Thanks to the no rep requirement I have unlocked maghar orc, vulpera and mechagnome in short order.
Is it just me or are the mechagnome racials crazy good?
Zandalari unlocked. That leaves just the Nightborne. Now I have choice paralysis for where to start with leveling alts. So far i have started an ele shammy, arms war and shadow priest. Almost glad the exp got delayed so I can get this alt business squared away.
Awesome thanks for the info!
So far i have started an ele shammy, arms war and shadow priest.
Ele shammy is my new love. It is a ton of fun to play. Mind you I have only reached 23ish on my dark iron shammy alt. I am tempted to try out enh since ele is anything but flimsy like shammies were on the whole in BFA.
Arms is probably the least exciting of the three but is still top tier fun. Definitely my favorite warrior spec.
Shadow priest was revamped a hair less than ele shammy but the unpruning makes it that much more of a toss up. I am still too low to start summoning shadowfiends on crit so it seems like shadow will only get better.
My ret pally is almost 40. The rotation is fun but is getting a little repetitive. It could be that the leveling slows down quite a bit at that point.
Oh, my shammy got the broom mount first try. I am bummed it is not part of the mount collection. It is just an item so you can't unlock it for alts unless you get it to drop for them.
So I got the lucid nightmare, and that went well until the last puzzle. I hate the endless halls, I went in without add ons or mapping. Got the first 4 orbs in about 30 minutes, then got trapped in the teleportation room, lost my bearings and spent almost 3 hours looking for the last orb, then when I found it i got it to the rune in under 2 minutes. But I have it.
I should clarify, I literally ran into a glitch that teleported me back into the teleportation room no matter which door I used for about 15 minutes.
Got Nazatar or whatever rep done. Just need gnomes to take to the skies.
Also unlocked all of the Ally races. Will probably do the Horde races after I have flying.
So I got the lucid nightmare, and that went well until the last puzzle. I hate the endless halls, I went in without add ons or mapping. Got the first 4 orbs in about 30 minutes, then got trapped in the teleportation room, lost my bearings and spent almost 3 hours looking for the last orb, then when I found it i got it to the rune in under 2 minutes. But I have it. :D
Sigh, I still have to get a friend of mine through that. She's not great at focusing on tasks like that but she wants to get more mounts and that is a guaranteed drop if I can get her to sit for it. XD
She is going to hate the endless halls.
The Kul tiran unlock is confusing to me. I figured if I completed the alliance campaign that would be good enough but it appears there is more to do. Anyone got some tips or knowledge on what I'm missing?
The Kul tiran unlock is confusing to me. I figured if I completed the alliance campaign that would be good enough but it appears there is more to do. Anyone got some tips or knowledge on what I'm missing?
Yeah, it's really not clear from the achievement. You need Pride of Kul Tiras and Tides of Vengeance. So it covers 2 or 3 dungeons.
Look it up on wowhead for a decent explanation.
Ugh, thats what I thought. I had read something about dungeons and lost interest
Ugh, thats what I thought. I had read something about dungeons and lost interest :(
Good news is they are pretty easy at this point. No mythics.
Aye, it’s not that bad on heroic. I had more trouble with tides of vengeance than the dungeon. I have trouble forcing myself to grind rep and don’t like the 7th legion/horde = dailies.
The double rep helps a ton.
If I’m to be completely honest, I got Zandalari and Kul Tiran by faction changing a character that had exalted with both required factions. I’m not proud of it, but I did get the mounts and races that way.
I still had to do the quest lines and dungeons, but it kept the reps at exalted.
I think you only need revered, right?
I think you only need revered, right?
Revered for flight, exalted for the allied races. Neither now that we're in prepatch
lunchbox12682 wrote:I think you only need revered, right?
Revered for flight, exalted for the allied races. Neither now that we're in prepatch
Oh, that's why I was misremembering. I just unlocked stuff this week.
So far i have started an ele shammy, arms war and shadow priest.Ele shammy is my new love. It is a ton of fun to play. Mind you I have only reached 23ish on my dark iron shammy alt. I am tempted to try out enh since ele is anything but flimsy like shammies were on the whole in BFA.
Arms is probably the least exciting of the three but is still top tier fun. Definitely my favorite warrior spec.
Shadow priest was revamped a hair less than ele shammy but the unpruning makes it that much more of a toss up. I am still too low to start summoning shadowfiends on crit so it seems like shadow will only get better.
My ret pally is almost 40. The rotation is fun but is getting a little repetitive. It could be that the leveling slows down quite a bit at that point.
Oh, my shammy got the broom mount first try. I am bummed it is not part of the mount collection. It is just an item so you can't unlock it for alts unless you get it to drop for them.
Shammy is brand new to me. But they seem very squishy, lacking the defensive cooldowns of other caster classes i have tried such as balance druid and shadow priest.
What do you like about ele? I love the class fantasy and especially the spell effects. But the squishiness is a bit of a drag.
Speaking of squishy, my ret paladin seems a little soft these days.
My lil' assassination rogue? Rock solid.
Pre-patch is always a little weird.
Unrelated: Has anyone run through Horrific Visions recently? How do they seem during the pre-patch?
I switched from Ret to Prot and have had a blast.
My Enh Sham got better around... 30 or so with a couple talents that made survivability better. Still squishyish.
I'm starting an Ally Mage next, then maybe a rouge. I will say, I'm not a fan of the Kul Tiran player models.
Speaking of squishy, my ret paladin seems a little soft these days.
My lil' assassination rogue? Rock solid.
Pre-patch is always a little weird.
Unrelated: Has anyone run through Horrific Visions recently? How do they seem during the pre-patch?
I have done horrific visions full clear and they seem about the same as before if not a hair easier. My 3 mask run was easy enough without loosing my first bar of sanity. My character is ilvl 115 and cloak is maxed at 15.
Also my DemoHunter (DPS spec) was very fragile yesterday killing elite rares. It was a struggle to solo mobs that I had no issues with before. They seemed to have gotten nerfed hard.
Also my DemonHunter (DPS spec) was very fragile yesterday killing elite rares. It was a struggle to solo mobs that I had no issues with before. They seemed to have gotten nerfed hard.
Yes, unfortunately It is approaching the point where they may no longer be my main in SL. Still a lot of fun to play though and too much utility with gliding.
The ele shammy is only in the mid 20's so it is possible they could fall off defensively in short order. So far, I kill things faster than they can swarm me and the heal is good enough during tough fights. I have died twice but then you just use reincarnation...
The shadow priest having pw:shield is a big boon and they are no slouch at killing. They also have an edge in aoe as I have yet to find it in ele other than lightning shield and doting everything.
My mage also feels way more fragile than before. I switched to frost instead of arcane, so it is a bit hard to compare, but sure feels like I take way more dmg from the mobs in Pandaland and Egypt (farming the 8.3 reps).
OK, looks like my gear is way out of date, currently iLvl 72. Any good ways to catch up without having to do group content or just don't worry about it since new xpac coming?
I think you can catch up when the pre-Shadowlands event begins (army of dead invasion or whatever it is).
Should start a few weeks before release, so probably in November somewhere. Not worth it to try to catch up in other ways imo.
Super helpful, thanks. And still worth it to work on unlocking flying? I just unlocked part 1 so need part 2 and have quite a ways to go. Also need to unlock BFA classes.
Or will all of that happen automatically when Shadowlands drops? Sorry for the nooby questions, the amount of info to dig through out there is kinda overwhelming right now and trying to figure out how to spend my time. If nothing worth doing in BFA (other than finishing the main questline unless that's redundant too) then I'll work on leveling alts.
BFA flying wont be useful in Shadowlands - it will have its own unlock, and probably only long after release (usually the second major path I believe). So yeah, only useful for flying in BFA.
When you say BFA classes, is it the new allied races? I think you will still need to unlock those to play them. So that might be worth doing, if you want to lvl alts as those races.
The main story in BFA is not needed either, but since it somewhat leads to the Shadowlands story, it might be worth it, depending on how much you care about the story I personally think it is worth it, but I am not sure if it is possible to finish the main story line before Shadowlands. Unless they removed some of the requirements.
Always possible to go back to BFA for its story after Shadowlands release as well.