What are some games of the 2010's that you have finished more than once?
One the one hand, this. Cash-rich, time-poor gamers ain't got time for that!
On the other hand, roguelikes say hi. I've "completed" Into The Breach and Slay The Spire numerous times.
EU4, HOI4, CK2, Victoria 2, Factorio. I've seen the end screens of those multiple times.
Jonman wrote:garion333 wrote:None AFAIK
One the one hand, this. Cash-rich, time-poor gamers ain't got time for that!
On the other hand, roguelikes say hi. I've "completed" Into The Breach and Slay The Spire numerous times.
Ooo... that's a little tough. With Into the Breach if you've beat it once I wouldn't say you've "completed" it, but I'm also not sure where I'd draw that line.
Yeah, I've done hundreds of successful runs of games, but didn't really consider that replaying the game in the same way as replaying The Witcher 3.
I've tried replaying numerous titles, but don't think I've ever made it all the way through any game.
I've been putting a top games of the decade list together, so using that it was fairly easy to remember which ones I beat multiple times. There was more than I thought there would be.
-Beat Bastion, then New Game +'d it
-Beat Transistor, then New Game +'d it
-Fallout: New Vegas several times to see the different faction ends, did all but Legion
-Mass Effect 2 twice
-XCOM Enemy Unknown and then Enemy Within (I'm counting this)
-XCOM 2 and then WOTC
-Saints Row 4 twice, for some reason
-Fire Emblem Awakening twice
-Fire Emblem: Three Houses twice (different houses, of course)
-Ghost Trick twice (still good the second time)
Probably others too, but
Witcher 2 & 3
Dark Souls 1& 2 & 3
Divinity Orignal Sin 2
Pillars of Eternity 1 & 2 (first one 5 times :S)
Life is Strange
Mass Effect 2 & 3 (at least 3 times each)
Doesnt really "count"; Diablo 3, Civ 5 & 6
Edit: Oh yeah, Dragon Age 2 & 3
Horizon Zero Dawn
I've played the campaign of Diablo 3 from start to finish probably five times. From scratch at least three times as I've bought it on multiple systems and had to start over. One or two of those runs might've had Paragon points, which doesn't really count.
Thankfully you don't have to do the campaign anymore to unlock Adventure Mode.
In this specific case of into the breach, I think I consider it replaying the game if you start over from scratch and have to unlock everything again.
In which case, HELL NO!
What are some games of the 2010's that you have finished more than once?
The only one I can think of is Tomb Raider 2013 for some reason. I also beat the original Tomb Raider twice in the last year, but that's from 1996, and therefore does not count for this thread.
Off the top of my head there is choice driven games like
Mass Effect 2, 3
Dragon Age 2
Witcher 2
Alpha Protocol
Deus Ex Human Revolution
Infamous Second Son
And then games that are fun to play through with increasing mastery
Battlechasers Nightwar
And games that are fun to revisit after a couple of years, when you've forgotten what happened the first time round
Uncharted 4
The Last of Us
Only one I can think of, but a lot of "almost."
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor is the one, thanks to new game+ and a desire to see the multiple endings. (If it counts for this decade: I started in 2009(?) but finished the first playthrough in 2017).
I'm really close with Horizon Zero Dawn. I restarted to play the expansion, and the mainline boss is a wimp compared to the expansion boss so Aloy can check that off without any trouble. Maybe we should go do that.
Shadow Tactics, I've jumped around and replayed most of the missions to check off the badge challenges. It felt great to do no-kill runs on early levels that once gave me trouble.
I'm halfway there with Fire Emblem: Three Houses and that will probably happen before the new year.
I've restarted Kerbal Space Program a few times and it's over when I say it is, so... sure.
Persona 5, I got halfway with the RPG club this year and ran out of gas. I'm not interested in Royal so I should try to finish before that comes out (it would feel a little lame afterward).
Ignoring games that are designed to be beat multiple times (Civ, Into the Breach, etc), the only ones I think I've got are:
Mass Effect 2 (3 times -- if we extend the dates I've got like ~12 times in ME1)
XCOM2 (this is similar to Civ, but campaigns take longer and there's an actual story so I'll count it here)
The Hexcells Games (Hexcells, Hexcells Plus, Hexcells Infinite)
There are a handful of RPGs that I've started up for a second playthrough but never finished.
Mass Effect 2 - 3 times
Dead Space 1 - 3 times
Dead Space 2 - 3 times
Uncharted 2 - 2 times
The Last of Us + Left Behind DLC - 3 times
Destiny 1 - I guess I technically beat this campaign 3 times
Prey (2017) - 2 times
Undertale - 3 times
Nier: Automata - 1 time or 5 times... whatever you consider getting ending E
Dark Souls 1 - Damn... I don't even know at this point. 7 times? And that's only counting the full runs.
Dark Souls 2 - Same as DS1, but even more because I was unemployed at the time... 10 times?
Bloodborne - 5 or 6 times
Sekiro - 3 times
Resident Evil 2: Remake - 5 times
So yeah, a bunch.
ME 2+3
Endless Legend
Endless Space 2
Total War: Warhammer
Diablo 3
StarCraft: Wings of Liberty and Heart of the Swarm
Telltale's Walking Dead seasons 1+2
Wolfenstein: The New Order
Metro 2033 and Last Light
Sunless Sea
Looks like the pattern is that I will usually only replay a game when a new expansion or sequel is released.
Not a single one, to be honest.
Closest I came to playing through something a second time in the 2010's was Curse of Monkey Island, which is from 1997. Played it with my best friend back then; played through by myself this year after numerous aborted attempts throughout the decade.
I did play through the retail edition of Dear Esther (2012), but the original Half-Life mod of Dear Esther, which I first finished, was from 2008, so also doesn't count.
Edit: Actually, I did almost get through Abobo's Big Adventure twice. Almost... More like 1.75 times.
Mass Effect 2+3
Portal Knights (played it a bunch with my kids)
Shadow of Mordor
Portal 2
In whatever order I remember them:
Mass Effect
Mass Effect 2
Mass Effect 3
inFamous 2
inFamous: Second Son
Dragon Age: Origins
Dragon Age 2
Dragon Age Inquisition
Fire Emblem Three Houses
I also beat The Walking Dead on multiple platforms, and probably a few more I will have to edit in later.
Fewer than I thought, only because some of the games I was going to list actually came out before 2010 (Dragon Age Origins and Uncharted 1/2, for example)
Mass Effect 2 and 3
Dragon Age 2
Uncharted 3
Portal 2
Tomb Raider (2013 reboot)
Everybody's Gone to the Rapture
Wolfenstein: The New Order
Halo Reach
Mark of the Ninja
Diablo III
So I just crossed a few off my list realizing they were from last decade:
Star Wars Old Republic
Guild Wars 2
Warhammer Total War
Shogun Total War 2
Civilization 5
Diablo 3
hah, just realised how many of my choices were last decade. Time, how does it work?
Demons souls, dark souls 1 and 2, the xcom reboot Diablo 3 and the infamous games. It drops off severely 5 years ago with the arrival of kids!
bbk1980 wrote:Demons souls, dark souls 1 and 2, the xcom reboot Diablo 3 and the infamous games. It drops off severely 5 years ago with the arrival of kids!
I had my first kid in 2010, so my list consists of
Civilization V.
Civilization VI.
and nothing else I think.
Mmmm Civ games. I don’t think Civ 4 counts into 2010 so I can’t list it here. I haven’t had a decent pc since children so haven’t played 6. I need to look into the PS4 version but I just can’t imagine playing with a controller.
Borderlands TPS - hate all you want, I put a LOT of hours into this game. I solved it with the Baroness, Jack's Doppelganger and Nisha. And I believe Athena and perhaps Claptrap as well. Willhelm is pretty close as well. Both BL2 and BL3 suffer from large sections of the mid game that drag. BL3 is definitely better in that regard despite those sections being longer.
Diablo 3
Borderlands TPS - hate all you want, I put a LOT of hours into this game. I solved it with the Baroness, Jack's Doppelganger and Nisha. And I believe Athena and perhaps Claptrap as well. Willhelm is pretty close as well.
Actual narrative games, just 1 I think: Return of the Obra Dinn. I got a half-assed bad ending with not very many identities known and then played 'coop' with my wife and got the whole-assed 100% of the identities.
Factorio: I've launched the rocket and called that good a few times. I've also played significantly beyond that more than once, graduating from Factory to Mega Factory to Giga Factory (my definitions)
Binding of Isaac (various iterations) I've defeated all the bosses dozens of times, with all of the characters, on Switch and PC. I had one complete save on PC prior to Afterbirth. Ive had a maximum streak of 16 wins with Eden. Repentance comes out next year and I look forward to adding another decade of this wonderful game!
I dont think there are many others. I'm a pretty big tourist when it comes to games.
Borderlands 2
Fallout 4
Fallout New Vegas
Diablo 3
If I enjoyed playing an action RPG with one character, there's a good chance I also enjoyed playing it through with multiple characters.