Huh; I haven't actually used PSVR 2 since I got the Pro. Will check, although I've been monitoring the 97-page-long PS5 Pro thread at ResetERA and, as you said, haven't noticed anyone else mentioning that issue.
Weird and bummer! I have used my PSVR2 without any issues.
It's finally here! Nine Sols has come to console. Possibly the last GOTY contender I'll have a chance to play this year.
Just bought it & downloaded there now. 2D action platformer with Sekiro style parrying & high level of difficulty....why not!
Wow! Thanks...buying now!
Alien: Dark Descent is part of PS Plus next month. Looking forward to giving it a try!
It's finally here! Nine Sols has come to console. Possibly the last GOTY contender I'll have a chance to play this year.
I've been meaning to get to this one. I think this is going to be a holiday game for me.
Alien: Dark Descent is part of PS Plus next month. Looking forward to giving it a try!
Had that on Steam wish list for a while. Heard good things here
Spikeout wrote:It's finally here! Nine Sols has come to console. Possibly the last GOTY contender I'll have a chance to play this year.
I've been meaning to get to this one. I think this is going to be a holiday game for me.
Well, I'd never heard of this before, but now it must go on my wishlist.
A friendly reminder that both Alien: Dark Descent and Nine Souls are also on PC Game Pass.
Oh my god! The 30th anniversary retro boot screens are so cool!!!
Yes I would pay good money to make my current ps1 screen permanent.
Oh my god! The 30th anniversary retro boot screens are so cool!!!
Just got the reboot screen this morning. Very cool indeed.
Nine Sols is all I've been playing. It's hard but the story is great, the drip feed of upgrades feel substantial when you get them, the level design is very clever, lots of little Bloodborne esq major & minor shortcuts. The parrying once you start to nail the timing is glorious. The level/art design is a mix of traditional Japanese style & futuristic technology, it's unlike anything I've played.
Long story short this is making a late move for the upper echelons of my GOTY list.
Dang it Spike, you're gonna make me buy things again.
Dang it Spike, you're gonna make me buy things again. ;)
He is evil. EVIL.
I got it on Steam.. and yeah, its hard. Button mechanics aren't as natural to me, and I find myself hitting the wrong thing all the time. Put it down for like 2 days, picked it back up and it was even worse! 11 out of 10! Will play it a lot more when my Deck shows up.
Celestial Warden Yinyue has been conquered, the optional boss at the top of the abandoned mines in Nine Sols.
This felt like it needed borderline god level parrying, utterly relentless attacks come your way & by the end I was started to even parry the 6-8 combo attacks. Easily over 30 attempts at this one. Relief!!
Fantastic. Gratz
Nine Sols is all I've been playing. It's hard but the story is great, the drip feed of upgrades feel substantial when you get them, the level design is very clever, lots of little Bloodborne esq major & minor shortcuts. The parrying once you start to nail the timing is glorious. The level/art design is a mix of traditional Japanese style & futuristic technology, it's unlike anything I've played.
Long story short this is making a late move for the upper echelons of my GOTY list.
This is available on GamePass and I agree with everything spikeout has said.
I've only made it through the 2nd boss of Nine Sols because I got sick last week, and this is not a game to play with dulled reflexes, but I'm really enjoying it so far.
Nine Sols update, I started the Jiequan boss fight at just after 11pm last night, my persistence & eventually stubborness took me until after 1am to finally beat him.
The usual identification of attack patterns happens so I was starting to parry nearly everything that came at me but that damn flame attack was my downfall again & again. The flames basically come towards the right & left sides of the screen, you have to dash through them into the middle where Jiequan is walking towards you. You basically have to deal with an onslaught of attacks as you do this & if you get hit & land on the flame + taking his hits it's night night.
The one thing that is a must in this fight is using the unbounded counter against the two big crimson attacks (one of which lays down that damn flame attack) if you get this right you can literally turn a hellish boss fight into something approaching semi comfortable. This is the key, I can't stress that enough, don't just dodge out of the way of the two crimson attacks USE THE UNBOUNDED COUNTER! It's a game changer & will probably save you taking two hours to beat this monstrosity the way I did.
Looks like the 2024 wrap up is live. Got a notice on the app anyway. Not sure if we can share links or not.
Think you’re over doing it on the multiplayer a bit.
The game awards had many stonking reveals. Worth checking out. Also, Astro Bot and Helldivers did well, along with some card game called Balatri, Balatra? Something like that.
Everything else:
I completely forgot the Game Advertisements was on.
Two things I noticed from the Intergalactic reveal. They seem to have Tony Dalton, who played Lalo Salamanca in Better Call Saul, in the cast and I’m pretty sure the woman with the eye patch is played by Halley Gross who co-wrote TLOU Part 2.
And Kumail Nanjiani, comedian, actor, and writer/star of the autobiographical The Big Sick. After TLoU 2, which I hated, I figured I was done with Neil Druckmann's output, even though I think Naughty Dog's extraordinarily talented at what they set out to do (I really disliked the heel turn Nathan Drake took in Uncharted 4, and I thought TLoU 1 was masterful storytelling with a ludicrous last act saved by a thoughtfully ambiguous ending), but I'm cautiously interested.
From the bits and pieces I’ve heard it sounds like the gameplay might be something else.
Two things I noticed from the Intergalactic reveal. They seem to have Tony Dalton, who played Lalo Salamanca in Better Call Saul, in the cast and I’m pretty sure the woman with the eye patch is played by Halley Gross who co-wrote TLOU Part 2.
Can Dalton just play his character from Hawkeye in everything?