Recently while browsing through some gaming articles I've come across another one of those Worst Game Ending Ever and decided to read it. Predictably, Mass Effect 3 was once again mentioned.
The thing is, I think that ME3's ending was one of the best ever. In fact, if someone were to ask me of my most memorable final 30-60 minutes in a game it would be ME3! This, however, may be due to how I decided to play the game.
I got ME1 when it first came out, played it, and did not touch ME series until several years after ME3 came and went. In the mean time, like most gamers, I heard about how poorly the ending was received but decided to not look into it because I thought I would like to play it someday.
When I finally played ME2 and 3 I already had a wife, 2 kids, job, house, etc, so I resolved to "role-play" the game like it was presented. Because timing was seemingly an essence (implied the plot), my Shepard had to pick and choose what side activities to do and not do (also, because Shepard was leading a military operation intimate relationships were strictly prohibited). The end in ME2 that I got was therefore like a scene from a war movie. Some characters I've grown to care about (and looked forward to getting to know more) died, while other lived. Fortunately I still had friends left.
Then came ME3, and once again, because the galaxy was in peril, Shepard had to prioritize and in the process lost more comrades, friends, and in one case inadvertently triggered a genocide while trying to prevent one and losing another friend in the process. So when the time came that Shepard, now battered and bruised, fresh from seeing the last few friends blasted to bits and witnessing a friend and father figure murdered with the alliance fleet being decimated all around, limped along firing her pistol away with the images of her friends flashing before her eye it was a moment of triumph. A climax where a small band of friends, through sheer persistent and sacrifice, managed to shift the incomprehensibly vast course of a galaxy just enough to save every soul who lived in it. And even after all of that, I had to witness a planet burn, and my last friend who I thought would be safe aboard the ship seemingly dead... before I was granted a final sigh of relief.
They said it was a war we cannot win, and yet won it we did, and though that victory demanded everything, we gave it gladly so that others may live.
So there it is. It is my opinion that ME3 ending is the best there is and it could not have been any better and I am not afraid to tell it to anyone who would listen. What about you guys? Do you have any gaming-related opinion that goes completely contrary to the popular opinion? And can you think of what made your opinion so contrarian?
Overwatch and Rocket League both are not fun.
I like the combat in the Elder Scrolls series/Skyrim. I don't want twitch combat like Dark Souls, as Dark Souls sucks and is not fun.
Unity is my favorite assassin's creed game. Loved the co-op!
I was also good with ME3.
And I'm pretty Meh on all things Nintendo.
"Gamer and proud of it" as a philosophy and behavior/attire in public spaces is not a great look.
Fallout 76 is better than New Vegas.
Retro & lo-fi graphics are crap and ruin otherwise good games.
Video games beyond a handful of hours a week (maybe 5 or 6?) are bad for your physical and mental health.
This may be invalid as it's "on" not "in"?
The Vita/PSP libraries are stronger than the 3DS/DS.
"Gamer and proud of it" as a philosophy and behavior/attire in public spaces is not a great look.
As a 40-something guy on the dating scene I've had to scrub my wardrobe of anything game related. Women my age are just not down with it.
Diablo 1 was better than Diablo 2 and the rifts system in Diablo 3 proves it.
And while we are bashing on Diablo 2, Mechcommander 2 is a better game and should not have been criminally overlooked because it was released at the same time as the D2 Lord of Destruction expansion.
BioShock: Infinite is a near flawless masterpiece.
ME3 is a good ending to the entire trilogy, wrapping up a bunch of different story threads in mostly satisfying ways. The Reaper storyline is the only one that was a bit of a letdown, which is unfortunate because it's also the end of ME3 itself. Personally, I would have been happier if they'd have removed the choice from the end and just made it clear that Shepard had failed and that this cycle was doomed like all the others. But I realize that probably would have been met with more complaints than the original ending received.
As for me ... staying with Mass Effect: ME1 was the last great game Bioware made. Everything since they were acquired by EA has been fine, but none of the recent games has left me wanting to play through them a second time whereas I constantly want to start up a new game of ME1.
Amoebic wrote:"Gamer and proud of it" as a philosophy and behavior/attire in public spaces is not a great look.
As a 40-something guy on the dating scene I've had to scrub my wardrobe of anything game related. Women my age are just not down with it.
I only have very generic symbols on t-shirts and such. I have been gradually shifting to a more basic attire.
I (looks down at ancient Hawken tee shirt) don't have a problem with small amounts of gamerness, just embracing it as an identity badge seems indicative of something more problematic. So I can see how people can extend that to ANYTHING gamer, unfortunately.
Metal T-shirts, on the other hand...
So it's still cool to bust out the Manowar tank top eh? Good to know!
I’m not sure shooting people in games that are humorous, silly or rendered with cartoony graphics is any less problematic than doing the same in games with realistic graphics and a serious tone. It may even be more problematic in the former.
Competitive multiplayer shooters are not fun. Ever.
Battle Royale shooters are 100 times less fun than ordinary multiplayer shooters.
Also, Battleborne is superior to Overwatch.
Also, this:
Fallout 76 is better than New Vegas.
I’ll take it even further: every Fallout game is superior to New Vegas. It’s the Majora’s Mask of Fallout Games.
Too many games are just a series of quick-time events in disguise.
Too many games are just a series of quick-time events in disguise.
I agree with this, in fact I was trying to phrase something about how I feel Red Dead Redemption 2 is somewhat overrated, largely because of poor controls and the fact it has way too much "press X to milk cow", etc.
Death as a mechanic and punishably hard difficulty is a way of artificially increasing the length of games and also putting less content in games.
I got ME1 when it first came out, played it, and did not touch ME series until several years after ME3 came and went.
Keep in mind that they completely redid the ending, so whatever you saw is not what we saw.
Cladmir wrote:I got ME1 when it first came out, played it, and did not touch ME series until several years after ME3 came and went.
Keep in mind that they completely redid the ending, so whatever you saw is not what we saw.
I can’t completely remember now if I played the ending before the patch. I feel I did. The ending worked completely for me. If you’d told me how the ending would play out beforehand I’d have been horrified yet, in practice, there was enough alien about the creature you dealt with that I accepted them as a real entity. What I enjoyed immensely about the choices I was offered was that I didn’t like any of them. I was expecting good and bad options, instead I got all bad. I enjoy when my expectations are thwarted. I chose as best I could and the result felt powerful and satisfying in a painful way.
I think we all have a tendency to want a clean sweep with praise or criticism. If the majority of people hated something we want it to be a universal condemnation. A few people chirping up and saying, “well, I kinda enjoyed it!” is annoying but it’s important to do it because I suspect for every person who dares admit they feel differently from the vocal majority there are half a dozen other folks who feel the same but just don’t want to risk pocking their head above the parapet.
Games in general are way too long. Just include a New Game + mode for those who can't get enough of the gameplay loop, and let the rest of us enjoy a story with some sense of pacing.
Retro & lo-fi graphics are crap and ruin otherwise good games.
I could not agree more with that. Really.
I recently bought Moonlighter despite serious misgivings about the graphics, and I just can't get past the visual aspect of the game and how much it turns me off, no matter how much fun or original it is supposed to be. I bought it on sale, and still I feel like I wasted my money.
Games are too cheap. New AAA games should cost around $80-$100.
Final Fantasy X is better than Final Fantasy VII.
I like the combat in the Elder Scrolls series/Skyrim. I don't want twitch combat like Dark Souls, as Dark Souls sucks and is not fun.
I'm having trouble figuring out what's "twitch" about Dark Souls combat. If I had to pick one word for it, it would be "deliberate."
I do agree that Skyrim's stealth archery combat is a lot of fun.
I really enjoyed both Anthem and Fallout 76. Even if I have gotten out of the habit of playing them regularly, I definitely don't consider them failures like most people seem to.
I have yet to play a Nintendo game I enjoy. I viscerally dislike Mario and it’s off-shoots and Breath of the Wild is one of the 3 worst games I have ever played. I still wish I had those hours of life back....
Games are too cheap. New AAA games should cost around $80-$100.
Just move to Australia mate! Problem solved!