The Outer Worlds Catch-All

Sonrics wrote:

Is it also part of GAMEPASS!!?

From my understanding everything shown during the announcements are going to be on gamepass. Which would make sense considering that OW was available from release on it.

Igneus wrote:
Sonrics wrote:

Is it also part of GAMEPASS!!?

From my understanding everything shown during the announcements are going to be on gamepass. Which would make sense considering that OW was available from release on it.

Nice! In.

Igneus wrote:
Sonrics wrote:

Is it also part of GAMEPASS!!?

From my understanding everything shown during the announcements are going to be on gamepass. Which would make sense considering that OW was available from release on it.

Interesting. The Minecraft Dungeons DLC isn't in Gamepass.

I’m curious how they’re going to frame the DLC within the story. It ended pretty conclusively.

I also feel like I can pass on this DLC.

Tycho the Mad wrote:

6-8 hours more of wacky Outer worlds writing and combat? count me in!

I'm 100 there for it, it'll be a nice trip back between Ghost of Tsushima and the winter lineup. (gotta find some in october to bridge this and cyberpunk)

So yes on game pass, but you have to purchase. I think. link

Igneus wrote:

So yes on game pass, but you have to purchase. I think. link

Says there you get the DLC 10% off if you have Gamepass.

Hmm. Maybe included with gamepass and a discount if you choose to buy?

Since the Minecraft Dungeons DLC is not included with Gamepass, and we've seen many Games With Gold that seem like a giveaway to incentivize DLC sales, that's what I expect for this Gorgon DLC - except that the entire theme of this conference was "included with Gamepass".

Here's what that link three posts back said:

"Peril on Gorgon will be available on September 9, 2020 for $14.99 or as a part of The Outer Worlds Expansion Pass which will get you both Peril on Gorgon and Murder on Eridanos for $24.99. Xbox Game Pass subscribers will also be able to save 10% on the DLCs."

If it's included, it's weird they didn't mention that, imho.

This game is fun.

The starting world is small enough to not feel like it's insurmountable yet large enough to have a bit of fun exploring it. Unlike say DA:O where the sheer scale of the starting map turned me off exploring it.

If anything, the one thing I lament is that there's not as much pew pew action as I was expecting; shoot 5 or 6 marauders and then wander around looting bins and bodies, rinse and repeat. I'm playing on normal and it feels a tad easy at this setting so I'll probably increase difficulty.

31 GB update? Holy mother of optimus prime.

New DLC seems to be quite good.

The Outer Worlds: Murder on Eridanos Review "Buy, Wait for Sale, Never Touch?"

Base game, bundle, and Season Pass are all on sale (20-50% off) on Steam right now.

I am downloading now. I loved the game so let's do this.

for some reason epic won't let me download the new patch or the dlc. i bought the season pass and now only gorgon is showing up as available dlc. anyone else having this issue?

I guess I'll find out after work!

Epic already pissed me off to the point of almost re-buying the game on Steam by refusing to let me buy the season pass for the longest time yesterday, if I'm not getting one of the DLC I'll be a bit peeved to say the least.

Update, the dlc has still not shown up as available to my install. However it is installed and i have started playing it. Not sure what's going on but at least i can play the dlc.

On steam I had to restart my computer after downloading it for it to show up as a dlc. Steam did download it but did not show it in my dlc page. I guess servers were getting hit so

Played a bit today. I forgot how much I like this game. I liked that they had an option to revert my save to just before the no going back point. I really like that sometimes you can just ask a companion what they think if you lack the skill but they have it.

Restarted the game but might go back to my first game. Half a hour in found a new monster I hadn't run into before. Also I am not making use of food items. Somehow I completely missed you could put them into your inhaler. I still think the inventor management and how you use consumable is dumb but not as dumb as before.

I think the idea that you put a sandwhich, a drug and a drink into an inhaler pack to huff when you are hurt is totally on Brand for this game

I really want to see a second game. They had so many good bits of writing. The world was silly enough the excuse the morality issues most game run into with so much charm. The murder mystery mission was probably my favorite right up there with Parvati's personal quest.

Spectrum Vodka wrote:

a glass for every class

On my second playthrough as the silver tongued devil I find being the bad guy is a lot like being the good guy. Also much of the game so far seems to force the good guy side of things. For example I wanted to take the power from both sides on the starting world to screw everyone over but you have to pick a side a neither is all good or all bad. Also there doesn't seem to be a way to ignore saving the other frozen people.

I did get to do some good evil when I gave medicine to a dude and killed him after getting the reward. I then sold medicine to some other lady and got her reward. I was shocked the accounted for that option.

My current build is putting everything into speech and companion skills. No points into guns or melee. The idea is to talk my way through the game and use companions as meat shields. Interestingly I didn't notice the speech skills have combat options attached to them. Cower is the only one that makes sense to me the other two seem weird. Why would a robot attack its friends because my lie skill is high? Someone made a fallout mod that handled this perfectly.

Now that is a trailer.

Nevin73 wrote:

Now that is a trailer.

At least they're honest!

Has anyone tried the Space Chasers edition on pc? I’m thinking about upgrading. Not much out there on improvements after the two patches. Impressions? Worth a $10 upgrade?

Bummer saves don’t carry over. Wondering whether the graphical upgrade in Spacer’s choice is worth it?

I loved the game but 10 bucks for what feel like graphics settings seems a bit high since I probably won't notice half of the upgrades.

If I have to download a full new game not worth it as I have the original installed.

I would rather get a new game on sale when the summer sale starts for that price.

Good points. I appreciate your comments.
I’m thinking of restarting. I put about 8 hours into the game when it first came out on Xbox. In light of the time a play through would take, I might pay the $10 if folks offered a good review of the upgrade. I agree, seems like a poor thing to charge for.