I'm pretty sure all the flying unlocks in WOD, Legion, and BFA are gone, now that they're all level 10-50 content. I expect the pathfinder achievements are still there, but flying shouldn't be gated behind them.
Unless that change didn't come with the pre-patch and is instead in the expansion proper?
It is gone in WoD and Legion, but I think it is still active in BFA.
This is what I could find about it:
You will still need to earn Battle for Azeroth Pathfinder, Part One and Battle for Azeroth Pathfinder, Part Two to fly in Battle for Azeroth zones.
But maybe BFA will also get free flying as soon as Shadowlands is the newest content. Dont know.
I could see them waiting until the expansion hit to change it for BFA...
They did remove a lot of the requirements or at least simplified them for the BFA story and flying. I've gotten through most of it in the last week.
AFAIK you still need to do both pathfinders for flying in BFA.
The allied races are worth unlocking especially since you no longer need the exalted reps.
The only ones that require much are the kul tirans, zandalar and mecha gnomes.
On the whole the allied races are worth it as they are more modern looking than the others even with the enhanced customizations.
UPDATE: Flying Achieved. Suck it ground crawlers!
Decided to move to the horde side. Created a Demo lock who's a blast to play. I'm not sure how he will perform in dungeons solo though. Possibly ok because of the blueberry pet.
* Complete war campaign
* Unlock all allied races (done on Alliance side already)
* ...
* Profit?
Decided to move to the horde side. Created a Demo lock who's a blast to play. I'm not sure how he will perform in dungeons solo though. Possibly ok because of the blueberry pet.
* Complete war campaign
* Unlock all allied races (done on Alliance side already)
* ...
* Profit?
I've been doing a lot more horde stuff i'd never done since the lull in BfA. I'm currently using the gap to level a zandalari druid through pandaria and realized i have never once level through these zones as horde.
It's funny that I used to be a primarily Horde player with Ally as backup to see the story. At least with BfA, I'm not as much of a fan of the Horde. Probably the Sylvanas stuff mostly, but also I find the trolls underwhelming.
I like bein a dinosaur *shrug* i also strongly dislike sylvanas and their insistence of having her do unforgivable things and then try to 'redeem' or recast her actions afterwards. although tbf I similarly have a problem with the (to me) obvious Villian's journey they took Jaina down and then completely failed to pay off.
I like bein a dinosaur *shrug* i also strongly dislike sylvanas and their insistence of having her do unforgivable things and then try to 'redeem' or recast her actions afterwards. although tbf I similarly have a problem with the (to me) obvious Villian's journey they took Jaina down and then completely failed to pay off.
Maybe because I had Jaina's story broken up with when I initially played and the rest now, but her's mostly worked for me.
Probably I just commiserate with feeling like a let down and betraying your home culture yversus whatever the point of Sylvanas' story is.
I have always played Horde since launch and the few times I dabble on Alliance it just feels odd. I try and play through each xpac on 1 Alliance character to see all the cut scenes and story from the other side. I find it neat that I still find joy in my original character, a hunter, all these years later.
I get now why the Sylvanas stuff occurred how it occurred to move into SL, but it also feels dumb how they went about it and wreck one of the more iconic WoW Horde NPC's. I mean they could have had Trade Prince Gallywix be the one doing all this cause that guy is a creep and no-one like him anyways :grin:. I also agree to Thrawn's point about Jaina as that story line had been brooding for the last 3 or 4 xpacs.
I have always played Horde since launch and the few times I dabble on Alliance it just feels odd. I try and play through each xpac on 1 Alliance character to see all the cut scenes and story from the other side. I find it neat that I still find joy in my original character, a hunter, all these years later.
I get now why the Sylvanas stuff occurred how it occurred to move into SL, but it also feels dumb how they went about it and wreck one of the more iconic WoW Horde NPC's. I mean they could have had Trade Prince Gallywix be the one doing all this cause that guy is a creep and no-one like him anyways
:grin:. I also agree to Thrawn's point about Jaina as that story line had been brooding for the last 3 or 4 xpacs.
yea with Jaina she had been on a clear downward spiral for several xpacs, all the way bac kto cataclysm i think, or before. whenever threamore gets nuked. getting more and more consumed with anger and racial hatred, then she walks away and is basically absent for the entirety of legion, and then... bam she shows back up and is embraced as a total hero again. I actually like her story in BfA but they were clearly going somewhere with her before Morheim bounced and then walked it all the way back.
Medmey wrote:I have always played Horde since launch and the few times I dabble on Alliance it just feels odd. I try and play through each xpac on 1 Alliance character to see all the cut scenes and story from the other side. I find it neat that I still find joy in my original character, a hunter, all these years later.
I get now why the Sylvanas stuff occurred how it occurred to move into SL, but it also feels dumb how they went about it and wreck one of the more iconic WoW Horde NPC's. I mean they could have had Trade Prince Gallywix be the one doing all this cause that guy is a creep and no-one like him anyways
:grin:. I also agree to Thrawn's point about Jaina as that story line had been brooding for the last 3 or 4 xpacs.
yea with Jaina she had been on a clear downward spiral for several xpacs, all the way back to cataclysm i think, or before. whenever threamore gets nuked. getting more and more consumed with anger and racial hatred, then she walks away and is basically absent for the entirety of legion, and then... bam she shows back up and is embraced as a total hero again. I actually like her story in BfA but they were clearly going somewhere with her before Morheim bounced and then walked it all the way back.
For reference, if anyone wanted/needed to know... During Legion, Jaina spent her time helping areas under Legion invasion that we were busy ignoring due to our work on the Broken Isles... basically the pre-patch event was technically, lorewise, continuing across the world as we did our thing, at least until the Argus patch started... or the Tomb of Sargeras patch ended, I guess.
I dunno that I'd say they necessarily walked it back, though. Prior to Theramore, Jaina saw the benefit of seeing beyond species/race/faction... she was blinded by anger and hatred... but over the course of BFA, thanks to her mother and the manipulations of Ashvane and being sent to basically a realm of the Shadowlands early... she turned back towards that belief and lost at least some of her anger and hatred as she realized where that would lead. I dunno, maybe it's just me, but it seems like a natural progression for her. I doubt she'll EVER be willing to forgive the Sunreavers or a certain warchief who is clearly being milked for every ounce of anima he can be... but the people in the Horde she knows as good people? That makes more sense to me. Lots of folks are talking about a Thrall/Draka reunion in SL, but we kind of already saw that in the Horde campaign for WoD... I'm waaaaaaaaay more curious about the potential for a Jaina/Syl/Arthas or Jaina/Garrosh reunion.
Amusingly, I'd say she actually followed a pretty similar path as Sylvanas from WCIII to Wrath's ending, as we know now. Growing anger at the destruction of her home (and in S's case, her own life) and seeking almost exclusively vengeance/satisfaction. Unlike Maiev, Sylvanas really wasn't anything without her hatred, and thus she killed herself... and went (as we know now) to the Maw where she saw the fate that awaited her thanks to the work of some Maw-friendly Kyrians... but her response was less fear (well, that was clearly some of it) but rather than learning to live without vengeance, she more found something new to work towards for her own benefit... and at that point, I wonder if she would have ended up there anyway.
The big gearing thing is going to be the 2 week event before launch. Hopefully we will know more as the event should start tomorrow? (2 weeks before Nov 23rd)
I really hope they don't botch or cancel the event. And I hope it isn't just for level 50's. I would love to see it extended to level 40's or even 30's. Gearing isn't great in the 40's for weapons. And I find it hard pressed to go with common knowledge that upgrading heirlooms isn't advised any longer.
Oh and I switched my pally over to Draenor and I can definitely see why it is so much faster for leveling. The quests are so dense, doubly so with flying unlocked. (level 40 flying is so damn expensive at over 4K that you have to level to 45 to afford it)
(plus a WoW anniversary with absolutely nothing new)
If they had done something new I'd be more worried, seeing as how their priority should be getting the expansion ready...
I did Panderia and BfA for two toons and those flew pretty well. I started Wrath but that was a but slow. Trying Legion now.
I may do Dreanor on my next one.
But I should have finished those race unlocks, dang.
I leveled from 39-45 in gorgorond. I am now trying to get to 50 in talador but I am thinking I should try to pick up the starter quests in shadowmoon.
edit: and wow, enchantment of the crusader is selling for 1800 gold on baelgun (I think) Maybe I ought to level enchanting? There is only one guy selling it, too. I don't think I have dabbled much in crafting since vanilla. I may have gotten to 60-70 in skinning or leather working ;P
Very much on the fence about resubbing for a bit and maybe buying Shadowlands when it comes out. I played a shaman up to level 20, which given the level squish I'm a little surprised is still the free level cap. It was fun, I think? The game sort of lacks an epic story to pull me in and the quest arrow still simply points to the straight line direction for the next quest, which resulted in me spending about 10 minutes running along the wrong side of a mountain ridge only to have to backtrack or some such similar pathing issue a couple of times.
So, tl;dr version it seems like the fun bits are still fun, and the unfun bits are still unfun.
I would say each expansion is a pretty good story if taken the time to engross yourself in them and not just grab quests and level. Much easier to do when the content is new and actually semi challenging for a few months. Well xpacs starting with Wrath and going forward as those have a more linear story/quest direction.
But overall WoW hasn't changed much since BC and plays the same now as it did then. The new lore keeps the game fresh along with hunting all those achievement points, mounts and other cosmetics. Wow is usually good in 2-3 month spurts for me. Allows me to do new things, some old things then leave for months and come back when more new things are patched in.
The classes play very different starting with Legion.
You can get flying at 30 which takes only 4 hours to reach. It makes a big difference with old school backtracking and dead ends.
One more thing of note: sadly, when your heirlooms are not updated to your current level, you lose the set bonuses. So if you upgrade and heirloom to say 39, once you hit level 40 the set bonus goes away This totally makes zero sense!
Enix wrote:(plus a WoW anniversary with absolutely nothing new)
If they had done something new I'd be more worried, seeing as how their priority should be getting the expansion ready...
I honestly think it's less that and more this anniversary, as it was originally planned, was supposed to hit during the first month of an expansion, and they don't want a repeat of that Ragnaros Core Hound mount situation, so they made it a non-thing to avoid that problem.
Has anyone been able to queue into Korraks BG for the Anniversary event? I hear a few have been able to queue. Pretty sad at the response from Blizzard on a fix for the masses.
Edit, Fixed with patch today.