The "mo$t important love".
That makes more sense. Lol. That was an almost Trumpian line. Makes no sense.
Ben Simmons hit a 3 tonight. Spoilered for being slightly NSFW.
I'm not sure how I feel about Harden's comments. He wasn't reading a prepared statement, and he didn't say anything that contradicted supporting democracy and Hong Kong. He's also not an executive. I think if you didn't hear the word "apologize" the rest of the statement is basically a bland expression of appreciation of Chinese fans, which he has a ton of, since the Rockets are the most popular NBA team in China.
I feel more strongly about all these people like Adam Silver, Steve Kerr, and Gregg Popovich who are extremely outspoken about American politics but aren't saying anything about Hong Kong or Chinese oppression.
Edit: Please don't read this as a "Rockets fan blindly defends his team." I'm paying close attention to what the actual organization does about Morey.
I'm also hearing more stuff about Adam Silver's response to this that pushes me back into the "disappointed, possibly disgusted" camp.
And has anyone mentioned that South Park did an episode about this very issue right before it happened? It's called "Band In China" and you can watch it free on their site. James Harden is even depicted for a second. Biting and cogent, as usual.
I have a proposal on how to smooth things over: send Snoop Dogg to do the pre-game show.
Please don't read this as a "Rockets fan blindly defends his team." I'm paying close attention to what the actual organization does about Morey.
I didn't take it that way. I took it as Harden making a fairly bland statement. I just found it to be wanting.
I have heard from 5 different cap guys with teams who are prepping scenarios where the cap is lower due to the NBA situation with China. Some are doing scenarios on the high-end of as much as 10-15% lower than the current projection of $116M. No one knows what to really expect.
Perhaps, just perhaps, if a single tweet (that was only up for five minutes!) can blow up a business relationship.... mayyyyyyyyyybe you shouldn't be in that relationship?
Also, only the Knicks could clear cap space and have an international incident render that pointless.
Please don't read this as a "Rockets fan blindly defends his team." I'm paying close attention to what the actual organization does about Morey.I didn't take it that way. I took it as Harden making a fairly bland statement. I just found it to be wanting.
I agree, it wasn't good, but he was speaking off the cuff and not a policymaker for the team or league.
I haven't followed Clay Travis since he got on TV, but he had a heck of a good rant about this. He basically called out the NBA and many of the coaches and players who are very outspoken when it either costs them nothing or enhances their reputations with the right people, but have nothing to say about this. Those people are hypocrites.
He also said that if Lebron James made a statement on his next trip to China in favor of freedom and liberty for all people, he would become the Muhammad Ali of his generation. Interesting notion. I doubt it will happen.
What really saddens me is that all the people making these decisions are already truly filthy rich. The owners are, the coaches are, the big name players are. They will never know discomfort or even a flight in coach. How much money exactly do you need, that you would sell your soul like this?
You could just say nothing.
I think the part where he is asked why he believes Morey was ‘not educated’ and responds with an ‘I don’t know’ is particularly ‘funny’.
Can't tell you how disappointed I've been with the responses from NBA players/coaches about HK. Like Fedaykin pointed out above, these are the same guys who have been passionate and outspoken about similar issues in American politics, yet when some of their money is at stake the back pedaling begins.
When this started 10 days ago, I assumed the reaction from the players would be about the opposite of what we've seen so far.
He also said that if Lebron James made a statement on his next trip to China in favor of freedom and liberty for all people, he would become the Muhammad Ali of his generation. Interesting notion. I doubt it will happen.
What really saddens me is that all the people making these decisions are already truly filthy rich. The owners are, the coaches are, the big name players are. They will never know discomfort or even a flight in coach. How much money exactly do you need, that you would sell your soul like this?
Mr Burns: "I'd be happier WITH the dollar."
And lol at "I can't breathe" LeBron bothsidesing HK when people want inalienable human rights.
f*ck greed.
Gotta make that money on Space Jam 2 from China audience apparently.
With great power comes great responsibility.
Gotta make that money on Space Jam 2 from China audience apparently.
They are apparently burning LeBron jerseys in HK.
Barstool also is cashing in with a Mao style t-shirt with LeBron's face.
Can't tell you how disappointed I've been with the responses from NBA players/coaches about HK. Like Fedaykin pointed out above, these are the same guys who have been passionate and outspoken about similar issues in American politics,
I know we're in agreement here, but I think we should all keep in mind that there is no comparison between the social issues Lebron normal speaks about and literal Muslim concentration camps, no free speech, illegal homosexuality, etc. There are some "these issues are complicated" takes on Twitter and no, they aren't. People are meant to be free.
It's especially ridiculous for him to say "I will not shut up and dribble" but now say Morey should shut up and manage - especially about basic human rights.
FWIW I totally supported the "I can't breathe" statement; aggressive, quick to violence policing is an issue I feel strongly about.
Edit: Just to clarify lest I sound like I am contradicting myself here, the difference between China being a police state and the US's issues with aggressive and sometimes deadly policing is that one is the norm and endorsed by the government, the latter is illegal and, thankfully, is starting to be punished more. Don't know if y'all are familiar with the Amber Guyger case - big deal here in Texas, and I assume it made national news.
Funny, I was about to post a reply and decided to wait. I assumed you knew that saying there was "no comparison" was a little strong. They're different in scale and intent, but both bad.
Either way, LeBron is failing here. Most of the NBA is failing here. It's depressing.
For better or worse in the Trump era people have taken some respite in the idea that corporate actions, prompted by individual pressure might fill in the gaps when a failure as large as the Trump presidency falls on a nation. This just goes to show that we can't bank on that either as anyone is corruptible.
There's always been a tension between domestic concerns and foreign ones for activists (especially black ones) in America, but frankly, that's a much longer discussion that belongs in D&D. Bron managed to annoy just about everyone with this one though.
Stele wrote:Gotta make that money on Space Jam 2 from China audience apparently.
They are apparently burning LeBron jerseys in HK.
Barstool also is cashing in with a Mao style t-shirt with LeBron's face.
Pretty sure LeBron is used to seeing his jersey get burned.
LeBron could have saved himself from some of the ire if he didn't say what he said in the way he said it.
Ding ding ding.
I know the season is about to start and this is still one of the sickest things I’ve ever seen.
It is known. Legendary.
LeBron could have saved himself from some of the ire if he didn't say what he said in the way he said it.
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt" strongly applies here. He should have learned from the reaction to Harden.
Clay Travis made a great point about this: Lebron had a week to plan a response, had a meeting with NBA execs about how things should be handled, and then he came out and said this? Simply amazing.
I'm trying to make a film called, "Siver & Me." It's heavily inspired by "Roger & Me" by Michael Moore. I want to see if there is a single professional athlete in all of American who will support Hong Kong. I've posted a link to my kickstarter in the kickstarter thread.
Not clear if this is the right place to post this or not, but I'm trying out a fantasy basketball league this year and could use a few more owners if anyone is interested.
There are 5 spots still open in the league and if there is more interest, I could expand to 12. Here's the join link if you are interested:
Hope to see you on the virtual courts!
Reaaaaalllllllyyyyy hoping Zion doesn't end up being Greg Oden 2.0.
Free to play, just a bunch of folks trying it out to see what it is like.
I would enjoy doing a “keeper” league.