Games of the 2010's that You Have Finished More Than Once

I don't replay games as I'm much too attracted to new and shiny things. However I did replay Inside earlier this year. In fact I even purchased it a second time. It's one of my all time greats. Sitting back and taking in that ending, at about 4am in my pitch black living room, with my headphones on... wow.

I sometimes feel guilty about how much time I spend on games, that perhaps I should be doing something else. However Inside was one of those truly singular experiences that made me thank the heavens that I 'get' games.

Surprising absolutely no one, the first games I can think of are Mass Effect 2 and 3. Aside from that...
Journey would be one. I guess Skyrim too. But I don't tend to replay games all that much, simply because there are so many to play.

UpToIsomorphism wrote:

In whatever order I remember them:
Mass Effect

That's 2007.

Eleima wrote:

Surprising absolutely no one, the first games I can think of are Mass Effect 2 and 3. Aside from that...
Journey would be one. I guess Skyrim too. But I don't tend to replay games all that much, simply because there are so many to play.

UpToIsomorphism wrote:

In whatever order I remember them:
Mass Effect

That's 2007. ;)

Nope. Played on PS3, as I never had a XBOX 360 or a capable PC. That game was released on January 26, 2010.


Hmm, let's see:

I've gone through Dishonored probably three times, and I may do a high chaos run on D2. (I've only played that one once, and ended up being frustrated with it because it was so difficult in stealth mode. I did finish, but I was never really in flow state with D2 and didn't enjoy it very much.)

Prey has gotten three runs. It's not a perfect game, and it doesn't quite live up to its incredible opening (probably the single best opener in a computer game, ever), but my third run was mostly marveling at its technical skill, at how the space station was apparently modeled as a real thing with actual spaces, so that as you're navigating inside and outside, the scale is correct. If you enter a room in the interior, there's space allocated for it outside. The more closely I looked at things, the more real they felt. I don't remember ever replaying a game just to look at the game world critically.

I've built several complete factories with Factorio, three or four hundred hours' worth, and still have it installed, although I think I may finally have worn out on it.

I played through Subnautica at least four times, although not all the way, because it wasn't finished yet. Every three or four months, when they released a major update, I'd start over. Loved it every time. Loved the release version even more.

I've launched several escape ships with Rimworld, although I stopped playing the game after they implemented attack waves when you were trying to launch your ship. That whole mechanic seems stupid to me, and it really wrecked my enjoyment of the game. Haven't played it since.

Skyrim has gotten at least two full runs, maybe three.

Return of the Obra Dinn got two full playthroughs, and I fully expect I'll do it again in a few years. Damn fine game, there. It's one of the most creative titles I've seen in a long life of gaming. It has flaws, but they're pretty minor, and I consider it a true gem.

Mass Effect 2 got multiple plays. Then Mass Effect 3 shipped and wrecked the whole series for me. I've never touched it since.

Frostpunk hasn't gotten that much love on GWJ, but I put a lot of hours into it. Most city games are toys, where you fiddle around, with no real goal, and you typically can't lose. This is a game, with active and pressing fail states. I've at least played every scenario, although I wasn't able to figure out the Winterhome one. The core experience is awesome, just a remarkable experience, incredibly absorbing for a strategy game. There aren't too many strategy/storytelling hybrids out there, but this one really succeeds at both. The 'save the seeds' scenario is also really good. I didn't enjoy the other stuff as much, but the core game is what you're really buying here. Totally worth the asking price.

Skyrim, Dishonored 1 & 2, Witcher 3, Fallout 4.

Skyrim and Subnautica for sure. Skyrim like 3 times now with 3 different characters, one based on stealth/archery, a 2 hand tanker/healer, and a magic using type.

I could probably add in the ARK which doesn't really have an ending but I've probably restarted that game and built up to max at least a half dozen times on 3 maps.

I don't think I can count games I've "only" played twice. That's a really long list, maybe a couple dozen.

I guess I shouldn't count games that came out before the 10's but I've replayed multiple times as re-releases? (Resident Evil 4, Shadow of the Colossus)

I've played Final Fantasy XV between three and a half dozen times (chapter select and NG+ makes it hazy), Mass Effect I think five times before the second one came out, and The World Ends With You probably four times (twice from "scratch", but again chapter select and NG+ makes the exact count hazy).

It's great to see some of us REALLY getting our money's worth out of a few of these!

Castlevania Lords of Shadow - 3x to get platinum.
Super Mario 3D World - And not just finishing the levels with all 5 characters. I played solo and with my wife and 2 boys.
Darksiders - Replayed a couple months ago. Still as good as it was at the very beginning of the decade

And I would have added The Surge to that list had it not disappeared from the Game Pass program just as I was working through my 2nd run.

I've restarted a bunch of games including Dark Souls, Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild, and most notably, Xenoblade Chronicles 2, which I could probably rush my way through if I wanted to, having maxed my levels and then worked on maxing stats and speccing things for tens of hours. I imagine I could run through to the end in less than 15 hours and still take my time watching all the cutscenes. I've heard it can be done in under 10 from start to finish and my save is nearly half-way there.

Borderlands 2
Diablo 3
Each of the Batman Arkham games although I think Asylum came out before 2010.
Witcher 3
Rock Band 3 and 4

Definitely count me down for Borderlands 2. I did not realize it was released in the 2010's.
Maya (x2), Gaige, and Axton (?) all got playthroughs. Maybe Krieg too...

I really want to give Pathfinder Kingmaker a nod here. While I never completed the campaign, I put so many friggen hours into the rogue-like dungeon that it should count. I mean I am approaching 150 hours, that has to count.

Does Slay the Spire count? It seems the games are relatively short, no? Or are those not technically campaigns?

Malor wrote:

Frostpunk hasn't gotten that much love on GWJ, but I put a lot of hours into it. Most city games are toys, where you fiddle around, with no real goal, and you typically can't lose. This is a game, with active and pressing fail states. I've at least played every scenario, although I wasn't able to figure out the Winterhome one. The core experience is awesome, just a remarkable experience, incredibly absorbing for a strategy game. There aren't too many strategy/storytelling hybrids out there, but this one really succeeds at both. The 'save the seeds' scenario is also really good. I didn't enjoy the other stuff as much, but the core game is what you're really buying here. Totally worth the asking price.

I can't get into strictly sandbox builder games, but having a victory/defeat condition, plus the great atmosphere, made this one of my favorites in recent years. I will absolutely replay all the scenarios when they release the next DLC's. And yeah, Winterhome was especially brutal.

fangblackbone wrote:

Definitely count me down for Borderlands 2. I did not realize it was released in the 2010's.
Maya (x2), Gaige, and Axton (?) all got playthroughs. Maybe Krieg too...

I really want to give Pathfinder Kingmaker a nod here. While I never completed the campaign, I put so many friggen hours into the rogue-like dungeon that it should count. I mean I am approaching 150 hours, that has to count.

Does Slay the Spire count? It seems the games are relatively short, no? Or are those not technically campaigns?

Confession, I majorly burnt out on random loot games during my first time through BL2. And I broke right in the middle of Tiny Tina's DLC. I... just... couldn't... go... on... Everything said I wanted to get through it, but the thought of having to open that stupid inventory and somehow figure out whether or not the bigger numbers actually mean better results just became too much. I was already struggling to stay alive during combat in game and nothing was sticking. I was just done.

My 2010s repeat finishers:

Fallout: New Vegas
Mass Effect 2
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
King of Dragon Pass (iOS version came out 2011)
XCOM 2 (with and without War of the Chosen)
Civs V & VI (if you can ever count them as 'finished')
Divinity: Original Sin 2

With the RPGs, I had to wait at least a year before I would want to replay, and it had to be during a slow patch for new RPGs.

I replayed Mass Effect 2 because I played ME1 & 2 on PC with a manShep, and then decided to correct that when the series came out on PS3 and start the series all over again as FemShep. Never looked back. I can't even remember my goofus manShep anymore.

Ordinarily, I probably would have replayed The Witcher 3, but I put SO many hours into it the first time around, then chewed right through the DLC and got a really satisfying ending, then I got into the soundtrack and then the books, and the Gwent games, and I felt sated.

I used to replay games more in earlier decades, but this was the decade my parenthood began.

UpToIsomorphism wrote:
Eleima wrote:
UpToIsomorphism wrote:

In whatever order I remember them:
Mass Effect

That's 2007. ;)

Nope. Played on PS3, as I never had a XBOX 360 or a capable PC. That game was released on January 26, 2010.

>.> ............
........... <.<

I feel like that's cheating.

Not too many, here!

Persona 5 - beaten, then NG+
The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds - beaten, then again on hard mode
Black Closet, Long Live the Queen, and Magical Diary -- though, as visual novels with multiple story paths, I feel like these don't quite count.

Gone Home

Both are two of my favorite games ever and I replayed them whenever they appeared in a bundle on epic/humble/ps+/xbox gold. Both feel like great movies that you can rewatch and just appreciate how masterfully they are done. Also both are finishable on a single afternoon. I wish that was true for more games.

I guess Diablo 3 as I rushed through it when they gave you a mount or something for Heroes of the Storm. Then rushed through it again in a single night with two friends at the beginning of a season just for the fun of hanging out.

Also I played a couple of visual novels long enough to unlock several endings but I don't think that counts as I just went back to the choices I had to redo and could skip through all the text.

Off the top of my head I know I played Iconoclasts multiple times.

Other than that I'll need some time I can really sit down and scan some release lists.