The Next Dragon Age Game


This from the latest BioWare Blog Update posted yesterday by Casey Hudson:

If you’ve been following these blogs, or myself and Mark Darrah on Twitter, you know we’re also working on some secret Dragon Age stuff. Dragon Age is an incredibly important franchise in our studio, and we’re excited to continue its legacy. Look for more on this in the coming month (though I won’t tell you where to look…)

Chances are if it is going to be announced in the next month that means it will be at The Game Awards.

Darn, got my hopes up something concrete had been announced.

With all the free time I certainly don't have, I've pondered doing a series replay lately. I never did play a mage in Origins, or a warrior in 2. And I only played Inquisition once.

EDIT: watch it be a top-down mobile game ala Diablo Eternal

beanman101283 wrote:

EDIT: watch it be a top-down mobile game ala Diablo Eternal ;)

How popular is DA in China?

I'll be very excited to see what a post-Witcher 3 Dragon Age is like.

Whether or not I preorder this depends almost entirely on if it has microtransactions.

"Continue its legacy"? That doesn't sound like a sequel. That sounds like a remaster or, at most, a spin-off using the IP. Given the trends, if it's not a remaster, I'd bet on a digital card game, episodic adventure game, or a mobile gacha ARPG.

I’d be down. Most of my gaming now with a 12 week old kiddo is on my phone -.-

ClockworkHouse wrote:

"Continue its legacy"? That doesn't sound like a sequel. That sounds like a remaster or, at most, a spin-off using the IP. Given the trends, if it's not a remaster, I'd bet on a digital card game, episodic adventure game, or a mobile gacha ARPG.

Would they really remaster Dragon Age before Mass Effect?

Episodic adventure game is the only one I'd be interested in. Therefore in my opinion it is also by far the least likely. Also, we can't discount the potential for a Dragon Age online survival game. Or even *gulp* Dragon Age battle royale.

I want DA4, but it seems fairly unrealistic right now.

gewy wrote:

Whether or not I preorder this depends almost entirely on if it has microtransactions.

Is EA making it? They'd microtransact their mother if they could.

ClockworkHouse wrote:

I'd bet on a digital card game, episodic adventure game, or a mobile gacha ARPG.

Let's see a Fire Emblem heroes style tactical RPG for mobile get announced. The screeching would be enough to power the world's bitcoin farms for a year. I get more enjoyment out of the misery of awful people than I've ever gotten from playing games.

More seriously though, I suspect something more conventional. I'd hope for something with the heart of DA2, but better made.

Shadout wrote:

I want DA4, but it seems fairly unrealistic right now.

Right there if you... But I keep hoping...

Iridium884 wrote:
gewy wrote:

Whether or not I preorder this depends almost entirely on if it has microtransactions.

Is EA making it? They'd microtransact their mother if they could.

This. I'm not really all that excited to see them gouge yet another franchise I loved. And with their recent track record...yikes.

beanman101283 wrote:

Darn, got my hopes up something concrete had been announced.

With all the free time I certainly don't have, I've pondered doing a series replay lately. I never did play a mage in Origins, or a warrior in 2. And I only played Inquisition once.

EDIT: watch it be a top-down mobile game ala Diablo Eternal ;)

If you replay Inquisition, make sure you do it with the Tresspassers DLC.

I figured DA4 was an open secret. DA: Inquisition was Bioware's best selling game. At least, both are claimed if you believe Executive Producer Mark Derrah.

Wasnt the 'rumor' that DA4 was in development, but put on hold indefinitely to focus on Anthem. Which to me makes it unlikely they are anywhere close to announcing it - if it ever happens.
But who knows, maybe they show a trailer, while working on it for years to come.

Sorbicol wrote:
beanman101283 wrote:

Darn, got my hopes up something concrete had been announced.

With all the free time I certainly don't have, I've pondered doing a series replay lately. I never did play a mage in Origins, or a warrior in 2. And I only played Inquisition once.

EDIT: watch it be a top-down mobile game ala Diablo Eternal ;)

If you replay Inquisition, make sure you do it with the Tresspassers DLC.

I played all the DLC my first time through, but I've sadly forgotten all the massive revelations from Trespassers, so I'll definitely need the refresher.

With Anthem close to launch I can see them announcing DA4 but looking at 2020 and next gen hardware.

I still hope they eventually do that Dragon Age Tactics thing but am also afraid for what EA would do with it today. Undoubtedly mobile, but Final Fantasy Tactics proves you can do a full-blown tactical RPG on mobile.

RedSwirl wrote:

I still hope they eventually do that Dragon Age Tactics thing but am also afraid for what EA would do with it today. Undoubtedly mobile, but Final Fantasy Tactics proves you can do a full-blown tactical RPG on mobile.

I still want a game where you play as the little merc group you outfit during Inquisition.

RedSwirl wrote:

I still hope they eventually do that Dragon Age Tactics thing but am also afraid for what EA would do with it today. Undoubtedly mobile, but Final Fantasy Tactics proves you can do a full-blown tactical RPG on mobile.

FFT is a re-release though with a long history behind it. Is there any successful SRPG on mobile that isn't rife with mobile monetization aspects? I seriously doubt it. Even Nintendo realizes that the pay-once model doesn't work well with mobile (though that may change with the Mario Kart mobile, I dunno, but I really think that pay-once ship has sailed).

More on topic, I don't think the strategy and tactics in DA games is enough of a driving force for sales that we'll see a mobile game.

Blind_Evil wrote:

I’d be down. Most of my gaming now with a 12 week old kiddo is on my phone -.-

12 day old here, but I'm finding a bit of time for the Switch at least.

Dragon Age: Andromeda.

Budo wrote:

Dragon Age: Andromeda.

Yea I can't wait to see how the Kett are related to the Darkspawn.

Vishante Kaffas


UpToIsomorphism wrote:

Dragon Age 4: The War of Gods

1987 and 2007 called - they both want that video back.

Nice title though.

jdzappa wrote:
UpToIsomorphism wrote:

Dragon Age 4: The War of Gods

1987 and 2007 called - they both want that video back.

Nice title though.

Which one are you gonna give it up to?

Now the rumor is there'll be some announcement at The Game Awards this Thursday

Rumor mill finally catching up to the OP:

Rykin wrote:

Chances are if it is going to be announced in the next month that means it will be at The Game Awards.

I can't really take credit for that as it has the speculation on the post I saw mentioning the blog post.
