Vector wrote:I already have a top-10 list and I have no idea how I’ve done that. I’m burning through games (even 100%ing them) at a record pace. I haven’t even got to any of my most anticipated yet.
I don't know where Battle Chasers landed on your list, Vector, but so far it sits at the very top of mine!
It’s in the bottom half right now just because I’ve played so many great games this year. If it doesn’t manage to stay on, it’ll be the hardest cut I’ll have to make.
Sounds like you've had a great year in gaming so far!
I am honestly surprised BC is at the top of mine so far, especially because I've played games I would have thought for sure I would like more, but here we are. Not only that, but right now Battle Chasers isn't just my number one, but it is my favorite game this year by far. Let's see what happens in this second half of 2020!
Right around late March, my gaming almost totally dropped off. Unless being an asshole on GWJ counts, I've barely done any gaming lately.
I've had a good six months gaming wise.
Mafia 3
Streets of Rage 4
Death Stranding
In Progress / To Begin:
The Outer Worlds
Divinity: Original Sin 2
Remnant: From the Ashes
The Last of Us: Part 2
Let's see... In 2020:
- I wrapped up Disco Elysium, my GOTY for 2019
- Played some Slay the Spire on the Switch, another game I already voted for
- I played a few games here and there, but none for more than an hour or so
- During the lockdown, PES 2020 was my go-to game, which I voted for in 2019 as well
Apart from that, I played the beta release of Old World. So unless H2 of 2020 is vastly different, I'll probably won't reach 10 games to vote for.
Thing is: before COVID, I spent about half a working day before a computer screen. But now with all meetings being online as well and 100% WFH since 18 March, I spend 90% of my day watching the same screen I game on - plus overtime in the evenings usually. Often I don't even feel like gaming to be honest.
Right around late March, my gaming almost totally dropped off. Unless being an asshole on GWJ counts, I've barely done any gaming lately.
But I guess I've been playing multiplayer with Clock though
Final Fantasy VII Remake is probably going to remain my GOTY this year.
Haven’t played 10 games yet, I don’t think. I definitely haven’t played anything released in 2020 yet. But none of this is unusual behavior for me.
Right around late March, my gaming almost totally dropped off. Unless being an asshole on GWJ counts, I've barely done any gaming lately.
I don't see why you can't count that.
For me so far, the big winners are one big-budget, AAA title (FF VII Remake) and a couple smaller games -- A Short Hike and Ori and the Blind Forest. I suspect Horizon Zero Dawn will end up on my list too. I haven't played a lot of games by volume, and I've also played a bunch of games that are not new to me. A few others that are new to me, like Ys Origins, I enjoyed but I suspect won't make the list by year's end.
I'm really curious where Jedi Fallen Order will end up for me. That was new to me this year too, but I could see it being surpassed by other gaming experiences.
ClockworkHouse wrote:Right around late March, my gaming almost totally dropped off. Unless being an asshole on GWJ counts, I've barely done any gaming lately.
I don't see why you can't count that. :)
What games can I vote for? Any game you played for the first time in 2020.
I would love for Nintendo to make a console that I actually want to own. Switch is not that console. Their games sound extremely appealing, but their hardware is not for me.
I am right there with you. I would be all for a Switch Pro that dropped all the portable gaming stuff or maybe even a Switch XL that was still portable but had bigger Joycons with large handed adult male sized buttons and stuff. I have messed with my nephews Switch a little and the Joycons are just too small.
Sounds like you've had a great year in gaming so far!
I am honestly surprised BC is at the top of mine so far, especially because I've played games I would have thought for sure I would like more, but here we are. Not only that, but right now Battle Chasers isn't just my number one, but it is my favorite game this year by far. Let's see what happens in this second half of 2020!
My friend lent me his PS4 in January so I've been playing catch-up before I have to give it back at the end of summer. Finished Horizon Zero Dawn + Expansion (100%), FFVII Remake, Marvel's Spider-Man, and am in the back-half of God of War (2018). Fully intend to 100% that last one. Going to get Ghost of Tsushima next month. That's half my list, if Ghost of Tsushima is as good as it should be, just for PS4 exclusives all in one year.
2020 so far...
1. Children of Morta
2. Battle Chasers Nightwar
3. Full Metal Furies
4. Nine Parchments
5. Moonlighter
Honorable mention to Ring Fit Adventure, which I've played a ton of (up to day ~50) but is mostly a motivation tool to exercise. As a game it's pretty generic.
I tend to track and categorize my faves throughout the year as either In the Hunt or Rest of the List.
Kind of like I make up my mind if said title is a contender for GOTY or if will more likely fill out the bottom 2/3 of my Top 10 list.
We're currently only halfway through the year and my list is already getting dangerously full.
Top tier:
Troubleshooter: Abandoned Children
Lobotomy Corporation: Monster Management Simulation
My Summer Car
Command & Conquer Remastered Collection
Supporting cast:
The Longing
In Other Waters
Intergalactic Fishing
Plebby Quest
And then there's those titles that aren't even out yet.
Crusader Kings III
Man there's just so much goodness to be had out there.
Right now my top game would be Path of Exile Harvest league. But that is a league in a game I have played for a long time. I took a break and came back to the new league and wow did they add a lot.
Maybe cyberpunk will become my top game but we shall see.
LastSurprise wrote:ClockworkHouse wrote:Right around late March, my gaming almost totally dropped off. Unless being an asshole on GWJ counts, I've barely done any gaming lately.
I don't see why you can't count that. :)
Eleima, edited by me wrote:What games can I vote for? Any game you played for the first time in 2020.
This is an Elite Dangerous situation. Clock patch version 2020 is totally different than 2019. It's practically a new game!
tboon wrote:LastSurprise wrote:ClockworkHouse wrote:Right around late March, my gaming almost totally dropped off. Unless being an asshole on GWJ counts, I've barely done any gaming lately.
I don't see why you can't count that. :)
Eleima, edited by me wrote:What games can I vote for? Any game you played for the first time in 2020.
This is an Elite Dangerous situation. Clock patch version 2020 is totally different than 2019. It's practically a new game!
Still plays pretty much the same, only with sharper repartee.
You can't even begin to imagine how hard I'm rolling my eyes right now.
Mario_Alba wrote:Sounds like you've had a great year in gaming so far!
I am honestly surprised BC is at the top of mine so far, especially because I've played games I would have thought for sure I would like more, but here we are. Not only that, but right now Battle Chasers isn't just my number one, but it is my favorite game this year by far. Let's see what happens in this second half of 2020!
My friend lent me his PS4 in January so I've been playing catch-up before I have to give it back at the end of summer. Finished Horizon Zero Dawn + Expansion (100%), FFVII Remake, Marvel's Spider-Man, and am in the back-half of God of War (2018). Fully intend to 100% that last one. Going to get Ghost of Tsushima next month. That's half my list, if Ghost of Tsushima is as good as it should be, just for PS4 exclusives all in one year.
No wonder BC is in the bottom half of your list, then!
You can't even begin to imagine how hard I'm rolling my eyes right now.
Probably not for the first time.
zeroKFE wrote:You can't even begin to imagine how hard I'm rolling my eyes right now.
Probably not for the first time.
Probably not for the last either.
It's definitely a new and unique experience every time for sure, but since the developers aren't selling it as a new retail product I don't usually bother mentioning it except when it's particularly powerful.
The only 2020 games I've beaten so far are Resident Evil 3 Remake and Final Fantasy VII Remake, with 60 hours in Persona 5 Royal and ...I dunno, three-to-five hours in DOOM Eternal? Right now FFVIIR has the top spot in terms of just 2020 releases, but of the rest P5R is the only other contender. I was enjoying DOOM Eternal well enough, but I also feel like it was just more hassle than I wanted in terms of some of the combat encounters. Optional ones, granted, but being the completionist I am I didn't like the idea of going back later to get everything. I'll dip my toes back in eventually, but for now I'm contemplating dropping difficulty, which is something I rarely ever do.
Oh, wait, I also played Darksiders: Genesis, and found it incredibly... bland.
Most of my positive experiences this year are either jumping into games from prior years I never played/beaten, or games I'd already beaten but wanted to experience again. Gears of War 1-3 were interesting to return to if only to realize 1 has the best balanced campaign, 2 is way too filled with wild and wacky set pieces, and though the Lambent are trash enemies, Gears 3 is overall the best campaign when you're fighting Locust. Just... y'know, shame 'bout them Lambent. Gears 4 was laughable and I doubt I'll ever play it again (unless it's for "the lolz" or something). Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc and 428 Shibuya Scramble both solidified my love of the Japanese visual novel. Anthem is... actually not awful, though not great either, and it says something that my crew hasn't gone back in a couple weeks. Tokyo Xanadu Ex+ convinced me that I need to play more Falcom games.
The real blindside has been Bloodborne, which triggered an attempt to jump back into Soulstroidvanias or whatever fusion of genres we're going with now. Replayed Darksiders 3 and still loved it, replayed Shadow Complex and was stunned at how "decent but not great" it feels now (and boy, that... "story"...), and have restarted and surpassed prior progress in Hollow Knight.
At the end of the day, though, Bloodborne is becoming my game of the year, I'm really wishing I had played it earlier so it'd be my Game of the Decade, and while returning to the original Dark Souls confirms not all From games are for me, a boss fight shared by my Bloodborne co-op partner indicates Dark Souls 3 could be. Seriously though, this is the best Sony exclusive on the PlayStation 4 hands down, and I wouldn't be surprised if, even after Last of Us 2 and Ghost of Tsushima, it remains as such.
Oh yeah, I played maybe two hours of Sakura Wars as well. I'll eventually get back to that... after I get back to Persona 5 Royal... after I'm finally done with Bloodborne...
Otherwise, Final Fantasy VII Remake is definitely the top of the 2020 releases, and while I have a lot of issues with it as a "remake", that combat and its boss fights really had me coming back. Will Ghost of Tsushima top it? Eh, don't know. Open-world games tend to wear on me, though I do look forward to it. After that? Well... let's see how the New Game Plus event goes tomorrow, because thus far while Star Wars: Squadrons looks interesting, I'd probably get Spider-Man: Miles Morales if I get a PS5, and I'll probably be getting Cyberpunk 2077, these upcoming games just aren't firing me up.
FFVII Remake is hands down my #1 pick so far in 2020. I absolutely loved everything about that game.
Maneater was another one that I just wrapped up that may make the list for 2020. There's just something about being a shark with electric teeth, poison tail, and bone shards jutting out of my head that is just fun.
Disaster Report 4 is a game I've dabbled in, but haven't gotten too far in (FF7:R came out at the same time), but it's definitely my kind of janky and weird game that I can see making the cut.
Deep Rock Galactic, Hardspace: Shipbreaker, and Project Winter are some more recent games that I've been interested in, but again too early to put them on a GOTY list just yet.
I've also been cruising through games at a record pace this year despite my son's newfound obsession with Minecraft taking over the TV for most of the day. So, at least something positive to come out of all the challenges of the past few months
I've played a truckload of Final Fantasy 14 this year, but I played most of the expansion for the first time last year. This year, by top games so far are Atelier Ryza: Ever Darkness & the Secret Hideout, Tokyo Mirage Sessions™ #FE Encore, and Xenoblade Chronicles™ Definitive Edition, so it has been a very anime year. I also had fun with Ori and the Will of the Wisps.
Thinking through my 2020 thus far, Final Fantasy 7 Remake is my clear front runner, with Legends of Runeterra and Hades a tier behind that, and Ori and the Will of the Wisps and Death Stranding a tier behind those. All five are strong contenders for my top 10 for now. I also had a good time with Battle Chasers: Nightwar, Gears Tactics, and XCOM: Chimera Squad.
I'm currently juggling all of these titles:
Final Fantasy XIII
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
The Last of Us 2
Deep Rock Galactic
Rankings TBD.
If Red Dead Redemption 2 isn't top of my list come the end of the year, it means something amazing has come out, and I'll be very happy.
Also sure to be near the top of my list - Monster Train, Super Mega Baseball 3 and Stardew Valley.
Jury still out, need to play more - Deep Rock Galactic and Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order.
Stuff I would like to play - Cyberpunk 2077, Griftlands, Outer Wild (s? Not the Obsidian one), Half Life Alyx, and so many more games it will be impossible to play them all.
It's gonna be Crusader Kings 3 for me, but so far it's FF7R
Checking on what I've played so far this year, I think my current rankings is:
1. XCOM: Chimera Squad
2. One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4
3. Seasons After Fall
4. Utawarerumono: ZAN
5. Arc of Alchemist
6. Sundered
Currently being played is Last of Us Part II, which will probably take one of those upper slots once I've play enough of it to feel I can judge it fairly.
I tend to track and categorize my faves throughout the year as either In the Hunt or Rest of the List.
Kind of like I make up my mind if said title is a contender for GOTY or if will more likely fill out the bottom 2/3 of my Top 10 list.
We're currently only halfway through the year and my list is already getting dangerously full.
Top tier:
Troubleshooter: Abandoned Children
Lobotomy Corporation: Monster Management Simulation
My Summer Car
Command & Conquer Remastered CollectionSupporting cast:
The Longing
In Other Waters
Intergalactic Fishing
Plebby Quest
STATIONflowAnd then there's those titles that aren't even out yet.
Crusader Kings III
GloomwoodMan there's just so much goodness to be had out there.
I do always look forward to your lists with all the offbeat weird stuff I basically wouldn't hear about otherwise.