Ranger Rick brought my attention to this cool website/game. It’s called Music League. I thought it needed it’s own thread.
This is a game where you pick songs based on a theme. It uses Spotify. Go to any song on Spotify and use a share link to post your song choices to the Music League page. The Music League site will generate a Spotify playlist with everyone’s picks. Then all the participants get to vote on their favorite songs based on the theme.
Ranger Rick started a game. You can find it here:
I also started a game because I wanted to pick more songs. Follow this link to participate.
Apparently Lightning Seeds aren't on Spotify so I can't add their song "Joy" to my list. But I did find out that there is an 8-bit album with a cover of that song so I'm glad to have done the searching anyway.
Yeah, I regret making the voting time as short as I did, even I didn't get to it in time. Better luck to Goodjer Song Fight.
This looks fun, jumped into all 3 leagues. I missed Songs that Remind you of Corn, I had a good one I think. This already has me revisiting stuff I haven't listened to ages, I like it.
Something must have gone wrong 'cause I definitely submitted stuff for Joy.
Joy showed we had until Wednesday to submit unless I’m doing it wrong, so I hadn’t entered my choices yet
I would have submitted something for corn, but… corn? I don’t even think about corn when I’m eating corn. I couldn’t come up with anything.
I submitted picks for Romcom and would have submitted for Joy had I seen it, though.
I've been camping since Wednesday with no cell signal. Will finally be able to catch up on this today.
Edit - Scratch that I fell asleep early. Looks like I've missed submission round for the Meet-Cute so I can't vote. I'm still a bit confused about the timing of it all but that's probably because I was unable to check in on it for a few days.
Tagging the thread, but I don't know if I'll have enough time to participate at the moment. Will try!
Yeah, there's definitely something funky going on in the other one. Everything is duplicated and I bet it's gonna go as weird as the others. Should we start over?
I feel like the combination of my life being too busy and me being too distracted is putting me out of these. I either catch during a submit, or a vote, never both. I'll keep trying when I can though.
I can't seem to vote, is it because I didn't submit a song?
Yeah, I find my ADHD brain keeps going "oh yeah, I need to go look at music league!" and I'm 12 hours too late.