Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Catch-All

If anyone is having a challenge with the Ashina Elite mini-boss in the dojo section...


iron umbrella absolutely destroys his posture

Funnily enough he was one of the few bosses I found where Dark Souls dodging tactics can work quite well. Like the bull you can dodge towards him to pass many of his dashing attack and your sword does a lot of vitality damage to him

I'm glad I banged my head against Lady B. I feel like I understand the game more after her fight. The chained ogre and the mini boss went down fairly easy afterwards.

Localgod54 wrote:
Spikeout wrote:

Woooo! Got Juzou The Drunkard downed, once you can read his attacks he's not too bad at all.


All without any help from the samurai waiting at the water

The Breath Of Life skill is amazing, it really can extend your exploration time without surviving on a thread of health, knowing you can get life back from your deathblows.

Next up whatever is beyond Juzou.

Nice, Spike!


I used the water guy to tank the drunk while I killed the adds. He died for a good cause, so I could say, "1v1 me, bro."

Thanks LG!

How you getting on with the game yourself?

I pretty much drew all standard enemies out by chucking shuriken's at them, it seems Juzou & any that don't get hit directly just ignore their fellow warrior's war crys before they dart towards my position at the water's edge.

Lady Butterfly is a dancing ninja of death, she really has tricky attacks that have different rhythms to mess up your deflections. I've tried about 6 times with no avail. I'd say she's gonna take me a hell of a long time.

I went back


to the white snake, its a cool stealth section, so well made. I finally gotto hide in that little hut & lay in wait for it to peer through the half tattered cloth curtain. A sword through the eye later & I run for the grappling hook point that gets me to the upper cave & away, not without taking a beating from its huge sweeping attack. Is there a way you can actually go back & kill it or does it appear later in the game again? Without being too spoilery if you don't mind

I also hugged a wall that ended up being a secret door into a hidden area, that was very neat. I'd no idea that was even a thing.

I defeated Lady Butterfly tonight, and it only took me 3 or 4 attempts. For the first phase I figured out a stunlock tactic



but in the second phase, she was wise to my cheesy moves. That part of the fight, I was much more scrappy. I used all my shurikens, and survived two big ghost attacks. In the course of the fight I depleted all my healing, but I did not need to resurrect. Overall, I'm pretty happy with how far I've come since I last saw her.

Now to try the top of the castle ... again.

Just purchased this. Haven't gotten home to play it, and I have a team dinner after my shift, so that will take a bit still... Will post about my initial experience later, once I do get some quality time with the game. Been looking forward to it!

Beat my first main boss last night, the guy on the horse! I’d say that and the mini boss before has made it just click that posture is just as much a health bar for the enemies.

I’ve also got to the point of lady butterfly, but wasn’t able to beat her. Maybe now I’m a bit stronger I’ll be able to?

JohnKillo wrote:

I'm glad I banged my head against Lady B. I feel like I understand the game more after her fight. The chained ogre and the mini boss went down fairly easy afterwards.

Sekiro horse boss Gyoubu Oniwa went down fairly easy. I only died once.

I also beat horse boss guy last night! I know it's trite by now but it's finally starting to click that block/parry is effective more often than I expect. Still conditioned to see a big guy taking swings with a huge weapon and think I'm going to eat it in no time if I rely on blocking. Yet I succeeded just as soon as I switched from trying to dodge around and keep space between us to mostly staying in close blocking, parrying when the timing seemed clear.

Guess it's back to Juzou to give that fight a real shot next. Ugh, I hate vomiting enemies.

Dodge towards his vomit/spew attack.

JohnKillo wrote:

Dodge towards his vomit/spew attack.

This advice also works in romantic encounters.

I threw together a quick video of me fighting several of the early to early-mid game minibosses. Possible miniboss spoilers ahead:

I think my mistakes show show off how much safer parrying is than trying to dodge the majority of the time.

I don't dodge unless I need to create distance to heal or screw up a mikiri counter. Even with my errors, I still win most of these fights without much need for healing.

ClockworkHouse wrote:
JohnKillo wrote:

Dodge towards his vomit/spew attack.

This advice also works in romantic encounters.

*use hug on body.

My issue is I need to follow up with attack faster I almost still expect the bomp Parry sound and a stab. I am getting better but still get annoyingly killed.

Should people happen into a boss fight or want to get out before loosing half just pause and quit the game. When your reload back in you're outside the boss fight and can go reup at a shrine.

Maybe everyone knows that already but it's an old trick from ds1 that was used on chaos boss for the three phases and less stupid deaths.

Spikeout wrote:

to the white snake, its a cool stealth section, so well made. I finally gotto hide in that little hut & lay in wait for it to peer through the half tattered cloth curtain. A sword through the eye later & I run for the grappling hook point that gets me to the upper cave & away, not without taking a beating from its huge sweeping attack. Is there a way you can actually go back & kill it or does it appear later in the game again? Without being too spoilery if you don't mind


Yes, you will definitely encounter it again later on.

What a sensible chap.

Also I spotted this juxtaposition. I didn't watch either (especially the one on the right.)


GHunter's video is good. He's a mellow dude and just talking through his feelings, which he has since updated.

i'm getting better at this. Taken out a couple of mini boss types, and still exploring the first memory and surrounding areas. I've had to do a few death resets on some fights, but it is what it is. Money doesn't seem to be hard to earn, and you don't lose skillpoints you've acquired, so I don't feel as bad about the death penalty.

Still trying to break the habit of playing slow, though. It's tough, after 4+ souls style games where I would methodically hide behind a shield when available (Bloodborne notwithstanding).

I really wish there were an arena to re-fight bosses and mini - bosses to get better.

Alright, so I managed to put a little bit of time into the game and love it so far. Took me a few minutes to get the hang of the parrying mechanic, but now I think I've got a better handle on it. Got through the intro and a bit thereafter, but didn't really get far. Should have more time tonight after work.


Oh. That thief from the memory is selling the throwing daggers from Lady Butterfly.
I got to save up some money right now for that. 3k yen.

JohnKillo wrote:

Oh. That thief from the memory is selling the throwing daggers from Lady Butterfly.
I got to save up some money right now for that. 3k yen.


Keep in mind it's just an upgrade part. It doesn't unlock the throwing dagger until you unlock it on the weapon upgrade path at the sculptor.

JeremyK wrote:
JohnKillo wrote:

Oh. That thief from the memory is selling the throwing daggers from Lady Butterfly.
I got to save up some money right now for that. 3k yen.


Keep in mind it's just an upgrade part. It doesn't unlock the throwing dagger until you unlock it on the weapon upgrade path at the sculptor.


Yeah, I did not realize this when I purchased it, and thought it would just be an upgrade for the thing I had. It wasn't.

Started NG+ today. It continues the time-honored From tradition of making you feel like a bad-ass who actually learned something. Only for that silly idea to be crushed later on presuambly. But got to Ashina Castle without any deaths. I can live high on that for a while.

Couldn't resist buying this. Instantly started trying to parry everything which feels great so far. Bloodborne always felt weird, so I never did it. I'm surprised parry feels okay out of the gate.

Well about to go get prepped for the prosthetic. I was spoiled on how that goes down.

tuffalobuffalo wrote:

Couldn't resist buying this. Instantly started trying to parry everything which feels great so far. Bloodborne always felt weird, so I never did it. I'm surprised parry feels okay out of the gate.

Well about to go get prepped for the prosthetic. I was spoiled on how that goes down. :)

Smart move. Learn early on to stay in and near the fight. The opposite of souls games. Also on the red warning move double jump on your enemy. Or if they grab at you jump away. Good luck!

Tyrian wrote:
JeremyK wrote:
JohnKillo wrote:

Oh. That thief from the memory is selling the throwing daggers from Lady Butterfly.
I got to save up some money right now for that. 3k yen.


Keep in mind it's just an upgrade part. It doesn't unlock the throwing dagger until you unlock it on the weapon upgrade path at the sculptor.


Yeah, I did not realize this when I purchased it, and thought it would just be an upgrade for the thing I had. It wasn't.

I still bought it. I will wait to get the upgrade.

Also sometimes I feel so dumb. At the H.Estate of course the thugs have/drop oil. They were buring it down.

I put it together last night.

I keep forgetting that posture damage is damage. I was fighting the


Long Arm Centipede Giraffe

and I was successful at deflecting blows (significantly increasing the enemy's posture and some of mine). I would then try to go on the attack, but only get a few hits and lose my posture deflecting the next flurry. When instead I spent my breathing time blocking to reduce my own posture damage, the fight become much easier.

The parry timing is just effing me over, it just feels completely wrong. Whenever I press it at the moment that does feel right it's too late, I only get it if I do it deliberately *way* early. I might get used to it eventually, but it's kind of ruining the game for me right now.

Has anyone messed with the button configuration? I’ve been messing around with trying different things but would like to see if anyone found something they really like.