I’m not a server expert but after 16 years shouldn’t they have this down by now? Or is there just so much you can do?
For what it's worth, this was a totally smooth launch for me on Blackhand. I was online for about an hour leading up to the release time, and then right at 6:01PM ET I automatically received a quest and was able to portal right over to the Shadowlands.
Has been extremely smooth launch for me too. It lagged a lot in Orgrimmar before launch, but after that, nothing. I guess midnight release is a lot less heavy on the servers than afternoon release.
Medmey wrote:Been makin goblin gliders and selling on AH. As soon as I put them up they r gone. Made around 5k in a few min today,
That's good goblin-ing. Wish I had thought of that.
Ok, so in the minutes leading up to the expansion release, and based completely on Medmey's post here, I also crafted up some Goblin Glider Kits using a small portion of the materials I happened to already have on-hand. I listed 50 kits (10 craftings) and they sold within minutes, scoring me 833G(!). My question is: Why are these silly kits so darned valuable?
Enix wrote:Medmey wrote:Been makin goblin gliders and selling on AH. As soon as I put them up they r gone. Made around 5k in a few min today,
That's good goblin-ing. Wish I had thought of that.
Ok, so in the minutes leading up to the expansion release, and based completely on Medmey's post here, I also crafted up some Goblin Glider Kits using a small portion of the materials I happened to already have on-hand. I listed 50 kits (10 craftings) and they sold within minutes, scoring me 833G(!). My question is: Why are these silly kits so darned valuable?
Speed runs using Azeroth Autopilot or other leveling tools require glider kits
merphle wrote:Enix wrote:Medmey wrote:Been makin goblin gliders and selling on AH. As soon as I put them up they r gone. Made around 5k in a few min today,
That's good goblin-ing. Wish I had thought of that.
Ok, so in the minutes leading up to the expansion release, and based completely on Medmey's post here, I also crafted up some Goblin Glider Kits using a small portion of the materials I happened to already have on-hand. I listed 50 kits (10 craftings) and they sold within minutes, scoring me 833G(!). My question is: Why are these silly kits so darned valuable?
Speed runs using Azeroth Autopilot or other leveling tools require glider kits
Crazy. Ok, thanks.
Speaking of speedruns, somebody hit 60 already.
Pretty fun so far
Minimal issues at start up. Some lag hiccups with rapid catch up.
Because people are wondering about gearing (and so am I), Wowhead published something today about gearing. Here's the iLvl of what will drop once you hit lvl 60, which apparently will come quickly. All of this stuff is available in Week 1 (i.e. starting tonight)
World Quests: i145+
Profession Crafting: i151-164
Normal Dungeons: i158
PvP Honor Gear (1-3): i158-171 Week 1
Faction Reputation: i164-200 (starting at honored)
Heroic Dungeons: i171
Mythic Dungeons: i184I don't know what quest gear will look like. Somewhere over i100, I guess, and it'll get better the closer you get to 60.
The TL,DR is that we'll gear up pretty quickly. If you do nothing but world quests, you'll replace (and significantly upgrade) your BFA gear this week, next week at the latest.
The first normal quest reward of gear I've been offered is a green i90 piece. In case anyone cared.
Pretty smooth run tonight. Had one dc but that was it. Opening area and first hubs in bastion felt very same old. Not sure what i was expecting but so far "guarded optimism" is the most i can muster.
I am surprised at how smooth of a launch it was! All my add-ons worked perfectly, there was only lag a couple of times, and overall it's a lot of fun (This is on MalGanis)
As luck would have it, I had Thanksgiving week off for no other reason than to burn some vacation time. The delay timing could not have been better. Since I only have 11 hours until my wife gets home from work, I have to go get some gaming time in!
I played for several hours, taking it slow and exploring and such. hit three camepign milestone achievement components in bastion, enjoying the look of bastion a lot and enjoying the story they are telling. it's familiar while still being different enough to keep me interested. plus i really like the aesthetic of Bastion (even though i am pretty unlikely to pick it as my convenent with my hunter main)
Several quests in they give you a i90 weapon too.
So at a minimum, I would do the Nathanos quest before entering shadowlands. It takes ~10 minutes and nets you an i115 weapon
Most everything else will be replaced in 2 hours of questing with i90 gear. (helm, chest, pants, bracers, gloves so far)
It took me longer than I'd like to admit to remember that corruptions aren't a thing. Or rather, to remember that because corruptions are no longer a thing, some of the gear I'm holding in my bag is now an upgrade over what I'm wearing.
Stabbing Westward fan at Blizzard?
Stabbing Westward fan at Blizzard?
And I'm 16 again.
Who can lend me some eye liner?
merphle wrote:Stabbing Westward fan at Blizzard?
And I'm 16 again.
Who can lend me some eye liner?
The only reason I even noticed is because it was a fully voiced line of dialogue as part of the main campaign
Two things:
I take back the shade I threw at Blizzard since the servers are running smoothly next day.
People talking about listening to Stabbing Westward in high school makes me feel very, very old.
lunchbox12682 wrote:merphle wrote:Stabbing Westward fan at Blizzard?
And I'm 16 again.
Who can lend me some eye liner?The only reason I even noticed is because it was a fully voiced line of dialogue as part of the main campaign
Ohh, maybe I'll get Shadoelands sooner than I planned.
I should go find my signed album
Expansion story feels much better than BFA. It could be the newness though.
I want to emphasize again, do the Nathanos quest. I have looted about 4-5 weapons, at least 2 quest rewards that have yet to match the weapon from that quest.
Every other piece has been replaced with most twice. I'm now over GS 100 (102 I believe).
The scenery in the quest areas are top notch in Bastion, the Maw and Maldraxxus.
So, apparently I didn’t do enough side quests. About 85% of the way to level 53, can’t progress the story until I ding the level
I hit that too. It doesn't take long to hit 53.
Expansion story feels much better than BFA. It could be the newness though.
I want to emphasize again, do the Nathanos quest. I have looted about 4-5 weapons, at least 2 quest rewards that have yet to match the weapon from that quest.Every other piece has been replaced with most twice. I'm now over GS 100 (102 I believe).
The scenery in the quest areas are top notch in Bastion, the Maw and Maldraxxus.
I cleared the first campeign portion of bastion (still a big chunk unrevealed, i expect maybe i'll have to go back later?) and only replaced one piece of gear after having fully geared from the pre-event.
I went into Maldraxxus at 54 and i've been worried maybe i was being too much of a completionist and leveling too fast.
-I went into Maldraxxus at 53. (I've gotten probably 1/3 through that campaign at 54.5)
-I will note that chest spawns have been very fruitful for gear upgrades. (blues and purples)
-Also, I was GS 80-84 before Shadowlands. So if you were mythic+ geared, or had a full set of pre-patch, Shadowlands probably drop upgrades until Maldraxxus. Bastion was ilvl 90-93 gear. Maldraxxus has some 96 gear and some 102 gear so far. More than likely based on character level.
-I will note that chest spawns have been very fruitful for gear upgrades. (blues and purples)
No kidding! From one single chest last night, I got 4 pieces of gear all at once, 3 of which were useful (minor) upgrades.
So I skipped all the afterlives cinematics until today. I have to say "damn" it will be hard not to pick Ardenweald as a covenant based on the feels from that video.
And this is despite a really cool character minor character (that I won't spoil) being prominent in Maldraxxus.
Thrall's mom!!!
On a side note, am I the only one that gets a Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure vibe when travelling the In-Between?