Coalition) is the party Scomo (Scott Morrison) leads, which was defeated by the Labor Party earlier this year.)
(PPS. Safari wanted to correct Scomo to Scam. After I rejected that, its next suggestion was Scum.)
Well, Scott Morrison formerly led the Coalition (the Aussie version of US Republicans). Now they're led by the guy whose idea of a legitimate exercise of exceptional Home Affairs/Immigration ministerial discretion was to not deport two au pairs unlawfully visiting Australia for his rich mates.
It's just madness. Ministers wield specifically powers under legislation. He was giving himself carte blanche even though the only apparent exercise of power was refusing a sensitive oil/gas exploration licence off the coast of Sydney (something which would have riled the "National" members in the Coalition had it been debated within the Coalition). That decision is now in the appeal courts.
I have no doubt there will be bipartisan support to enact measures to prevent this type of governance by secrecy; the Cabinet system is to reward loyalty to the Prime Minister and secret dual appointments undermine the Ministers' powers and influence.
Today in "Headlines I absolutely was not expecting to see":
He's currently down here to promote one of the casinos in Sydney. Not sure how the incumbent party convinced him to do that.