The last episode of Secret Level on Amazon that was PS focused was kinda fun.
tuffalobuffalo wrote:Fired up Alien Rogue Incursion. Very Alien Isolation vibes but moving into an Aliens situation. Quit before I got to any aliens. Scared.
Alien Isolation was at it’s most terrifying before you got caught for the first time. I can’t imagine playing in VR.
I've been playing through this and it's way less terrifying than Isolation. This is mainly because it's an action game. You're shooting and torching tons of aliens. You get a feel for when they're going to come at you, etc.
Sony Cancels Two More PlayStation Projects in Broader Retreat
The games were both live-service titles. One was rumored to be a sci-fi game from Sony Bend, and the other was a God of War game from Bluepoint. Here's Jeff Grubb stating that these cancellations happened because of a reevaluation after Concord's failure. If the timestamp doesn't work, skip to 34:00.
It has also been confirmed that these were the main projects for those teams. Sony Bend's game has been in development since 2020, Bluepoint's since 2022.
Here are the results so far from their live-service initiative that I'm aware of:
Helldivers 2 (Arrowhead)
Concord (Firewalk)
Cancellations (also misses):
The Last of Us multiplayer (Naughty Dog)
Twisted Metal (Firesprite)
God of War (Bluepoint)
something (Sony Bend)
Spider-man something (Insomniac)
unknown live-service (Deviation)
Still in progress:
Marathon (Bungie)
Fairgame$ (Haven)
Horizon multiplayer (Guerilla)
I suppose you can also lump MLB the Show and Gran Turismo 7 into wins, though both of those were in place before they started this initiative. Some of those cancelled games were only in development for a year or two, others for four or five.
For a while, I've been thinking that Sony is likely building to a major showcase where they unveil several big new titles coming out over the next few years, as these live-service games were supposed to be coming out in addition to the single-player stuff. I'm no longer holding onto that hope. Because of how much longer development time is this generation and how much bigger the budgets are, I think the money that they promised to continue investing in single-player games produces 3 games instead of 10 now, and it really might be as barren on the 1st party front as everyone was afraid of, doubly so with all the live-service cancellations.
My fingers are crossed for a showcase to prove me wrong this year.
As if there was any doubt before, this solidifies Sony's live-service initiative as their biggest blunder since the PS3 launch in my mind. I don't think it was a mistake to dip their toes into live-service, but they bet way too big and abandoned the strategy and audience that made them so popular during the PS3 and PS4 eras. They're just lucky that Microsoft wasn't in a position to capitalize on their mistakes this time.
The really terrible thing (well, at least to me, as someone with no interest in multiplayer games) is the amount of time and resources poured into games that get canceled after years of work before ever seeing the light of day. That's four years of work for Bend and two for Bluepoint with nothing to show for it; we could have had a better sequel to Days Gone or a Bloodborne remake, at the very least.
I can honestly see Sony’s logic behind commissioning some live service titles. At the time Game Pass looked like it would cut the legs out from under Sony’s business model and, in order to be able to offer anything close to the same kind of deals, they needed a money hose or two. A successful live service game offers that kind of revenue.
Making so many all at the same time seems more than a little unwise. Committing to four or five and seeing how they go before creating more, incorporating lessons learnt by the first wave of games, would be more sensible to me but, at the time, literally every publisher seemed to think that live service titles were going to be easier to get off the ground than they are.
The Bend and Bluepoint cancellations sting because I think most of us were imagining those teams working on single player titles and imagining Bluepoint finally getting to strutt their stuff on a single player game of their own devising.
Yeah, it makes sense to pursue the live service model but it does seem like they overdid it. At this point we won’t see anything from Bend or Bluepoint until the PS6.
Makes me glad that I am several years behind current releases.
This is a balanced take. Push Square often seem to have a clear eyed outlook on things.
Extremely disheartening to hear the news about Bluepoint & Sony Bend. The biggest disappointment should be that the two games each studio is working on are cancelled but no the fact that they were live service games is the true kick in the gut. Two studios that create single player games that have next to no experience in multiplayer & they are pushed in this direction.
Bluepoint especially with a quite frankly ludicrous 'God Of War live service game' what the f*ck are you supposed to do there. I would bet my house that no one on that Bluepoint dev team wanted to make that type of game in the first place & when you try to force a team down this direction you get something akin to Suicide Squad. I was so excited to see original single player games from Bluepoint & Bend, what a collosal waste of time & blow to the morale of those teams.
I think back to Swen Vincke's speech at The Game Awards
The studio made their game because they wanted to make a game that they wanted to play themselves.The didn't make it to increase market shares. They didn't make it to serve a brand. They didn't have to meet arbitrary sales targets or fear being laid off if the didn't meet those targets.
Furthermore, the people in charge forbade them from cramming the game with anything whose only purpose was to increase revenue, and don't serve the game design. They didn't treat their developers like numbers of a spreadsheet.
They didn't treat their players as users to exploit, and they didn't make decisions they knew were shortsighted in function of a bonus or politics. They knew that if you put the game and the team first, the revenue will follow. They were driven by idealism, and wanted players to have fun. They realized that if the developers didn't have fun, nobody was going to have any fun.
And they understood the value of respect. That, if they treated their developers and players well, those same developers and players would forgive them when things didn't go as planned.
But above all they cared about their game, because the love games.
What a shambles those decision makers at Sony have been, possibly Jim Ryan as one of those the finger can be pointed at. Sony are so desperately trying to get their own Fortnite that they are throwing everything plus the kitchen sink at this live service thing. I hope they fail each & every time. What a joke this generation has been because of publishers like Sony, this is not as easy road to course correct either. I hope to hell Sony Santa Monica & Housemarque are not working on anything remotely live service. My enthusiasm has just been drained severely from this news.
After spending a lot of time with it, I absolutely love the 30th Anniversary Edge controller. Those under buttons are just great.
After spending a lot of time with it, I absolutely love the 30th Anniversary Edge controller. Those under buttons are just great.
Still jealous. Sat in 2 queues on Sony and never got it.
I just really don't want to spend full $200 for the plain one but for the anniversary one I was willing. Maybe if regular edge ever has a sale.
Extremely disheartening to hear the news about Bluepoint & Sony Bend. The biggest disappointment should be that the two games each studio is working on are cancelled but no the fact that they were live service games is the true kick in the gut.
Sony are so desperately trying to get their own Fortnite that they are throwing everything plus the kitchen sink at this live service thing. I hope they fail each & every time. What a joke this generation has been because of publishers like Sony, this is not as easy road to course correct either.
I have a lot more sympathy for Sony (and the other developers & publishers) when it comes to live service games. Last year's NewZoo report on the state of the industry was unequivocal. The most popular and financially successful games in the world are all live service games.
Fortnite sits at the top of the tree with the usual suspects in - Roblox, Minecraft, Call of Duty, Apex Legends, etc, - sitting in the branches below it. Starfield was the only single-player title to make the top 10 in 2023 in terms of Monthly Average Users.
Sadly, it seems completely logical from a risk/reward perspective to develop and abandon a likely-to-fail live service game, rather than develop and release a likely-to-fail conventional single-player game.
I just really don't want to spend full $200 for the plain one but for the anniversary one I was willing. Maybe if regular edge ever has a sale.
I love my launch model Edge, but the grips started peeling so I had to add 3rd party ones, and sadly now it looks like an abomination. I would love the black model, but having two is a line I can't cross.
Stele wrote:I just really don't want to spend full $200 for the plain one but for the anniversary one I was willing. Maybe if regular edge ever has a sale.
I love my launch model Edge, but the grips started peeling so I had to add 3rd party ones, and sadly now it looks like an abomination. I would love the black model, but having two is a line I can't cross.
Don’t have one so I can’t speak for it, but maybe get one of these shell kits? https://extremerate.com/products/rep...
I replaced the shell on one of my edge controllers and I think it was from the company Vypre linked to. Went with a transparent blue option.
There's a lot to this effort if you want to replace all the parts, the triggers being the most intricate. I left the triggers intact and ended up with a blue/white/black color scheme that I was pleased with. About 70% new shell and 30% original.
Be aware that (in my case at least) the plastic used by the 3rd party provider is different than what Sony uses. That might be because I went with a translucent case option. It's not bad, just different from stock. Smoother/more slippery.
If you go this route be sure to watch that youtube video on their site more than a few times before you tackle it.
It isn't hard, just a lot of steps since they cram so much stuff into a small package. Don't force anything as you can easily snap some of the little plastic tabs that are all over the pieces.
Don’t have one so I can’t speak for it, but maybe get one of these shell kits? https://extremerate.com/products/rep...
I replaced the shell on one of my edge controllers and I think it was from the company Vypre linked to. Went with a transparent blue option.
Thank you both! I will look into those options. I had considered taking it apart anyway at some point to colorize some of the buttons.
So, the craziest thing just happened.
I expect to see most, if not all Microsoft games on Playstation in the future.
Interesting that it is arcade-y Horizon and not the flagship - presumably since that would be a direct competitor to GT7?
Yeah I suspect Microsoft would want a quid pro quo for Motorsport.
Might be that Sony wanted the better game lol
Delighted that Forza Horizon 5 is coming to PS5 that's the one game I've been hankering to play for years. I'll buy that day one.
I also hope that the Fable coming to PS5 rumours are true, that game looks phenomenal from the short amount shown so far.
At this point, I'm assuming that pretty much every Xbox game is coming to Playstation platforms, with the caveat that the popular ones will take a year or so to show up.
I’m looking forward to Stalker 2 which is already confirmed. It’d give me a thrill to have Halo on PS5. It doesn’t sound like the Halos made after Bungie are essential to play but I’d like to revisit the early games and I’d take a remaster of the first one.
This is a weird one, I've been checking the Playstation Store all day to buy Citizen Sleeper 2 but its only shown up as 'coming soon'. I've checked 3-4 times throughout the day.
I tried again there before I go to bed, only for it to now say unavailable. I went into the store page of Citizen Sleeper 2 to see if it would give me more information. Something akin to this message came up 'You need to own Citizen Sleeper to play this'.
I go to Citizen Sleeper 1 on the store, download it (free on PS Plus) & then check Citizen Sleeper 2's store page again. Yep it's worked, now I can buy it for £17.99.
This is a weird one, I've been checking the Playstation Store all day to buy Citizen Sleeper 2 but its only shown up as 'coming soon'. I've checked 3-4 times throughout the day.
I tried again there before I go to bed, only for it to now say unavailable. I went into the store page of Citizen Sleeper 2 to see if it would give me more information. Something akin to this message came up 'You need to own Citizen Sleeper to play this'.
I go to Citizen Sleeper 1 on the store, download it (free on PS Plus) & then check Citizen Sleeper 2's store page again. Yep it's worked, now I can buy it for £17.99.
Here on the US store (and according to the forum's timestamp, four minutes after your post) a search for Citizen Sleeper on the PS Store yields CS1, CS2, and the "Helion Collection", a bundle of both. Must have just gotten updated.
That's weird. I had the first on Steam so figured I would just get the 2nd there too.
So, the craziest thing just happened.
The current rumor floating around is that Halo Master Chief Collection is coming to PS5. If that happens, nothing is off limits.
I would enjoy a Gears of War collection.
I would enjoy a Gears of War collection. :)
The same Spaniard who leaked the Forza 5 PS5 launch is suggested that the Gears trilogy will release on PS5 day and date.