After a year of Stadia exclusivity, Orcs Must Die! 3 is finally on Steam and consoles
So far I'm enjoying my playthrough, only a half dozen or so levels in. The War Scenarios are pretty interesting, with the massive swarms of orcs, and the new traps designed for them, but so far I've been mostly sticking to the traditional traps.
As far as the game goes, I've been enjoying it, but then again, I really enjoyed Orcs Must Die! 2, it really does feel like a continuation of 2 with a with a more modern engine, and a nice coat of polish. It's definitely hitting that nostalgia fueled comfort food gaming, but it doesn't really offer any new surprises if you weren't a fan of the first 2 games, this is more of the same.
If anyone ever wants to play co-op, hit me up
Was this originally a F2P game? Any micro transactions?
Was this originally a F2P game? Any micro transactions?
Perhaps you're thinking of the MOBA they released?
I was just about to post about this game in the tower defense thread but I'll put my comments here instead
It looks solid! I really enjoyed the first 2 games and intend to go back to them to finish up the last few levels before diving into this. Graphically it's clean and appealing, I'm only a little concerned that it's the same game with a fresh coat of paint.
Regardless, the core mechanics are incredibly solid so you could do a lot worse with your money. Keen to dive in one day, looks like a fantastic co-op experience.
Thank you. I may have been thinking of the MOBA. I do like OMD.
What a nice surprise, I didn't expect Orcs Must Die 3 to almost stealth drop onto consoles/PC after being a Stadia exclusive. OMD 1 was great fun & OMD 2 is one of my favourite co-op experiences of all time, I adored that game. If it's more of the same with a couple of new wrinkles I'll take that any day of the week.
Can you literally buy it on the PS Store now?
Showing up on Xbox so….
I checked it straight after I posted earlier & it's up on the PS Store for £24.99. I'll be buying it very soon.
Me & Higgledy are playing co-op through the campaign, it's very much like the previous two games, which is to say it's a bunch of fun. What starts as a slow, very easy first level soon starts to open up a ton.
We've had some complex enough levels, multiple routes, new enemies introduced, we started to use blockades to funnel the horde to a certain path. It must have been around level 8 that the little bomber enemies were sent in & could destroy you're blockades. We had to adapt our strategy, reposition the blockades very close to the rift so we could quickly go between the two blocked off entries to make sure we kept them protected. The halls leading upto were the 3 blockades were placed got filled with traps as the waves went on & we earned more money. It was kill corridors that those poor orcs didn't stand a chance to get out of.
One of the most gratifying parts of any OMD is to have corridor or stairways laden with traps, just seeing the orcs get pelted with arrows from the wall traps or sucked up towards the ceiling & dropped, the brimstone burning them as the ceiling darts going off above. It truly is beautiful chaos.
Now that we're into it, upgrading traps, figuring out the best tactics to use in each level, what traps synergistically work great together, or just getting those sweet headshots with the old school batman style wording popping up above enemies heads.
Can't wait to play more on Wednesday!! Oh yeah f**k those Cobalts!
I'll have to check this out. I loved the original game.
Is it limited to two person co-op or can you do three or four?
Is it limited to two person co-op or can you do three or four?
It seems set up for two only but we haven’t tried getting anyone else in so can’t say for sure.
Me & Higgledy are playing co-op through the campaign, it's very much like the previous two games, which is to say it's a bunch of fun. What starts as a slow, very easy first level soon starts to open up a ton.
It’s enormous fun. The presentation and characters can be a little too silly and cheesy for me but less so than the first games. The core gameplay however is extremely satisfying. Levels soon start to feel impossible until you hit on the correct strategy and then you find yourself mopping up huge numbers of enemies with ease. The corridors of death you set up with walls, floors and ceilings festooned with traps are great. Looking forward to playing more later today!
Can't wait to play more on Wednesday!! Oh yeah f**k those Cobalts! :D
Bloody Kolbolds!
(I’m never sure how to spell that name. That’s the D&D spelling!)
I'm now addicted to OMD 3, every single game in the series has pulled me in with the gameplay loop. Playing with Higgledy we've worked upto level 13 or 14 on normal difficulty. I've went back over some of the earlier levels myself to try & get full marks (5 skulls), it's such a contrast going back with updated traps & weapons. You can literally run through the first load of levels no problem.
I've also changed the difficulty to hard to see the difference in the early maps & it's a complete change. Trolls come earlier, the enemies take longer to down & you've half the rift points. It's so much more enjoyable on hard (at least the first couple of levels) plus it's great that you can earn 5 skulls in each level again.
I've created some devilishly crafty killing paths with the barricades, popping down tar, arrow walls, ceiling pounders & fire archers guarding the rift.
My only criticisms are that it feels too safe, they could have probably upgraded their engine a bit more, so that the animations were better, tried out more complex traps that maybe overlap one another, just something that makes it truly stand apart from the previous two games. The war scenarios are just a bigger version of the normal maps, with exclusive traps that are just bigger. It's still pretty cool but it's not a huge departure from the smaller levels.
Still I love the game, I was fine with more of the same & I'm always itching to play more every time I come home from work.
Sounds great. On my watchlist for a sale. Orcs Must Die 2 never came out as a compatible game on Xbox One, right?
I've played the first 7 or 8 levels solo, but down to co-op on Xbox sometime if someone is interested.
My friend bought this for me the other day and we've played twice, since. I loved OMD 1 and loved OMD 2 even more. We even played Unchained for a couple weeks and enjoyed that.
Our next map is the one where the troll comes out for the first time. Map 7, maybe? I'm looking forward to it.
Kit texted me last night (this morning) at 1am and asked "Are the Orcs all dead?" Me: "Not yet!" Her: "Save some for tomorrow. Come to bed."
I was in a gaming funk and this game pulled me right out.
How does Orcs Must Die 3 compare to the original Orcs Must Die? I have the original,on Xbox and did not put much time into it. I’m wondering whether I should just revisit that or if 3 really ups the experience?
Thank you,
How does Orcs Must Die 3 compare to the original Orcs Must Die? I have the original,on Xbox and did not put much time into it. I’m wondering whether I should just revisit that or if 3 really ups the experience?
Thank you,
You'd probably be fine with the first one as mechanically it's pretty much the same, unless you want co-op + a bigger suite of traps & weapons. I think there's been small upgrades to the engine over the 3 games but nothing major. If you complete the first one you likely want to play through the other two anyways. It really is great fun in co-op.
I haven't 5 starred everything on Rift Lord yet... maybe someday, but nice to see they announced more DLC.
Oh hell yes!! Me & Higgledy are working our way through both campaigns on Rift Lord difficulty. The Cold As Eyes DLC will be perfect timing come November.
Orcs Must Die 2 & 3 are two of the best co-op games out there. I've had so much fun with 3 this year, also you need to really think tactical in the later maps & especially at Rift Lord difficulty. It's massively satisfying when you modify your strategy each new attempt & end up getting a perfect 5 skulls with the right choice & balance of traps.
Oh wow. That will be prefect timing. It’s is astounding that such a rock solid ‘tower defence’ game is lurking under that happy, cheesy, slapstick exterior. We’re playing on PS4/PS5 btw with no problems.
Went on sale today, all platforms I believe, for $23.99. Great game!
Me & Higgledy were playing this last night, we were on a quest to get 5 skulls on every map across all 3 campaigns on Rift Lord difficulty. The one map that really give us a headache & the last one left to do was 'Slag Field' in the Drastic Steps campaign.
We must have come in at 30+ attempts overall but last night we prevailed!! Between the flyers down the middle & the two opposing paths were the waves of orcs + friends run out of, there's a lot to keep tabs on.
Higgledy usually had 5-6 archers down at the rift, then loads of flip traps at the start of the bottom path, just outside the door were the all our happy go lucky foes bust in. In the immediate tunnel I put down saw blades & ceiling stampers. Higgledy fleshed that out with rip saws on the floor.
That meant when the second on foot wave came, Higgledy could deal with his side pretty quick & get to me up above. I had ceiling lasers to deal with the flyers, auto ballistas to help out the archers a bit more & they were also shooting down at both on foot waves in their respective paths.
The second batch of on foot enemies comes at wave 5. I ended up putting electric ceiling lasers down right outside the door, rip saws on the floor & then had the jar of ghosts to keep them on the rip saws & lasers which annihilated them. Higgledy had been expertly using the jar of ghosts for many hours, it really does feel vital to have in the hardest Rift Lord maps. He kept his foes on the flip traps, even Mountain Trolls were getting flipped into the lava, it was so satisfying.
Lastly the Ring Of Storms is a devastating tool to use against the hordes, it really keeps big enemies like Trolls, Ogre's & Earth Lord's shocked & taking damage under it's cloud.
Now we can finally get on to Endless Mode & Weekly Challenge Mode.
One thing I do wish they'd fix is hits not registering for melee weapons the odd time. It happens frequently enough that it becomes very frustrating. I've experienced this with the Overlord Bladestaff & the Dwarven Warhammer, the latter is especially annoying when you've started a whirlwind attack & no enemy is getting hit by it.
It felt unreal to get it in the end. We’d tried so many times you get past thinking about succeeding and are just doing runs at it, endlessly refining your tactics in the process. That level in particular felt like you couldn’t have a single trap in the wrong place and even then had to be on top form when fighting the orcs toe to toe.
It was the stringent time limit that really gave us problems towards the end but the tactics Spikeout describes saw us through. I think our persistence is a testament to how much we’re enjoying the game.
Congratulations and please tell me you were playing on a hard difficulty? I’m only three or so levels in and your story, while exhilarating, is terrifying.
Yep Rift Lord (the hardest difficulty) we were playing on, although we did complete every single map on normal first. It's quite a big jump in terms of challenge, you should be ok on normal
If I ever get tired of SPACE DWARVES! (Deep Rock), I will be coming back to this game. I might even see it on the sly (don't let Molly, know) now and then while still mining da Rock.
Holy Persistence, Batman! Great job Spikeout and Higgledy. I'm not smart enough to set up good trap combos, etc. We just place traps and pray.
Phew and congrats! Sounds like you guys had a lot of fun.
Here is a low quality video (I blame YouTube) of some extremely close calls in the DLC of Orcs Must Die 3. There is almost as much NSFW language as there are orcs. I think the pressure was getting to us!
I love watching those videos Higgledy, cheers for posting some of our tightest moments up. Getting the dual staircase level done by 1 second right at the end there when we thought we were breezing to the finish.
I'm still amazed at how we kept the hordes from entering the rift in the cold as eyes map. Your stone staff saved us again & again, plus my storm cloud almost felt like another player was helping us for the 15-20 seconds that it's up.
I've also come to the realization that I curse far too much :O
I've also come to the realization that I curse far too much :O
No, no, no, no! Hearing the old Spikeout I used to play Rocket League with on PS4 again brought a smile to my face. It wouldn't have sounded the same without the cussing. I didn't hear a "f***ing muppets", though, which made me sad.
I almost made my wife come up and listen to the video. She loved hearing your Rocket League banter over the living room speakers way back when.
The videos were great, guys. I wish I knew how to build good trap combos in OMD2 and 3. I love playing it but just am not that good at it.