Played about 20 mins before I got disconnected. Now in queue to log back in. Guessing everyone was dumped since the queue is 25 minutes long. #beta
First impressions are that this is way more Diablo 1 in style and asthetic, which I'm liking a lot. Only browsed the skill tree briefly, but it looks super cool. Can't wait to explore more.
Also, a quick recommendation - turn off cinematic subtitles before you start the game. The subtitles were totally out of sync with the intro movie and were distracting, and all dialog was clear and easy to understand, so unnecessary, imo.
Live - Diablo 4 Early Access Beta - Seeing If It's Good - FightinCowboy (a man who owns no shirts with sleeves)
Didn't get dumped but stopped after about 2 hours. Too much screen-staring upsets my stomach lol.
More trad ARPG, less overt D3 stuff. So far, so good.
I'm in an playing do we have a Clan yet or should I make one?
- Found it. Let me in please
Can someone add me to the clan, too?
Had 2 crashes and 2 DCs so far. Those hour long queues start to add up then
This is so much fun. Is there a long queue with PS5 too? Or just PC
It keeps telling me I'm "too early" when I click the Diablo IV icon on the Xbox dashboard. Then the only options are to go to the Store or Cancel.
Is this weekend happening on consoles? Someone said something about preordering on console to get a key for PC access...
Is this weekend happening on consoles? Someone said something about preordering on console to get a key for PC access...
Yes, if you pre-order any edition of Diablo IV then you'll be granted access to the "pre-order beta" which has already kicked off and ends Sunday.
Also, I must not have done this for a while because I just discovered that despite having pre-ordered on Xbox, I needed to go back to the Store and specifically search "Diablo Beta" in order to find the Public Beta download package. None of this stuff was directly accessible from the game card or the game's store info page.
Similarly, Playstation users will likely have to view Diablo IV's store page and click on the little widget with the three dots to see the various download options to find that Beta download!
129 minute queue. To quote the kids, “lol”.
I have a bunch of hours to myself tomorrow morning. I think I’ll queue the game up on my laptop here and watch Master and Commander while I wait. That sounds like a lovely Saturday morning.
Uh yeah life intervenes this weekend but that queue sounds wild!
Well, I'm 5 levels into the Rogue. I like the overall feel and pace of the game so far. It's on the slow side, which is fine. Tactics and positioning seem to matter in a way that feels satisfying. The bow attacks feel like they have some real weight and force behind them, which feels great.
I like the change to the potion. You start with a few charges instead of one cooldown like D3 has. The health drops are back from Diablo 3 but they restore potion charges instead of healing you directly. I like that dynamic. Those do seem to be the only way to get charges back but they also drop from barrels and other environmental destructibles that used to just drop gold so it's easy to recharge between packs.
I'm not sold on the art style. It feels like they let this game get art directed by people who complained about that one waterfall rainbow in D3. That said, this look isn't as overdone as it was back when D3 came out and it works better with the higher fidelity graphics we have now. We'll see how things shape up when I'm no longer in a zone that's full of driving snow, at night.
I'm also not sure about the skill tree. I'm not sure about Path of Exile's skill tree either so what do I know? I am sure I don't like that you have to respec all your points at once; maybe I want to try out the 5 different moves that this node just unlocked without redoing everything leading up to it...
I got a Sorcerer to level 11 before I got dc’d and unable to reconnect. The first few levels were pretty slow but now it feels a lot more like D3, nuking entire groups of enemies while teleporting wildly around the map.
You guys suck. I bit and pre-ordered. I knew I was going to get it eventually. But some videos of the sorc's lightning lash pushed me over the edge.
The sorcerer has by far the best class mechanic
As per Hamilton, "Just you wait"
edit: Lilith looks great! I am enjoying the story at least the first hour
OK so you can respec just one point. You do it by holding down the X button for a little bit. If you just press X then it prompts you for the full reset.
I'm at level 9 now and I'm enjoying the gameplay a lot now that I have a few moves to play with. There's a move where you embed your blades in an enemy and in a few seconds they come flying back to you. If you hit one of your dash moves before they come back then you can drag them through a bunch of enemies get some nice AOE damage. I hope that sort of combo is the norm.
What percentage of players do you think will recognize the "weird hermit who knows way too much about dark magics"? I wonder how much of D4's story they had worked out when they
patched him into Diablo 3 with Adventure Mode. Whether they knew how they'd use him or not, it's nice to see Lorath back. He has a nice jaded demeanor now, which suits someone who spent months hanging out with Tyrael and the Nephalim. I'll be curious to see how they choose to handle that aspect of the cosmology, given the ludicrous power level that the Diablo 3 PC has at the end of the game.
It's a good sign for the story that I feel compelled to use the spoiler tags.
Vargen wrote:Is this weekend happening on consoles? Someone said something about preordering on console to get a key for PC access...
Yes, if you pre-order any edition of Diablo IV then you'll be granted access to the "pre-order beta" which has already kicked off and ends Sunday.
Also, I must not have done this for a while because I just discovered that despite having pre-ordered on Xbox, I needed to go back to the Store and specifically search "Diablo Beta" in order to find the Public Beta download package. None of this stuff was directly accessible from the game card or the game's store info page.
Similarly, Playstation users will likely have to view Diablo IV's store page and click on the little widget with the three dots to see the various download options to find that Beta download!
Most of my console only friends were similarly confused how to get into the beta. They didn’t realize that there would be a separate download for it on the Xbox Store. I guess it’s probably a divide between how many PC betas there are vs console as most PC users are very used to downloading a separate beta and installing that.
Requested to join the clan, please.
Thank you!
So I just had a weird, funny issue where I didn’t get disconnected, per se, but I couldn’t interact with anything, and no enemies were showing up. I could still run around but nothing actually happened.
Vargen, if you simply right click on an assigned skill, it will deallocate. Easy mode. Also, when you have four health charges but still are not full, running onto a health potion will auto-heal you.
Attempted the world boss this morning, got him down to about 25% hp and ran out of time. I'm currently playing on WT2, so I think I'll drop down to WT1 for the next spawn.
I kinda love the skill trees so far, but I'm suffering from respec-itis. I just can't commit and everything I've tried so far has been fun in totally distinct and unique ways. Not a bad problem to have I suppose.
Anyone else playing a Barb? Some of the skills that you can use any type of weapon on, automatically picks the best weapon equipped. Is there a way to change that so you pick the weapons used?
Anyone else playing a Barb? Some of the skills that you can use any type of weapon on, automatically picks the best weapon equipped. Is there a way to change that so you pick the weapons used?
tl;dr: Abilities menu -> Skill Assignment -> select the Skill you want to change -> middle-click to change which weapon it should use
I think l lost five to six hours to this today. It’s what I wanted. A big, openish map with stuff to do. Kind of like an ARPG Skyrim.
I asked for an invite in game. redfang
character name natanja 20 wizard
I'm maining Rogue. The Rogue is my first love, going back to OG Diablo.
It was pretty good fun streaming this for about 40 minutes last night before hitting the unrecoverable server errors. Tried creating a second character, a Barbarian, and kept hitting the same error code. When I restarted the game an hour later, I noticed it had created a new Barbarian of the same name for every time I had received the error. So... I've got some deleting to do. Or not, since it will all be wiped after next week's open beta anyway, right?
As a long-converted "controller-only" ARPG player, I think the UI in Diablo IV is brilliant so far. They pulled in the ultra, console-friendly focused radial UI of Diablo 3 to have it align more with a traditional PC style system yet made it even more responsive and intuitive to use with a controller.
Just hit Level 9 with the Rogue. It's all very streamlined. It's all very compulsively designed. It will be interesting to see how bogged down it gets once the story campaign credits roll and the meat of the endgame is fully revealed.
Can I get a clan invite, please?