Abandoned Any Games Lately?

Control has great style but the gameplay is only okay. I got so frustrated by cheap deaths that I was about to quit. So I basically decide to ignore all the side quests and rush the main story. This helped considerable. Even if a few of the last fights we're a bit trash. Mostly those kamikaze enemies. I cleaned up few of the interesting side quests after with a guide as I was overpowered for them and it was easy.

Loved the style overall but like most their games the gameplay is the weak point.

I didn't make it through Control either. Something about it pissed me off, like some thing you'd been collecting getting arbitrarily taken away when you die, that made me kinda rage quit.

There were definitely a few boss fights that were on the "cheap" side, and were also paired up with a rather obnoxious run-back from the most recent save point. I did finish the game (and loved the overall package, despite the aforementioned annoyances), but I didn't even try the DLC.

Yeah but that 1 part with the song going…it’s worth hanging in just for that. Probably in my top five gaming moments.

I finished it and I agree, I want crazy about the combat.

Officially abandoned Lies of P. Was at the final boss but just could not win that battle.

The game is built on learning perfect guard, which is hitting guard as the attack is about to hit. I can't do that. So have been playing the game as a traditional Dark Souls where you dodge to attack. There were a few bosses where not having that skill was a hinderance. But got through them with dodge. This last boss I'm not seeing any way around but knowing perfect dodge.

After trying him a crazy number of times and watching a few videos of people beating him a way I wasn't able to I'm giving up. I was pretty much done with the game when I got to the last area - which turned out to be a slog. So went well past where I was having any fun with the game.

The game was pretty decent up to this part. The look and graphics of the game are the main highlight. It just looks fantastic and love the setting. Combat took a bit of getting used to but that's typical of a new Souls like game. I do wish the level design was as good as the look of the game. Levels are pretty angular and flat. After coming from Lords of the Fallen where the level design was pretty incredible the design here seemed so plain.

I'd give the game a 7 out of 10. Full point off for that last area and the final boss.

Abandoning Avtar: Frontiers of Pandora I just got it but after playing 4-5 nights I realized I wasn't having fun. It is so pretty I want to keep playing but it suffers a lot from bad mapping/breadcrumbs. A couple times I spend an hour or more trying to find something that was vaguely "over there" and I just don't want to waste my game time doing stupid stuff like that.

45 hours into V Rising and I think that is it. I need to kill Tristan but fail miserably, he's just so fast. The key to the game, which I was really enjoying, is to kill bosses to get upgrades but without that you cannot do anything except craft more of the same. I found it a bit unbalanced at that point but have enjoyed my time in it.

kborom wrote:

45 hours into V Rising and I think that is it. I need to kill Tristan but fail miserably, he's just so fast. The key to the game, which I was really enjoying, is to kill bosses to get upgrades but without that you cannot do anything except craft more of the same. I found it a bit unbalanced at that point but have enjoyed my time in it.

V Rising is good fun but yeah it's so heavily gear based. Like the only other boost seems to be a potion that gives a rather small buff. Skill matters but better gear is king. It's much easier with coop since if someone dies they can run back to rejoin the fight. You can even build a bed near the boss to really cheese it.

Abandoned The Expanse: A Telltale Series. I talked more about it in the finished thread, but just no.

master0 wrote:
kborom wrote:

45 hours into V Rising and I think that is it. I need to kill Tristan but fail miserably, he's just so fast. The key to the game, which I was really enjoying, is to kill bosses to get upgrades but without that you cannot do anything except craft more of the same. I found it a bit unbalanced at that point but have enjoyed my time in it.

V Rising is good fun but yeah it's so heavily gear based. Like the only other boost seems to be a potion that gives a rather small buff. Skill matters but better gear is king. It's much easier with coop since if someone dies they can run back to rejoin the fight. You can even build a bed near the boss to really cheese it.

Yes, never got to really see the benefit of the potions to any great degree. I only play solo so felt that if I was struggling at 44 then the next few bosses would be worse but enjoyed my time in there.

Abandoning a game is always hard. Especially if you "like it" but for one reason or another you just cant keep going on.

For me the most recent one was "concrete genie" i liked it.. but it just did not grabbed me.

So true. I feel that way about Avatar. I like it, it is pretty, it is kind of fun but after playing for a few hours I was frustrated more than I was enjoying it.

I bounced HARD off of the new mod Portal Reloaded. There’s a time travel mechanic that I just couldn’t grok at all. While I was playing I thought there’s no way other people found this fun. But, it seems that it is very well reviewed on Steam and I am just an outlier. Oh well.

I got 8 or 9 levels in and found it was more work than fun, and solving the levels wasn’t even enjoyable. I also realized that levels were only going to get harder so I bailed.

I am getting CLOSE to abandoning Persona 3 Portable. And then I see the remake coming.
I am like 60 hours in... and at this point is is a VERY GOOD GAME... but after playing P4G and P5 this game was more of a step backward.

I will make one more final push.

Darkest Dungeon , the bastard.

I love it, I just can't get through its unforgiving, lol you gotgetgood mechanics anymore. Wasted hundreds of hours trying to defeat the 3rd Darkest Dungeon creatures, bounced back each and everytime losing all the painstakingly trained team members that despite being maxed out, with the most powerful items equipped that would provide protection from the enemy, and using the appropiate skills at the appropiate moments to weaken the resistance, still could not prevent defeat.

No game merits 580+ (registered) hours to get to the end game, sorry

Yeah if I hadn't played on Steam with mods I'd have hated Darkest Dungeon and never finished.

It's a really fun game and concept but absolutely trash balance. And the inventory systems actively fight you and artificially lengthen the game for no good reason.

I had a generally fun 90 hours after I fixed the game

Stele wrote:

Yeah if I hadn't played on Steam with mods I'd have hated Darkest Dungeon and never finished.

I had a generally fun 90 hours after I fixed the game

Any specific mods you’d recommend? I played years ago. Loved the atmosphere and style, but hated the disrespectful waste of my time. Never even considered modding it.

No Rising costs with rising Lvl
Stack It Or Go Home

Those are the only ones it shows me subscribed to now. I believe I further modified the stack one to let everything stack in 12s.

There's probably a post in the DD thread...

Ah here was me describing the numbers.

Looks like I also self modded the team size. It was too hard to keep 1 of each type early on, or 2 of every type later? I forget exactly. But it was pretty easy once I looked at the mods I got to tweak them and mod other stuff.

This is the first game I had to really grit my teeth and abandon, but I simply can't justify playing another hour of Warhammer 40K: Chaos Gate - Daemonhunters.

It's a good game. Well designed, it interprets the entire 40K universe very well into an XCOM squad based strategic game with tactical missions. The graphics, sound design, gameplay and setting are spot on. But I had three insurmountable issues I couldn't get around.

1. The game is way too hard. Not "oh if I stick with it I can figure it out eventually hard", more like "this game hates me like I owe it money and punched its daughter" hard. Look I get that in the 41st Millennium it's a grimdark universe with the Corpse Emperor of Mankind sitting immobile on the Golden Throne while fighting back the insatiable chaos gods and Xenos empires, but I can't count the number of times I had to restart save games because in a single turn or 2 at the beginning of a mission my entire squad could get crippled to the point of guaranteed failure. As I mentioned in my Elden Ring abandoned review, I appreciate the quality of this game but this aging gamer has much more money and much less time for gameplay, and I value enjoyment over achievement at this point. I don't mind a good challenge in a game from time to time, but my days of banging my head against a Kobayashi Maru session on the hour or two I have to relax are over.

2. The game shouldn't be that hard. You're not just playing Space Marines, which are already overpowered walking armories of destruction, you're playing the Grey Knights. These guys are the Navy Seals/Delta Force/Chuck Norris faction of Space Marine Factions. So...why are a couple of drugged up mutant humans crippling my Justicar with a pea shooter rifle made of junk parts? I should be mowing down entire squads of mutants and demons with a team of 4 of these paragons of destruction, not hiding behind cover while ducking suppression fire and smacking another medpack on my health bar. The imbalance in strength between yours and the enemy units is just illogical.

3. The last one is the most personal and subjective. I had to ask myself the big questions "am I having fun with this? Do I feel better after playing this? Is it worth it delaying other games you want to play or replay to keep powering through this?"

The answer to all 3 of those questions was no. So with that, thanks Chaos Gate, I appreciate you, I understand you made an intentionally tough 40K game, but I just don't have the time, patience, and bandwidth to keep working on this, especially when there's at least half a dozen other 40K titles (Rogue Trader, Darktide, Gothic Armada, Dawn of War 3, Inquisitor - Martyr, Battlesector, Mechanicus, Gladius - Relics of War) that are waiting for an install/reinstall.

Evil west should be my thing. But I only have fun about 50% of the time. I feel like I am fighting the game more than fighting monsters. Too many great games came out/are coming out/are in my 2024 to play list to force my way through the remaining half of the game.

Feeank wrote:

Darkest Dungeon , the bastard.

I felt similarly with Darkest Dungeon, so it was with some reluctance that I bought DD2. It clicked with me much more than I anticipated and won that game in around 100 hours. I even played a bit more after that. It has a much more traditional rogue like structure with shorter runs.

Budo wrote:

This is the first game I had to really grit my teeth and abandon, but I simply can't justify playing another hour of Warhammer 40K: Chaos Gate - Daemonhunters.

This one too. I played for around 30 hours and while I didn't find any individual battle that difficult, the time mechanic was getting to me. The universe was starting to spiral out of control and each battle was becoming kind of repetitive and a slog, where it just wasn't fun anymore. I wanted to like it but it became too much work and I started to feel like I was on may way to losing so I stopped.

I gave up on Chants of Sennaar. I made it to maybe the 3rd area (where it starts off with all the pictures on the wall), solved some of those symbols and realized I wasn't enjoying the game. I had just uncovered the stealth section. It seemed like a clever concept and people seem to like it, but it wasn't for me.

If I come back to Chaos Gate it'll just be on Easy mode because that's how it should feel as a Grey Knight.

I have been very tempted to abandon persona 3 portable ever since news of the remake came out, but I am very far advanced in the game to just give up.

So I will just finish this one and that will be it

robc wrote:
Feeank wrote:

Darkest Dungeon , the bastard.

I felt similarly with Darkest Dungeon, so it was with some reluctance that I bought DD2. It clicked with me much more than I anticipated and won that game in around 100 hours. I even played a bit more after that. It has a much more traditional rogue like structure with shorter runs.

I also got DD2 on the cusp of my fever-induced delirious attempt to win DD this year, played it for a couple of hours and while I really liked it, my complete breakdown with DD that followed has comdemned the sequel to the pile, maybe for an undefinite time.

Aces and Adventures... probably got it from GWJ Keys list... But I could not discover the game in it. Tedious and automatic at the same time - that's an achievement


A puzzle game in which I give up and look up the answers to four of the first five levels.

It's incredible puzzle design that sucks to play.

I am once again tempted to abandon Persona 3 portable, but i am so near the end...

I guess I abandoned GTA5 again. I got it free on Epic I don't even know how long ago and have installed and deleted it twice now.

The second time I got a bit further and it has a kind of charm. It has the self aware Tarantino influenced racism and juvenile swearing of True Romance, with the overall feel of a sort of network procedural that's best experienced half listening while fiddling on one's phone.

Unfortunately as a game it needs to be 'played' which is more engagement than I'm willing to give it, so I am done and probably for the last time.

Maybe it doesn't count but Saint Row and Guardians of the Galaxy.

Saints Row we tried coop but it was super buggy. I later tried it single player and honestly it was fine. The problem was it was sort of boring. Cast was fun when talking to each other. But a lot of the cool things you should be doing were cutscenes. And the shooting kind of sucked. Really low accuracy and enemies a bit too spongy. I actually loaded up 3 to compare. Even the hip fire is more accurate then aiming in this one. Honestly felt like if ubisoft tried making a saints row game.

Guardians I just bounced on pretty quick. Really good quality but I haven't seen any of the movies. So the characters really don't hook me. And it felt very railroady levels. Also there was some makes conversation choice nonsense that felt like one of those you decisions don't matter but they pretend they do.

Oh well both were free. So no big loss.

Dead Cells.

I'll just never understand these types of games. Cool graphics. Great mechanics. But an endless repetitive nightmare.