Music League

Ranger Rick brought my attention to this cool website/game. It’s called Music League. I thought it needed it’s own thread.

This is a game where you pick songs based on a theme. It uses Spotify. Go to any song on Spotify and use a share link to post your song choices to the Music League page. The Music League site will generate a Spotify playlist with everyone’s picks. Then all the participants get to vote on their favorite songs based on the theme.

Ranger Rick started a game. You can find it here:

Gamers With Jobs

I also started a game because I wanted to pick more songs. Follow this link to participate.

Goodjer Song Fight Season 1

Apparently Lightning Seeds aren't on Spotify so I can't add their song "Joy" to my list. But I did find out that there is an 8-bit album with a cover of that song so I'm glad to have done the searching anyway.

I liked the idea of creating a loose story arc with the subsequent rounds but I don’t like that we can see all of them ahead of time. That makes the song choices seem less spontaneous. I might just keep the themes in a notes app and create the next round as the current one closes.

If we get enough people playing along it might also be fun to have shorter rounds. Like maybe three or four days to do your picks and two days to vote. Why delay gratification if you don’t have to.

It would be fun to listen to the playlists while working. A lot of times I need to hear a song two or three times to really appreciate it. Whatever my current mood is can really color my opinion of a song. Some of my most favorite songs and bands actually annoyed the first time I heard them.

We’re in the voting stage for Gamers With Jobs game. You can listen to the playlist here:

Songs That Remind You Of Corn.

The voting stage ends tomorrow at 9am. That’s PST I think.

Goodjer Song Fight is still open for song submissions until Monday at midnight PST.

Yeah, I regret making the voting time as short as I did, even I didn't get to it in time. Better luck to Goodjer Song Fight.

That one is getting no love. I started one that’s themed around the typical arc of a RomCom movie. Round one is called The Lonely Ones. Song submissions are due on midnight 07/20/21. After that it’s 48 hours to submit 2 songs and then 48 hours to vote.

In order to get a healthier player count this one is not exclusively Goodjers. If we can get enough Goodjers playing then I will go back to Goodjer only games.

You can find it here:


This looks fun, jumped into all 3 leagues. I missed Songs that Remind you of Corn, I had a good one I think. This already has me revisiting stuff I haven't listened to ages, I like it.

Sweet! Thanks for playing!!

Something must have gone wrong 'cause I definitely submitted stuff for Joy.

Ranger Rick wrote:

Something must have gone wrong 'cause I definitely submitted stuff for Joy.

I think the game was terminated because we only had two people. It takes a minimum of three for a vote-off. I would have enjoyed hearing your picks anyway.

Joy showed we had until Wednesday to submit unless I’m doing it wrong, so I hadn’t entered my choices yet

ToxicWaltz wrote:

Joy showed we had until Wednesday to submit unless I’m doing it wrong, so I hadn’t entered my choices yet

Oh yeah. You’re right. That one seems borked or something. It deleted my picks too.

And… something weird. Every time I refresh the site I get a new random avatar.

I would have submitted something for corn, but… corn? I don’t even think about corn when I’m eating corn. I couldn’t come up with anything.
I submitted picks for Romcom and would have submitted for Joy had I seen it, though.

Awesome! Thanks for joining in.

The “Songfight” game got broken somehow. I messaged the dev with screenshots. I thinks it’s a one person dev team. He does communicate with users on Discord and that’s where I posted about the bug.

For THE ROMCOM, the submission phase ends at about midnight tonight depending on where you live. From then on there will be 48 hours to vote, 48 hours to submit songs, 48 hours to vote, etc. until it’s over.

I’ll post the theme for the next round midway through the voting phase.


Round 2 of THE ROMCOM is currently in the submission phase. The theme is The Meet Cute. You have about four hours left to get your picks in.

If you missed round one you can still jump in. I hate to admit… I missed the deadline for participating in round 1. I just submitted my picks for round 2.

You can find it by following this link:
THE ROMCOM - Round 2 - The Meet Cute

The submission phase has ended. We’re now in the voting phase. The playlist is ready to be listened to. Take your time. Enjoy the music. Votes are due in 48 hours.

I actually submitted songs this time.

Oh. One more thing. I took the down vote out. It didn’t feel right to me. It felt too cynical.

Cheers, y’all!

I've been camping since Wednesday with no cell signal. Will finally be able to catch up on this today.

Edit - Scratch that I fell asleep early. Looks like I've missed submission round for the Meet-Cute so I can't vote. I'm still a bit confused about the timing of it all but that's probably because I was unable to check in on it for a few days.

Tagging the thread, but I don't know if I'll have enough time to participate at the moment. Will try!

THE ROMCOM - Round 3: The First Date

is now in the song submission phase. You have slightly less than 48 hours to submit two songs.


As I write this there are about 10 hours left to submit songs for round 3 of THE ROMCOM. Even if you didn’t participate in earlier rounds you can still jump in and play along. There are several rounds left before it’s over. Don’t worry if you’ve missed a round or two. Just get back in there and submit some songs, and remember to vote during the voting phase.

Yeah, there's definitely something funky going on in the other one. Everything is duplicated and I bet it's gonna go as weird as the others. Should we start over?


Yeah. That one is completely borked on my end. I’ll make a similar one once THE ROMCOM is over. Please jump into the middle of THE ROMCOM if you haven’t already.

I would happily join other games which y’all might start. Please post them here. I want this thread to be for everyone.

Round 4 of THE ROMCOM is now in the voting stage. 2/3 of the players submitted songs, which I think is great. Remember, you have to submit 2 songs and vote in that same round in order to earn points for that round. This round’s playlist is super cool. I’m loving it!!

There’s about 3 hours left to vote in the current round. You have to vote in order to collect points on your own picks. (I think. I might be wrong about that.)

I feel like the combination of my life being too busy and me being too distracted is putting me out of these. I either catch during a submit, or a vote, never both. I'll keep trying when I can though.

ToxicWaltz wrote:

I feel like the combination of my life being too busy and me being too distracted is putting me out of these. I either catch during a submit, or a vote, never both. I'll keep trying when I can though.

I can customize the deadlines.

I’ve noticed that participation is sporadic. I’m going to switch to 72 hour (3 days) periods and see if that works better for the players.

Thanks to Meebs and the podcast crew for the thread of the week mention!

I can't seem to vote, is it because I didn't submit a song?

Amoebic wrote:

I can't seem to vote, is it because I didn't submit a song?

Yeah. It seems that you have to submit two songs in order to vote and if you don’t vote then any points your songs receive get nullified.

In about a week I’m going to start a new music league. There will be fewer rounds. The submission and voting schedule will be modified to what I’m assuming will be more convenient for folks. There will be a two day submission phase and a three day voting phase. This allows more time for folks to listen to the playlists and then vote. I feel that two days is enough time to pick a couple of songs and submit them.

The theme will be random verbs. I went to a random word generator and filtered for only verbs. Then I picked a few that would make good themes for the rounds.

Post here if you’re interested in playing.

Yeah, I find my ADHD brain keeps going "oh yeah, I need to go look at music league!" and I'm 12 hours too late.