Abandoned Any Games Lately?


I’m sick of people on here always talking about tackling their “pile” or letting you know what they “finished.”

This thread is for the REAL gamers: The losers and the quitters. The ones who barely can keep their daily Wordle going, managing their children while they listen to someone else talking about their third run-through in Elden Ring. The ones who return to an open world after a 2-month break and can’t remember where they are, what is happening, or what button lets them mount their horse. The ones who plan their whole free weekend on gaming, then throw their controller at the first QTE sequence and decide to binge-watch The White Lotus instead.

Let’s talk about what you played and threw in the towel on, for whatever reason! It doesn’t necessarily have to be the game’s fault either.

Keep it civil please – You can say a popular game sucked without implying the people who love it are simpletons.

My recent quits:

Horizon: Zero Dawn. Sorry, bro. I gave this one another college try since the sequel was coming out and it got the 60FPS patch on PS5, but in the end I got only a little further than I did the previous 2 attempts. It ends up being too milquetoast for me – nothing about it feels bad but no particular part grabs me either, and most elements end up reminding me of games that do something similar but much better (especially the climbing).I’m also one of those people that it not a big fan of loot management or crafting, so that dragged on me even more this time as I recently finished Ghost of Tsushima which minimized those aspects.

Kena: Bridge of Spirits. This was a weird one. While it felt like a remaster of a PS2 game in the way it played, I still was having a lot of fun with it. But then I hit an issue where I was scratching my head. I had no clue what I was supposed to do next. I have a marker on the map but it’s impossible to reach. I consulted two different walkthroughs that don’t even acknowledge this as being an issue. My guess is either I fell somewhere I shouldn’t have or took a weird turn I wasn’t supposed to, or there was something in the environment that my actions were supposed to trigger but they didn't. After confirming I don’t have an earlier save to go back to and wandering around for at least half an hour to no avail, I decided I will drop this and maybe start from the beginning again in a few years.

Great topic. As a tourist I'm always quitting games. Its worth reflecting on why, sometimes.

Dying Light 2 In coop we got through the mission that takes you from the starting mini-city to the main city. That mission was SO janky that we stopped taking the game seriously (if we ever did) They need to ditch all pretense of story, never make me talk to another NPC again, and just let me run around the city doing stuff. The last session had us defending a tower from these cannons on roofs that weren't even pointed at the tower, in a timed struggle to do the same fight 3 times. It was entertaining but stupid. We learned that we could skip the fun part of the game (parkour) by dying and 'spawn at last checkpoint' It spawns you at the NEXT checkpoint. Because so much of the core features are still locked and the story is so stupid, we felt compelled to exploit that a bit. And then we were just like 'nah lets give it a year to bake'

Orcs Must Die 3 The first campaign was great. Fun, well designed levels that kept us on our toes. There were 2 more campaigns heavily leaning on flying enemies that are no fun to fight. You can't control them you can only DPS them down. In the first campaign we were cleverly crafting mazes, manipulating where the baddies ran and designing death-trap kill-boxes that were huge fun to play with. In the 2nd campaign we were not allowed to have fun and only have stress. That was a quitting moment.

Trine 4 wanted to have a good coop game to play with my wife but she just wasnt digging it. I thought the puzzles were interesting and well crafted but it didnt click with her. That happens.

Icarus Had a huge amount of fun playing this with some friends for like 3 weeks straight. Then we hit a mission that required days and days of just running around to different caves looking for the last scraps of metal we needed to do the last objective. Then I had to babysit the last objective for a pretty uneventful 2 hours, changing out fuel, repelling sometimes way-too-many-wolves. It was a spirit crushing level. We haven't been back even though they've addressed that problem and added a ton more content. I think we'll go back but not soon.

Bravely Default 2 - so pretty, so charming, so much grinding before the bosses....It just got tedious.

Abandoned? No. Paused? Yes.

Crusader Kings 3: The expansion is fun but just too much to play.

Warhammer Total War 3: Great game and love the new features. I’m just pausing till their extended campaign comes out.

I love this thread so much.

Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous (Paused, at least in my head): I like the first chapter a lot. I have been through it 3.5 times. Nice, semi-linear quests, very dungeon-crawly, which is what I want from a D&D game (yeah, I know it's not, but it really is, please don't @ me). But once I get to the second chapter where I have to do strategic level stuff, I just run out of steam. I have better strategy games to play if I wanted to do that.

Halo Infinite: Fun shootery for a bit. But "infinite" means a lot and it all begins to look like the same after a bit. A perfect exemplar of why I got PC GamePass.

tboon wrote:

Halo Infinite: Fun shootery for a bit. But "infinite" means a lot and it all begins to look like the same after a bit. A perfect exemplar of why I got PC GamePass.

I would add that to my list too - but I could almost add the whole GamePass library

I used to love FPS and Infinite is very good but it just doesn't hold my attention like it used to.

farley3k wrote:

Bravely Default 2 - so pretty, so charming, so much grinding before the bosses....It just got tedious.

This, and NEO TWEWY. Both are sequels to DS/3DS games that I absolutely loved back in the day. I'm not sure if I changed or if they have, but I've been struggling to push through.

tboon wrote:

Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous (Paused, at least in my head): I like the first chapter a lot. I have been through it 3.5 times. Nice, semi-linear quests, very dungeon-crawly, which is what I want from a D&D game (yeah, I know it's not, but it really is, please don't @ me). But once I get to the second chapter where I have to do strategic level stuff, I just run out of steam. I have better strategy games to play if I wanted to do that.

Same here, my friend ! I should really have learnt my lesson from Pathfinder : Kingmaker, where I completed the 'win your fiefdom' Chapter 1 of the story, then came to an enormous grinding halt when I realised I had no idea what I was supposed to do now. And the game wasn't going to help me figure it out.

And a long deep call back for The Witcher 3. Started it probably four times. Maximum play time was an hour. I realised after the 4th go that my problem was that I had no interest in the character of Geralt at all, nor any interest in helping him. For all I know he's still in the first area, fighting little imps. Good for him.

Steep. Calming and vibing in theory, but the controls are maddening, the crashes feel arbitrary, and it wants so desperately to be SSX, but it really, really isn’t.

This thread makes me happy and helps validate my own willingness to give up and move on when a game just isn't doing it for me instead of pressing on for the sake of "completion."

Final Fantasy II - I figured I would play through the first six games in the series with the pixel remasters. FF2 is the only one in the franchise that I haven't beaten previously, though I did try back on the PSX with the FF Origins release but lost steam.

I tried, but the unpredictable/funky progression mechanic for stat growth and weapon/magic mastery plus the bugs in the game (worst IMO being that enemy attacks that should have a chance to influct status effects instead always inflict the status effect so long at they hit) just wore down the fun factor of the game for me. Finally decided to skip it and move on.

AC: Odyssey - I sctually played through the main story and family story, but stopped short of wiping out the entire cult or playing into the expansions. I very much enjoyed the game, but was really running out of steam on all the steps needed to ferret out the remaining cult members and was much more interested in moving on to Valhalla than in going to Atlantis.

I may return at some point for the expansions, but not sure when if so.

Radiant Historia - I expected this to be my jam, but... well, it wasn't. First the combat started to get tedious, so restarted with the new casual difficulty (3DS version) that lets you just skip the vast majority of combat.

Unfortunately, the narrative wasn't gripping me enough to keep me going as a sort of visual novel. Without game mechanics that I found compelling, that left me without a reason to play this instead of putting time into a good book (or different game).

Farscry wrote:

This thread makes me happy and helps validate my own willingness to give up and move on when a game just isn't doing it for me instead of pressing on for the sake of "completion."

I've noticed that gaming seems to leave people defending the "sunk cost fallacy" much more often than other forms of entertainment for whatever reason.

This is especially absurd with the current trend of the "Ubi open world" game style that almost seems to be designed with the goal of bombarding the player with tasks until they eventually decide to move on instead of seeing the credits roll.

I haven't finished hundreds of games and expect to continue to do so. I would say the standouts are Horizon Zero Dawn (it's okay), Breath of the Wild (Garudo village), and Fire Emblem: 3 houses (battle took too long).

Too many to list. And like a madman I almost never uninstall them.

Budo wrote:

Too many to list. And like a madman I almost never uninstall them.

I clean up every so often. Mainly so I am not tempted by "this time it will be OK, right?" - no, it almost never is and re-downloading keeps me from re-learning that for the nth time.

The reason why I marked Wrath of the Righteous as Paused, at least in my head is because I have not uninstalled it. The next time it will be OK, right?

God of War: 39 hours in the game. Loving it! Got the combat down and tearing up whatever stands in my way. Progressing well in the main storyline. Defeating all the difficult valkyrae combats. Just outright having a blast. Until...

Dying Light 2: Went all out on the Ultimate edition. I'm committed to playing this! Really enjoying the parkour. Made it to the second city portion which looks fantastic compared to the first. I'm exploring, getting more powerful, loving opening up the map. Until...

Prey: Wanted to see how it ran on the new computer. Figured I'd play it for a single night. 11 hours later I've made my way to the lovely looking arboretum and am getting hunted by Nightmares. I hadn't played the game since release and forgot how great it was. Until...

Elden Ring. Which I'm hate/like playing. Until...Tiny Tina comes out.

Ugh. When does it end?

Hades. Dunno why but I just have yet to be thrilled with a game from SuperGiant.

Mortal Shell. After proudly bragging in the relevant thread that I'd beaten the first boss and was keen to give it another try I ended up rage quitting in the next area.

By the tenth time I got killed by a trash enemy whose attacks tracked me 360 degrees and whose hit box extended 20% past the visible end of their weapon, I figured that since Elden Ring is out it's probably time to finally start on Sekiro.

Breath of the Wild - both of my kids and I have abandoned this game as providing little direction on what to do and just not being fun

Every Tales of game I have tried - For whatever reason, the Tales games just never hold my interest. I always have high hopes that the slightly different mechanic in this game is going to work for me this time but nope.

Hollow Knight - A friend of mine loved this game so I tried it. It was okay and I was slowly making progress when another game came out that I wanted to play. After taking a three week break from Hollow Knight, I had no clue where to go and not invested enough to start a new playthrough.

farley3k wrote:

Bravely Default 2 - so pretty, so charming, so much grinding before the bosses....It just got tedious.

So just like the original?

Farscry wrote:

Radiant Historia - I expected this to be my jam, but... well, it wasn't. First the combat started to get tedious, so restarted with the new casual difficulty (3DS version) that lets you just skip the vast majority of combat.

Unfortunately, the narrative wasn't gripping me enough to keep me going as a sort of visual novel. Without game mechanics that I found compelling, that left me without a reason to play this instead of putting time into a good book (or different game).

I've probably abandoned this too I just haven't admitted it to myself. I played last May-June, got through a lot of the game and was having fun. But distracted by something new and forgot about 3DS for a bit

Tried again in Sept but only for a day. Haven't been back. Barely remember what I was doing now. Although it did have that cool time book with all the paths.

I did go back and finish Horizon Zero Dawn after a nearly 4 year break. Binged it hard before the sequel released. So there's a chance I'll go back and finish something after losing interest. But that's the exception, not the rule.

Oohh love this idea for the thread. I very rarely finish games but I dip my toe into so many.

LISA: The Painful RPG - I haven't completely given up hope on finishing this someday, but I also feel no desire to come back to it at the moment. It's an utterly miserable experience by design, but that doesn't really help the player be motivated.

Wordle. I’m not great at those kind of games as is, and I found I had descended into a loop of:

1. Guess the first couple words as best as I can
2. Try EVERY combination of remaining letters, in sequence, which I realized just wasn’t fun for me.

Just jettisoned Darksiders: Warmaster Edition. It was good, just not great. I could sense I wouldn’t pick it up once I stopped my play session, so I just cut it loose and uninstalled it.

Professor Layton and the Unwound Future - I was not very high on it since the beginning, and that sliding puzzle was the final nail in the game's coffin. I hate sliding puzzles.

I think I am going to give up on Horizon Zero Dawn, again. I want to like this game, but I find traversing the world tedious, and I just can't get into the world enough to care about killing the awesome Dinobots.

I guess this will save me from buying HFW, I'll just save both until HFW is free on PS+, and then play one of the two for a few hours and come to the same decision...again.

trueheart78 wrote:

Hades. Dunno why but I just have yet to be thrilled with a game from SuperGiant.

Same! I owned all of their games and haven't played more than 30 min in any of them.

Hades for me too. Not for lack of affection, but because I put the nail in the coffin of my own enjoyment by opting not to turn on God mode from early on. I'd love to see how everything plays out, but the roguelite grind is just too time consuming, especially when I consistently get 30-45 minutes into a run before flaming out and making very little actual progress. Maybe I'll eventually dive back in...but I doubt it.

UpToIsomorphism wrote:

I think I am going to give up on Horizon Zero Dawn, again. I want to like this game, but I find traversing the world tedious, and I just can't get into the world enough to care about killing the awesome Dinobots.

I guess this will save me from buying HFW, I'll just save both until HFW is free on PS+, and then play one of the two for a few hours and come to the same decision...again.

I had the same exact problem with this game. I usually love open-world games, but moving around this one felt more like a slog than fun to me.

Inscryption finished the first act and that is good enough for me...for now...who knows what the future holds.
