Loving it so far. This could be the best Fallout game since 2.
I actually finished it a few weeks back but forgot to post. I did a speech and engineering character and i loved it. There was enough goofiness that i never felt like i was in some beige shooter and i enjoyed the cartoon seriousness too. Companions were cool and I really liked that, while there was some romance in the story, none of it was shoehorned onto your character. I know some people were probably upset about that, but who wakes up from stasis to a disaster of this level and says "time to look for a date amongst these crazy people who decided to live on my ship"
I dunno if I'll go back for another run, but if obsidian does something of this caliber every few years I'd have to really dislike the setting premise of it to not buy what comes and enjoy the ride.
My second run stalled out when Fallen Order came out, but I will 100% be on board for any DLC for this.
I finished it over the weekend. As some others expressed I cooled on it throughout my playthrough.
Edgewater and Parvati were very much highlights for me, with the Monarch and the combat being lowlights. I did feel that things picked up a bit again during the final few hours, with even the combat feeling a little more interesting through the final stages.
Overall I had quite a good time and would be on board for a sequel/similar style game from the same team.
Lastly gamepass is absolutely fantastic.
Obsidian announces there will be DLC in 2020, but no other details for now:
The texture pop-in is really starting to grate on me. I'm gonna put the game on hold for a while and maybe it will be tidied up with a patch. Or maybe not.
However I still want to continue with a similar RPG experience so I've began New Vegas for the first time via Game Pass. Sure, it looks its age but it's very enjoyable so far.
I don't want to drag the thread off topic but where does New Vegas rank amongst Obsidian's games? I understand its writing is better than that of The Outer Worlds?
I rank New Vegas as Obsidian's best game -- it's certainly its biggest in scope (which also meant many bugs). As a bigger game, there's a lot more writing in it, and I think it's of a consistently high quality, easily on par with the writing in The Outer Worlds. Obsidian was full of people who worked on Fallout 2, and they pulled off the dark/quirky humour of Fallout better than Bethesda did with Fallout 3.
Folks may argue with you whether Black Isle games count or don't count, because Obsidian was founded by many ex-Black Isle folks. If Black Isle games count, you have to argue whether New Vegas is better than Fallout 2 or Planescape Torment.
Spent 6 hours with this today, 5 and a half or so in Edgewater alone. "Oh wait, that's right, I'm a spaceship captain."
Spent 6 hours with this today, 5 and a half or so in Edgewater alone. "Oh wait, that's right, I'm a spaceship captain."
NOW. I was a bartender before that weird guy thawed be out.
I finished this over the last few days. It really does kinda peter out, doesn't it? All of the companion quests ended more quickly than I expected, and then suddenly I had one quest I didn't plan to complete (the Byzantium fashion quest) and one quest I didn't feel was essential (the Sublight faction quest) and the last step of the main quest. I finished the game.
I thought I would solve the final quest without combat, as I had Persuade at 100, but I was frustrated to find that, after completing several extremely high level skill checks, I still got stumped at another. How many 80+ point skill checks should one have to complete to skip the last encounter? At least 1 more than I could, apparently. That final combat was tough, too, and I think my dialogue-leaning character build wasn't enough for it. I ultimately had to lower the difficulty level just to get it done, after maybe 10 failures at normal difficulty. Nothing in the game previously had prepared me for that level of combat, which was frustrating.
The end was a fairly uninspiring montage of a review of the consequences of my actions. I'd say I got the (or 'a') good ending. I'm still happy enough with the game, but my last 15 hours with it weren't nearly as enjoyable as my first 30 or so.
Pacing was definitely a problem. There was way too much to do on Monarch, I wish those quests had been distributed out through other locations.
Overall, thumbs up to this game, it is what I was hoping for, a more focused, less intense Fallout-like game, with some good humor and wonderful writing in spots. I'll be curious to see what Obisidan's first Microsoft-funded RPG will look like, and how it will learn lessons from this game.
Rat Boy wrote:Spent 6 hours with this today, 5 and a half or so in Edgewater alone. "Oh wait, that's right, I'm a spaceship captain."
NOW. I was a bartender before that weird guy thawed be out.
Cashier in my case.
thrawn82 wrote:Rat Boy wrote:Spent 6 hours with this today, 5 and a half or so in Edgewater alone. "Oh wait, that's right, I'm a spaceship captain."
NOW. I was a bartender before that weird guy thawed be out.
Cashier in my case.
I was a meat popsicle.
Enjoying my time with this, it's certainlly better than Fallout 4. Playing a melee character, normally open with one sneak attack then smash everything else in the face with a hammer. The combat isn't great and I have it turned up to hard and still rarely struggle. Everything else I'm enjoying though. Oh I don't like the weapon/armor leveling thing.
I found the staple of Falloutscroll games:
I maxed out Handguns and am tearing through Monarch with just a Vermin.
Two quick questions - I'm finishing up the first world and my sense is that completing all of the quests will generally take me to all of the notable landmarks. Is it worth exploring like it is in Fallout? Also, combat is seeming pretty straightforward right now and I'm blowing through most encounters without much thought. Is it worth it to bump the difficultly up from Normal or should I just enjoy the ride?
Is it worth exploring like it is in Fallout?
Not in the least. If you pick up all the quests, you'll go to all the places. There's not really anything in between quest locations except random gorillas.
Trashie wrote:Is it worth exploring like it is in Fallout?
Not in the least. If you pick up all the quests, you'll go to all the places. There's not really anything in between quest locations except random gorillas.
GTK. FWIW I'm fine with that. I like knowing that it's more of a curated experience and that I'm not going to accidentally wander into a setpiece that a quest will take me too later.
I saw that it was announced for Switch. It's already on my list, I'll just need to decide which platform. I'd prefer the switch for being able to play in bed/let my wife have the tv. I was content to wait but I'm riding a SciFi wave after reading the excellent Long Way to a Small Angrt Planet book/Wayfarers series. And getting ready for the latest Expanse season.
For those who have played it would you expect the Switch to have trouble running this game?
I'd bet the switch can handle it, though I'd also bet it would be at reduced graphics settings compared to pc or another console. That said I'm not sure it would matter that much, it's not exactly a bleeding edge game. I'd say the most notable issue might be the small screen size, even on a big monitor i missed visual stuff from time to time and I'm not sure I'd enjoy it if i had to squint. That's a personal thing though so it might not be a problem for you.
For those who have played it would you expect the Switch to have trouble running this game?
More than likely, yes.
It's being ported by Virtuous who have done a good job with other Switch ports, but few of those have been current generation games. The Outer Worlds is an Unreal Engine 4 game, and while UE4 games can run well on Switch (like Dragon Quest XI) the ones that do are the exception instead of the rule.
There's a chance to be pleasantly surprised here, but I wouldn't get my hopes up.
The Outer Worlds' Font Size Is About To Get Even Bigger
Yesterday the developers at Obsidian announced that even though The Outer Worlds came out nearly five months ago, they’re still hard at work on improving its font sizes.This is great news since the original text in The Outer Worlds was too damn small, and while Obsidian added a large font option shortly after release, it’s still not always big enough. As someone who beat the game on Xbox One while sitting on the couch in my living room, my eyes are still recovering from the strain.
Rather than simply add an option for even bigger text, the game’s upcoming patch will change the settings option into a slider so you can choose just how much bigger you want the text to get. The patch is planned to come out sometime this week.
One of Obsidian’s programmers responsible for implementing the new feature shared a number of GIFs on Twitter showing the changes in action. They’re absolutely beautiful to gaze upon:
I started playing this again about a week ago on Gamepass and I am having a hard time believing it didn't resonate with me the first time. I'm getting the companion depth feeling of Mass Effect (never did feel much for any of the Fallout 3/4 companions - and the character select screen feels lifted right from ME though I suppose there's only so much a company can do with that facet) with the setting of...Firefly?
Actually, that may explain why it didn't work initially. I had to try Mass Effect three times before it became my favorite series, and I never saw an episode of Firefly before my (new at the time) girlfriend insisted I watch it in 2014 - binged the series the next two days after she showed me the pilot. Maybe I just like being late to the detriment of no one but myself some times.
I just made it to Groundbreaker and while I'm not finding anything particularly challenging, I'm enjoying exploring the world and raging against the capitalist man. Can't wait to see who joins the ship next.
This came free with a CPU or video card, or something that I bought back late last year, and wasn't in the headspace to play an RPG at the time, so just recently jumped in.
Just left Edgewater, and am really enjoying it so far. It's got enough story and choices that I'm finding it engaging. Reading through the comments here it seems like people's enjoyment tended to wane a bit after this point, so hoping I continue to enjoy it in the future
I'm surprised there hasn't been DLC for this yet.
Definitely too bad as there is a lot of potential there.
Well ok then.
Hmmm. While I loved The Outer Worlds, my story feels finished. Not sure if I want to jump back in.
Hmmm. While I loved The Outer Worlds, my story feels finished. Not sure if I want to jump back in.
I'm kinda there too and the universe wasn't interesting enough to draw me back in for more.
6-8 hours more of wacky Outer worlds writing and combat? count me in!
Is it also part of GAMEPASS!!?