Satisfactory - a Factorio-like First Person game

My thought is that the Space Elevator was designed for a tougher challenge than a single delivery of goods. It will be either far more than a single player can carry in a couple of trips, or something that measures the rate of inputs, ie if you can hit 1k Steel Plates per minute for a few hours then your deliveries will meet the requirements of some milestone.

polypusher wrote:

My thought is that the Space Elevator was designed for a tougher challenge than a single delivery of goods. It will be either far more than a single player can carry in a couple of trips, or something that measures the rate of inputs, ie if you can hit 1k Steel Plates per minute for a few hours then your deliveries will meet the requirements of some milestone.

Apparently the game files show payloads of 5,000 Heavy Modular Frames in the next phase, so we're definitely looking at payloads that make conveyors worth it.

I spent the last couple play sessions making a turbofuel power plant. It's just off an oil field with a pure coal and sulfur belt feeding into it from about 800m away. Right now it's generating enough fuel to power twice the plants I have built, and there are enough resources coming in to make 3X the fuel. I don't know if I'll ever need it, but there's about 18000MW of potential.



Delbin wrote:

Apparently the game files show payloads of 5,000 Heavy Modular Frames in the next phase, so we're definitely looking at payloads that make conveyors worth it.

Fairly certain they're used now or maybe i just built my lines for giggles...

ranalin wrote:
Delbin wrote:

Apparently the game files show payloads of 5,000 Heavy Modular Frames in the next phase, so we're definitely looking at payloads that make conveyors worth it.

Fairly certain they're used now or maybe i just built my lines for giggles...

They’re used. It’s just the Elevator might require 5000 of them to activate the locked phase.

Finished automating just about everything available. The belt management ended on just the edge of manageability.


Wow. Very impressive! How's your PC handling that?

Tier 7 is out or coming out on experimental today

polypusher wrote:

Wow. Very impressive! How's your PC handling that?

Looks like 25 FPS on a 980ti and an older i7. It's not that bad in practice. I guessed I was getting 40 before I turned on the display.

thrawn82 wrote:

Tier 7 is out or coming out on experimental today

Nice! I was just running out of things to do.

Neat! I've been playing in Experimental a bit. They've made that pretty easy. Its its own install but it imports your saves. The current build is pretty stable after daily patches this week to get TRAINS working! They also added Nuclear power last Friday. Things are still in flux a bit, but playing with things has been fun. I started a new map, which I dont think I'd do again. It takes a LONG time to get back up that tech tree. I havent even gotten to Trains or Nuclear in about 20 hours. They're Tier 6 and 7 respectively.

polypusher wrote:

Neat! I've been playing in Experimental a bit. They've made that pretty easy. Its its own install but it imports your saves. The current build is pretty stable after daily patches this week to get TRAINS working! They also added Nuclear power last Friday. Things are still in flux a bit, but playing with things has been fun. I started a new map, which I dont think I'd do again. It takes a LONG time to get back up that tech tree. I havent even gotten to Trains or Nuclear in about 20 hours. They're Tier 6 and 7 respectively.

i did the same thing when the last experimental patch went live. I just got back up to oil wells but not fuel power, but i am much much happier with my factory setups this time around. My original save really just needs to be completely destroyed and rebuilt and that's almost as much work as starting new

Trains and Nuclear Power are out of Experimental and into the main game, as told by Coffee Stain's Quirky and Interesting Jace Valet-Parking

This completes most of their public road map. I think the studio is about to go on vacation, so hopefully we'll learn about what they're planning next after that.

I think there's still a few things they threw in and probably haven't figured out what they want to do with them, like SAM ore, and the two artifacts. I'd personally like to see the Space Elevator and research reworked into more of a major projects system, like maybe some of the mega-structures are no longer built by techno wizardry but instead are assembled in space (with the resources being supplied by your base via the Space Elevator) and dropped into position from orbit. This would take the pressure off your inventory and maybe give you a reason to deploy radar around the map.

Some other mega space elevator projects, like a space station and solar array would be cool to have to amp up the output of your base too.

Here's one trick the developers don't want you to know about: Tape

Just got this as my quarantine game. Let's see if I can build something that isn't a hot mess.

If it's not a hot mess of conveyor spaghetti, are you really even playing Satisfactory?

i picked this back up over the weekend, I must say i am loving the new way stuff is split out into the tier upgrades, the MAM, and the coupon store ('decorative' support pillars from the coupon store really sooth my irrational hatred of floating platforms) and the change they made to the space elevator to use dedicated automation only parts.

As long as it looks a little better than Let's Game It Out's factory.

I'm back into this! The makework aspect of it is kind of what I need right now. I'm up through tier 5/6, and starting to wrap my head around how I should be using belts and splitters/mergers to optimize my lines. I did one full rebuild already, and I'm trying to decide if I should keep going where I am and sort out my lines better, or relocate. Part of that is down to there's no coal or water sources nearby, and I'm awfully tired of having to go on biomass runs to feed my six burners. I think I saw a map somewhere, but I haven't figured out how to get it yet. I'm really wishing for a helicopter so I could get a better sense of where I should set up.

Also need to better figure out how to physically arrange my lines. Right now, everything's both too close together, and also takes up too much room. I went one floor up for parts that need an assembler, but I feel like there has to be a better way. And I want to organize things so that I don't have to use a jump pad to get up to the higher level to get some parts.

Chaz wrote:

I'm back into this! The makework aspect of it is kind of what I need right now. I'm up through tier 5/6, and starting to wrap my head around how I should be using belts and splitters/mergers to optimize my lines. I did one full rebuild already, and I'm trying to decide if I should keep going where I am and sort out my lines better, or relocate. Part of that is down to there's no coal or water sources nearby, and I'm awfully tired of having to go on biomass runs to feed my six burners. I think I saw a map somewhere, but I haven't figured out how to get it yet. I'm really wishing for a helicopter so I could get a better sense of where I should set up.

Also need to better figure out how to physically arrange my lines. Right now, everything's both too close together, and also takes up too much room. I went one floor up for parts that need an assembler, but I feel like there has to be a better way. And I want to organize things so that I don't have to use a jump pad to get up to the higher level to get some parts.

Feel your new MAM some quartz and you might get enjoyable results.

Oh neat. When I was out looking for water, I picked up a bunch to try and get enough for that. Wish the MAM had a notification for when it was done. I keep starting a muti-minute research, going to do something else while I wait, and then forget.

Did the MAM used to be inside the little office of the hub? I thought I remembered it being in there from the last time I played this, but now the office is pretty empty and I had to build one outside.

Yea it did, they spun it out into it's own thing and really expanded how it functions with tech trees and stuff. They also made it so you get whatever it gives you as soon as it's done instead of doing mam research and then having a new order on the hub to fulfill

You do get an audio "beep" when it (MAM research) is done, no matter where you are on the map, but it's super easy to overlook if you don't know about it.

I have coal plants running! I think I expected them to have a little more capacity than they do, but not having to run around and manually fuel them is huge. I went down from four standalone biomass burners to three coal plants. I also expected to need to mess with the piping a bit more than I did. I had to run a massively long pipe to get water back to my base, and I thought I'd need some booster pumps along it, but turned out nope, it handled three coal plants just fine. Which works for me.

Now I'm at the point where I need to get steel production up and running. still haven't decided how best to organize that. Might wind up doing another relocation before I do that. I'm butting up against a poison gas area anyway, and I think I'd do better grouping things by organizing lines base on capacity rather than strictly material. Yay busywork!

The way I understand it you only need pumps to elevation changes, one pump for every 4 or 5 wall heights.

I found this fun little video that many will either appreciate the insane amount of work that went into the build or run screaming from the room for how much of an organizational mess it becomes.

Eldon_of_Azure wrote:

Video of "Let's Game It Out"

My roommate and I watched the entire series in a sitting, it's hilarious, but at the same time, I have three giant factory centers in my game and what he does is absolutely opposite of how I play. My biggest goal is to have no clipping if I can help it and till signals are added to trains, not allow trains to share the same track and clip through each other unless it can't be helped.

It's lead to some unique workings, and overall my factory of a year has been able to be reworked multiple time to accommodate the changes. Next time I'm in game I'll take some screenshots of my pride and... headache to share.

Have they added the bulk disassembling yet? I played a bit a few months ago after Update3 launched and didnt see it. It could have been tucked behind a tech level or research I didnt get to

polypusher wrote:

Have they added the bulk disassembling yet? I played a bit a few months ago after Update3 launched and didnt see it. It could have been tucked behind a tech level or research I didnt get to

Depends on how you mean bulk. If you mean can you disassemble multiple items at once, yes, if you mean an entire base? If your computer can withstand going and highlighting everything.... then yes. But there is no button to do a everything disassemble without clicking on them.

It got added in November/ December. It's an additional thing for the disassembly mechanic, not a separate tool.

Does this game have a stand-alone server for hosting a game? Not just someone joining my game, but a server instance you can host.


Wolfen Victrocious wrote:
polypusher wrote:

Have they added the bulk disassembling yet? I played a bit a few months ago after Update3 launched and didnt see it. It could have been tucked behind a tech level or research I didnt get to

Depends on how you mean bulk. If you mean can you disassemble multiple items at once, yes, if you mean an entire base? If your computer can withstand going and highlighting everything.... then yes. But there is no button to do a everything disassemble without clicking on them.

It got added in November/ December. It's an additional thing for the disassembly mechanic, not a separate tool.

Also, it just drops all the resources on the ground. I wish there was a mass disassemble that just destroyed things. Sometimes, I don't care about the resources.

I wouldn't mind about resources dropping except that the boxes block new building.

I also wish there was an easy way to replace regular belt poles with stackable brackets, and drag to build multiple brackets to whatever height. The other night, I needed to run a second belt a kilometer or more back to my base, along the same route I had one running already. Wound up having to build a stackable tower at one end, delete the existing belt section, connect both to the stackable, use another belt section to measure out the max length of the next section, build the next stackable tower, repeat. I wish it was as simple as replacing existing belts with the next tier up is.

There is one feature that was in Factorio that I wish we had. Blueprints. I would like to create a factory setup and be able to copy and paste it somewhere else.