Diablo IV - Catch All

Oh, yah. Its Kurast. So there are lots of things/nostalgia that redeem everyone's most hated D2 act.
I didn't want to spoil anything. Perhaps I was too vague. Revisiting places is one of the best things about the story.

And, well, I haven't done a lot of the side quests. But I have done a lot of the quests that unlock features.
I thought I would be 45 when I finished the campaign. I though I was finished with the campaign.
Neither are true. I am now 51 and just killed the supposed big bad. But the princess is in yet another castle.
For all I know, I could be 60 by the time I am finished.
I did lower the difficulty down to normal and glad for it. I lowered it because I wasn't able to get very far in the undercity. So now I get further, but am only able to get 1 and 3/4 stages through of 4 +boss stage.

So the campaign is good, good enough and long enough to merit most of the $40 price tag. There is a LOT of content here.
The time limit on the undercity is aggressive but I think a lot of people will like it. It has a compelling sense of urgency and when you fail, it beckons strongly "one more time!"

General consensus is that doing the campaign is best on normal because the xp is primarily given for quest turn ins, so there's no reason to bump it up until after completing the campaign

It appears that since I last played anything through Battle.net, I changed computers and phones.

That makes logging into Battle.net a big challenge.

So far, I managed to lock myself out of my account for an hour after too many failed attempts to log in and remove my authenticator.

I pre-purchased the expansion back in Summer. I got the special armor and the wings and stuff.

When I log in today to fire up the new class there is no way to choose it. I only can start a new character with the old classes (new one is locked). However, when I go to the Buy expansion button I am taken to a page that shows all the expansion stuff as Unlocked! but also grayed out and I can't select it.

What do?


Reddit says I have to go and TELL MY XBOX TO INSTALL THE EXPANSION.

The f*ck is this, 1995?

There have reportedly been a bunch of issues with the expansion licensing on consoles. Most of the trouble seems to be with people who are accessing the base game through game pass but have purchased the expansion, but they aren't the only ones. I've heard the PS5 is also having some trouble on that front.

I think I'm going to keep on with the WoW delves for as long as they hold my interest, and not rush back to Sanctuary just yet...

Pit of the Artificer has functionally replaced Nightmare Dungeons, which no longer give glyph experience and don’t appear to have any function beyond farming certain endgame materials that can also be acquired from several other sources- seems like a weird change.

If you are strong enough to move on to Torment 2, Torment 1 Lilith is incredibly easy. Basically a completely free resplendent spark now.

ruhk wrote:

Pit of the Artificer has functionally replaced Nightmare Dungeons, which no longer give glyph experience and don’t appear to have any function beyond farming certain endgame materials that can also be acquired from several other sources- seems like a weird change.

That's a shame. As much as I'm an apologist for what D3 became, one of the "we aren't Diablo 3" statements that I actually liked was when the developers said "we don't want our endgame to focus on beating timers." Though they did say in interviews that they felt like folks were compelled to rush through dungeons anyway, so that's probably a hard design problem to solve.

iaintgotnopants wrote:

If you are strong enough to move on to Torment 2, Torment 1 Lilith is incredibly easy. Basically a completely free resplendent spark now.

Is that relevant at 60 now? I never got into chasing specific materials before because I'd always have my fill of a character before I got to 100...

(I swear I'll pick up the expansion for myself to find out. It just hasn't compelled me to put Zelda on hold.)

Vargen wrote:
iaintgotnopants wrote:

If you are strong enough to move on to Torment 2, Torment 1 Lilith is incredibly easy. Basically a completely free resplendent spark now.

Is that relevant at 60 now? I never got into chasing specific materials before because I'd always have my fill of a character before I got to 100...

If you've never gotten character to 100 before, you aren't going to need to worry about resplendent sparks.

ruhk wrote:

Pit of the Artificer has functionally replaced Nightmare Dungeons, which no longer give glyph experience and don’t appear to have any function beyond farming certain endgame materials that can also be acquired from several other sources- seems like a weird change.

Nightmare dungeons are a significantly better source of obducite than hordes are now.

I just miss being able to level glyphs without stopping to farm currency or worry about a timer.

iaintgotnopants wrote:
Vargen wrote:
iaintgotnopants wrote:

If you are strong enough to move on to Torment 2, Torment 1 Lilith is incredibly easy. Basically a completely free resplendent spark now.

Is that relevant at 60 now? I never got into chasing specific materials before because I'd always have my fill of a character before I got to 100...

If you've never gotten character to 100 before, you aren't going to need to worry about resplendent sparks.

So that hasn't been changed to be relevant at 60? What has? My understanding was that's when you'd hit the item power cap; am I wrong?

at 60 you stop gaining character levels and start gaining paragon levels, which is why character nameplates are like “Steve 60 (32)” now. First number is character level, second is Paragon level. At 60 you hit the soft gear cap of 750, and higher level gear has to be crafted, fully masterworked from tempered 750’s, or found as rare drops in the Torment difficulties.

Sadly, the expansion has introduced black screen crashing after 1-2 hours of play.
It fries my gpu driver and I have to reboot and reinstall it.

If anyone is playing a Spiritborn and looking for some gear to get you going at level 60, hit me up in game. I've got a bunch of nice stuff in my stash that I'm not using but don't want to throw away.

...in related news, you know what would be nice? A guild stash!

Just sold a set of boots I thought were "just ok" on diablo.trade for 100m gold and 2 mins later got an offer for 1b gold. Doh!

ruhk wrote:

I just miss being able to level glyphs without stopping to farm currency or worry about a timer.

I think the pits are much better for leveling glyphs. It's all about just killing things and you don't have to release prisoners, find specific mobs to kill, find a key, or kill every single mob hiding in corners.

By the time I started doing pits shortly after hitting 60, I had around 500 of the pit mats. It costs 3 for one run. You get them from basically everything now.

The timer is really a non-factor unless you are pushing far higher than you need to. And, the mobs don't drop anything so you don't need to stop for anything.

iaintgotnopants wrote:
ruhk wrote:

I just miss being able to level glyphs without stopping to farm currency or worry about a timer.

I think the pits are much better for leveling glyphs. It's all about just killing things and you don't have to release prisoners, find specific mobs to kill, find a key, or kill every single mob hiding in corners.

By the time I started doing pits shortly after hitting 60, I had around 500 of the pit mats. It costs 3 for one run. You get them from basically everything now.

The timer is really a non-factor unless you are pushing far higher than you need to. And, the mobs don't drop anything so you don't need to stop for anything.

Plus if you're just leveling glyphs and not pushing for tiers you can just do a level 20 pit to get to the end that much quicker.

If you want some neat kitty armor, equip 4 orange quality runes at the same time. You don't have to keep them equipped afterwards, and any will do so long as they're of legendary quality.

If you don't have 4 different legendary runes, hit me up and I can lend you some.

Beast in the Ice just dropped this for me.

Pretty sure if I built around that I could end up one-shotting pretty much any boss in the game. Don't know that it would work so well on regular mobs though. Tempted to try it out...


I never had a mythic drop before this season. I had crafted a Harlequin Crest in each of the past two seasons but those are the only mythics I've had. Yesterday, I was doing Grigorie runs to try to find a better ring and he dropped a Tyreal's Might (with a damage reduction GA). Could not believe it. That was only my 9th boss kill of the season according to the season journey. The next run I got a 1GA melted heart which I believe is useless since they nerfed it awhile a go. But still, from no drops in probably over 100 Duriel kills to two in a row on torment 2 Grigorie is insane.

I didn't get any drops of the midnight sun ring in 10 runs I did.

I decided on a Sorc for this season since I'm not buying the Xpac yet. I don't know why, but I feel, not squishy, like I'm throwing tennis balls at the baddies. I'm going Chain Lightning and it's fine, but I always feel like I'm missing something. I'm around P30 or so now, so I'm starting to fill in the bingo cards. My gear is almost all 750, but I'm also not sure where to go from there.

I think I'm still tied in too much of how D3 did things vs D4.

Also, I hope one future season is built entirely around fixing the pathing. I get stuck on so many things.

It sounds like you probably aren't on torment 1 yet. Temper your gear and go do a pit 25 to open it. Ancestral gear starts dropping in torment 1 but they are not super common.

If you are missing specific uniques, just gamble for them. If you run out of obols, do pit runs at a level you are comfortable with. That lets you farm obols and level your glyphs at the same time. Uniques drop quite frequently from gambling now. Much more reliable than torment bosses until you get to higher torments since the number of drops from the bosses is capped by the torment level.

So I got a little bored with the necromancer, and gave the sorcerer and rouge a try. I usually prefer ranged classes but none of them felt...violent enough. Explosive enough. So, I decided to try the Druid, and holy moly is it violent and explosive. Earth spike is just a delight, and shred is so fun. I also have some wolfies! I think I'm gonna like this class.

iaintgotnopants wrote:

Nightmare dungeons are a significantly better source of obducite than hordes are now.

I’ve spent enough time farming obducite now that I don’t think this actually seems to be true, at least with my current build. On Torment 2 a Nightmare Dungeon usually nets me around 200-300 obducite if I make an effort to hit every enemy, chest, and event I come across, whereas selecting only the mats chest in Infernal Hordes typically nets between 500-700 obducite and only takes a minute or two longer to clear.

Don't forget that there's a group finder now and you can get more rewards with more people running... At T4 and a 4 person group doing 10 waves of the Horde mode i'm seeing 2k-4k obducite a run

Didn't pick up the expansion day 1, but probably will now.

What's the "preferred" way to experience the new content? Only my first character played the story, every other character (one per season so far) just skipped. I don't particularly want to play through the original story content again.. can any old character just start at the new story content or do I need to go back to my original "completed story" character.

You can start a new character and jump right into the expansion story.

beanman101283 wrote:

You can start a new character and jump right into the expansion story.

I thought new story was post-Andariel?

Carlbear95 wrote:

Didn't pick up the expansion day 1, but probably will now.

What's the "preferred" way to experience the new content? Only my first character played the story, every other character (one per season so far) just skipped. I don't particularly want to play through the original story content again.. can any old character just start at the new story content or do I need to go back to my original "completed story" character.

It's recommended to play the expansion story with a new character. The game will even direct you to that by default. It will also guide you towards making a seasonal character which is what I did and I've really enjoyed it.