GWJ Conference Call Episode 669

Fire Emblem: Three Houses, Assassin's Creed: Odyssey, Wolfenstein: Young Blood, Streets of Rogue, Warframe, Oxygen Not Included, GWJ Donation Drive 2019 Launch, A Report From Gencon and More!

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This week Shawn, Elysium and Amanda launch the 2019 GWJ Donation Drive! We also have a report from Gencon with McChuck, Erik 'wordsmythe' Hanson and Liz and Aaron from the Co-Operatives podcast!

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00:02:42 Streets of Rogue
00:04:47 Path of Exile
00:10:14 Assassin's Creed: Odyssey
00:14:20 Wolfenstein: Youngblood
00:21:16 Warframe
00:27:30 Oxygen Not Included
00:32:35 Fire Emblem: Three Houses
00:40:53 GWJ Donation Drive
00:51:50 Shawn's Sabbatical & Amanda's New Role
01:06:58 Report From Gencon

Big changes but they all sound exciting and positive.

Looking forward to what's a head for the site under Amoebic's thoughtful leadership and, also, to hearing about everyones adventures, both in actual foreign lands (jealous I am) and in lands governed by the rolls of dice blessed with an over abundance of sides.

As a long time cubicle veteran, i am interested to hear what the New CEO move is going to be.

I expect the obligatory “nobody said anything about layoffs. We’re all on the same team! Rah rah!” speech, followed by massive layoffs and a new Quality policy.

Greg, I would NEVER
This is an oasis of friendship and love, and I intend to keep it that way! Everyone please keep on keeping on.

This is our own little tavern at the end of the universe, where the lights are always on, and there are beds or barstools waiting and welcome for the weary traveler. Shawn can come and go as he pleases as freely as everyone else, and I'm happy to provide the opportunity and space for it.

I look forward to what we are all going to do together!

Congrats Amoebic!

Shawn - best of luck to you and we'll look forward to see you back. Thank you for all you've done over the years to create this community.

Amoebic - thank you for bringing your energy to this opportunity.

You did warn the Gencon crew that the lead-in segment would be a little heavy, right?

Rat Boy wrote:

You did warn the Gencon crew that the lead-in segment would be a little heavy, right? ;)


Nice nice nice.

ImAaronJ wrote:
Rat Boy wrote:

You did warn the Gencon crew that the lead-in segment would be a little heavy, right? ;)


On the bright side, you were completely oblivious to the pressure you were under!

Minotaar wrote:

Congrats Amoebic!


ImAaronJ wrote:
Rat Boy wrote:

You did warn the Gencon crew that the lead-in segment would be a little heavy, right? ;)



Yeah, we legit thought it was gonna be a 5 minute plug for the donation drive. HA!

To be honest, going into it that what I thought, too! Except more like 15 minutes with this crowd

I truly appreciated the gencon folks bringing some much needed levity and envy-enducing tabletop gaming. It also provided us the opportunity to decompress!

Certis: I am sorry to hear about you and Karla. Even though it sounds like it's going as well as it possibly can, the breakup of a 20-year relationship has to be really hard.

Amoebic: You're going to rock in your new role. Congratulations and I can't wait to see what you do with the place!

Shawn: Good luck! I admire your willingness and desire to travel to Nepal to help the folks who need it, and I hope the next 9 months are fulfilling and help guide you to the next branch of your life. I'll miss hearing you on the podcast and wish you the best.

Amanda: Congratulations! I've really enjoyed the creative ideas you've brought to the podcast (Gaming Trivia!) and I'm looking forward to your energy being applied to the whole site. The Shawns (Seans?) couldn't have picked a better person to take over the reins.

I’m so grateful for this corner of the Internet and the way you are handling this transition is another example of what makes this community so special.

I wish Shawn all the best on what seems a very special quest, and I reckon Amoebic is going to rock the place.

All the best to you Shawn. I hope you find what you’re searching for and continue to spread positivity to everyone you meet.

Shawn, I am very sorry to hear about the situation with you and Karla! I can't imagine how difficult that must be. Best of luck bringing aid and friendship to the folks in Nepal and I hope your retreat gives you some clarity. I will miss hearing your voice on Wednesday mornings!

Amanda, I am so thankful that you are willing to take the reigns and super excited to see what you do with this place!

Shawn, you will be missed, the best of luck to you in your upcoming travels.

Hello all,

I've been listening to the podcast now for coming up on two years but never really been involved in the forums too much, but I'd like to change that!

Firstly, listening to this weeks podcasts, I'm looking forward to seeing how Amanda takes the reigns, she's awesome and she's my favourite podcast host after Andrich, and that's probably because I'm just used to him as the man doing it, so good luck Amanda!

Secondly, good luck to you too Shawn. I've really enjoyed the podcasts in the only small time I've been enjoying them, and your trips to Nepal sound amazing and so worthwhile, the best of luck in this upcoming one, and the move to the monastery. Hearing you and Carla had split up was shocking, and as you even pointed out yourself, the fact that she was on the podcast just a few weeks ago and you guys seemed really close still was perplexing at first, but then it gave me hope. My girlfriend and (not a gamer, but no one's perfect) are thinking of buying a house together, and I'm bricking it (English slang for shitting my pants), but hearing that you and Carla can have such a healthy break up has put me at ease, good luck to both of you.

Keep up the work guys!


Legit shedding a tear hearing Shawn talk on the podcast this week. It’s the end of an era. All the best to you, and THANK YOU for all the work you’ve done bringing this community together.

And huge congrats to Amanda: you’re going to do a great job, I just know it!

Congratulations Amanda and good luck Shawn!

Thank you, Shawn, for all you have done to help make this site - and its community - what it is. Like everyone else, I hope that this is an 'au revoir' rather than a 'goodbye'. All the best to you and to Karla over the coming months.

Congratulations, Amanda! And thank you - in advance - for all that you're going to do to make this site and its community even better.

To borrow a phrase from the magazine 'Private Eye', I will not be cancelling my subscription.

EDITED: To correct my spelling of Karla. Apologies Karla. (Thanks, Amanda)

(btw it's Karla!) ❤️

Lots of love and empathy for everyone. Thank you all for being you and for having the courage to take on new adventures.

Much love to you Shawn. We will be delighted to be hearing sporadic if not consistent updates as you carry forward with everything. Thank you for all that you've done this far. I've loved lurking and listening for the past 5-6 years.

We are in good hands with Amanda, as she cherishes this community and will continue to shape and build it well.

Thanks for the kind words everyone. Deeply felt and appreciated! So cool hearing from lurkers too

Certis wrote:

So cool hearing from lurkers too :drink:

100%. It's a great warm fuzzy, for sure.