Satisfactory - a Factorio-like First Person game

Hit me up when I am done with Elden Ring.

My friend and I are waiting for a dedicated server to be released.

We've played together with one of us hosting. This was when it first came out. We also paid for a fake dedicated server on one of the hosting sites (g-portal, I think) but the fake server was shit. This was after some updates.


bepnewt wrote:

My friend and I are waiting for a dedicated server to be released.

Wait no more! Those came out in Update 5.

Orphu wrote:
bepnewt wrote:

My friend and I are waiting for a dedicated server to be released.

Wait no more! Those came out in Update 5.

Very nice! Thanks for the update.


Update 6 will hit experimental in June. It will focus on exploration, new gear and equipment mechanics.

First look at the spire coast redesign: (BTW, the spire coast is seeing major changes, so... if you have a build there get it out!)

Nice changes!

Locking the map behind mid tiers was stupid. Glad they realized that.

More info on how beacons will change, multiple body slots, lots of new ammo types.

Also some really cool features in the codex where you can have it calculate what resources you need to produce over or under-clocked parts.

Swamps got a facelift:


Pod thing... does stuff.

Also Update 6 on experimental next week! June 14.

Now I go into the old "do I switch to experimental, or just wait for it to move to mainline release a month later" debate.

Sounds like experimental will be quite a bit more experimental this time around. Might be a wait and see.

I'll pop in to see how screwed I am in the spire coast and surrounding areas then go fix things in EA.

Update 6 in experimental!

Patch Notes:

Update six is out today.

Is anybody interested in playing cooperatively now?

I've been toying with the idea of renting a dedicated server for 3 months.

Mostly so I don't have to go through the early part again.

I'd be interested. Don't have a tonne of free time right now so if you're okay with me only contributing a couple hours a week I would love to. I've been thinking of starting a new run as I haven't seriously played since Update 3 or so

I'd also be interested, but I sadly cannot predict how much time or when I can play. Probably a couple hours per week as well.

I'm in the same boat. I'd love to have a world that continues to grow while I'm away. I could even pitch a few dollars if needed.

I'm going to be away Friday and Saturday but I think I'll try turning on on Sunday afternoon.

Nice. I'll be around Sunday afternoon. Want any donations?

I think I have it up and running.


If somebody could try and connect to see if I have the right info....

I'm able to add it in the server manager, but when I connect it starts up then just disconnects me.

Double checking my end.

I wonder if I need to whitelist...

DMed some info.

Figured it out! Problem was on my end. I still had one mod installed. Be sure to remove all mods if trying to join a server.

Thanks for setting this up Norfair! If it’s alright with you I’ll make a thread in the #survival channel in the GWJ Discord in-case anyone wants to post updates as to what they’re building or working on (I’m trying to get coal power sorted out at the lake to the south)

Can someone share the GWJ Discord link? Or let me know where to find it?

Orphu wrote:

Can someone share the GWJ Discord link? Or let me know where to find it?

It's in the OP of the stickied GWJ Voice Comms thread.

I'm... not sure what they are teasing here.