The Manifesto Mr. Damore wrote, it's implications, facts, or opinions, the hostile work environment it creates, the action of Google firing him, and the consequences of all of the above.
Yeah, often what people refer to matriarchy in many cultures is actually just patriarchy in a skirt holding a broom.
Yeah, often what people refer to matriarchy in many cultures is actually just patriarchy in a skirt holding a broom.
Hmmm, that feels like a really sexist thing to say. Women are identified by skirts and brooms? Is this some kind of Inception level sexism now?
MrDeVil909 wrote:Yeah, often what people refer to matriarchy in many cultures is actually just patriarchy in a skirt holding a broom.
Hmmm, that feels like a really sexist thing to say. Women are identified by skirts and brooms? Is this some kind of Inception level sexism now?
He's saying that the "matriarchy" is actually patriarchy, with minor trappings that make it appear to represent feminine power, while the gender roles within the "matriarchy" are largely or entirely unchanged.
Fired Google engineer says his memo actually empowered women
Really, it’s like being gay in the 1950s. These conservatives have to stay in the closet and have to mask who they really are. And that’s a huge problem because there’s open discrimination against anyone who comes out of closet as a conservative.
Emphasis mine. Jesus. Christ.
Alan Turing, well-known and hugely influential computer scientist, was forcibly chemically castrated for being gay in the 50's.
It's just like being gay if being gay meant going around telling people what jobs they can and can't do based on faulty science and bad understanding of sociology. And being gay meant losing your job because you literally created a rallying point for your co-workers to tell your peers they don't deserve their jobs. And that the consequence for that is losing your job.
So pretty much the same, yes.
I'm just completely sick of the whole "oh woe, no one will tolerate me simply because I'm conservative." People got mad at what he said, and have refuted what he said, talking about the bad ideas and the bad logic. If he wants to think that's what marks him as a conservative, he's an idiot. These sad people just want to be victims so badly that they'll take a soccer fall over anything they can. My only thought is that these people have to think that being actually persecuted is so trivial but earns such amazing social rewards that they need to get in on that sweet action.
Like seriously, one of my neighbors came over to me, on my property, and asked me in a sneering tone "So hey what do you think about that shooting, heh" a few days after the Pulse shooting in Miami. I didn't even have to open my mouth and someone felt comfortable doing that. And that's only because they know I live with another man. This dude, like me, is a white male that conforms in a lot of social ways, so he has to go out of his way to really feel "persecution" (and I put that in quotes because chances are it's pretty light even then).
It's not fun, it's not a goddamned benefits program. I got to spend a month or so after Pulse wondering if people would be cool shooting or beating me in the street, and now after this last weekend I'm wondering the same. These things are signs that the social contract can be invalidated at any time by people who feel like they want to destroy the "other", and a lot of people will say "attaboy".
But yes, I can see how that's comparable to writing a sexist, ignorant paper and spreading it around your work, ending your employment.
Nomad wrote:MrDeVil909 wrote:Yeah, often what people refer to matriarchy in many cultures is actually just patriarchy in a skirt holding a broom.
Hmmm, that feels like a really sexist thing to say. Women are identified by skirts and brooms? Is this some kind of Inception level sexism now?
He's saying that the "matriarchy" is actually patriarchy, with minor trappings that make it appear to represent feminine power, while the gender roles within the "matriarchy" are largely or entirely unchanged.
10 points to Hufflepuff for reading comprehension.
On the science, or lack thereof, in the original memo, by an actual evolutionary biologist: The truth has got its boots on: what the evidence says about Mr. Damore’s Google memo
Has a lot of fascinating details and citations throughout, in case you were curious about just how much more complex and interesting the real science actually is.
I really enjoy listening to Joe Rogan and he recently had this guy on. Just remembered this topic and thought it would be a good listen.
He was also on The Ruban Report on youtue.
I always thought Rogan plays a middle of the road attitude towards most issues. Definitely don't agree with a lot of his opinions in this interview. But he's always level headed and I respect his usually unbiased opinion.
The Conformist wrote:I always thought Rogan plays a middle of the road attitude towards most issues. Definitely don't agree with a lot of his opinions in this interview. But he's always level headed and I respect his usually unbiased opinion.
I've always found him to be a loud proponent of the status quo with a healthy helping of misogyny, homophobia and extra large serving of transphobia.
I still had a listen. Nothing in the recording hasn't already been covered previously in this thread. Damore got to present the same ideas in his manifesto to Rogan's audience unchecked because Rogan agrees with the blatant sexism the manifesto is based on.
Completely disagree with the Rogan take. But that isn't necessarily what we are here to discuss.
You're right about everything being covered for the most part. I did think it was good to hear everything straight from the mouth of Damore. And in my opinion, being interviewed by someone who doesn't tend to slant one way or another.
I always thought Rogan plays a middle of the road attitude towards most issues. Definitely don't agree with a lot of his opinions in this interview. But he's always level headed and I respect his usually unbiased opinion.
That's surprising. He's always been squarely conservative.
Lol @ Joe Rogan being middle of the road.
Lol @ Joe Rogan being middle of the road.
I could not just +1 these comments. This guy is no where close to middle of the road.
Yeah, I still remember what he said about Fallon Fox.
cn for blatant transphobia
"First of all, she's not really a she."
"You need to fight men your size because you're a man. You're a man without a dick.
"(Fallon Fox) is not a girl, OK? This is a (transgender) woman. It's a totally different specification."
...And it just kind of goes on like this.
OMG, just... don't. Just don't.
Redacted. Not really the topic for such a discussion.
Being on The Rubin Report is also not exactly a feather in anyone's cap. The man makes tons of money on Patreon from the alt-right audience, and consistently refuses to have anyone on his show that has any ideas contrary to such an audience. Rubin and Rogan are just two more podcasts along Damore's whistlestop tour of alt-right fundraising.
I've listened to Rogan for.. A little over a year maybe? And he has given me very little to see that he swings one way or another heavily. I've heard conservatives say he's left and liberals say he's right. He even jokes about it on his show, how he's placed in so many places in the spectrum by so many people it loses meaning.
I've seen republicans and democrats on his podcast. And he tends to not smash you over the head too much with one or the other. But it's all subjective really. To each their own.
I've tried listening to him on the recommendation of others . I don't think it's that Rogan is "middle of the road" so much that he's all over the place and inconsistent in his politics. I don't really think he puts too much thought into it and just spitballs whatever he's feeling at the moment, which often leads to a lot of the offensive and contradictory stances that people have issues with. It's a very shallow and superficial take on issues.
Dude's best friends with Alex Jones so it's not that surprising. I don't get what people see in him.
I've tried listening to him on the recommendation of others . I don't think it's that Rogan is "middle of the road" so much that he's all over the place and inconsistent in his politics. I don't really think he puts too much thought into it and just spitballs whatever he's feeling at the moment, which often leads to a lot of the offensive and contradictory stances that people have issues with. It's a very shallow and superficial take on issues.
Dude's best friends with Alex Jones so it's not that surprising. I don't get what people see in him.
See, I haven't spotted too many inconsistencies yet. What I've seen is possible changes in opinion based on newly presented facts. The Alex Jones thing IS really bizarre. But he's addressed that even though he doesn't agree with almost everything of what Alex thinks. He still considers him a friend. Which I try to look in a "Hey I don't have the same beliefs as you, but we can still get along" type of thing. Which is good, but most of what I hear about Alex Jones is kind if a weird dude.
I relate to him (Rogan) on the fact that he doesn't seem to take sides. And always listens to both perspectives. I know that infuriates most people, but not everything is black and white and he seems to understand that. I've always been someone who shares both Republican and Democratic views. So a lot of what Rogan says just speaks to me.
most of what I hear about Alex Jones is kind if a weird dude.
That's the kindest thing I've heard said about Alex Jones... ever.
Alex Jones is "kind of a weird dude"? Really..that racist, sexist pos is...weird? Ok...sure.
Alex Jones is "kind of a weird dude"? Really..that racist, sexist pos is...weird? Ok...sure.
I can't claim to know much about him. So weird is the only adjective I deemed to use. I heard rumors about things, but nowadays everyone and their dog is racist and sexist. I usually like to invest my own time in figuring that out before I make assumptions and label. But those don't seem to be far from the truth hah.
I relate to him (Rogan) on the fact that he doesn't seem to take sides. And always listens to both perspectives. I know that infuriates most people, but not everything is black and white and he seems to understand that.
Listening to both perspectives is fine and all, but not taking a side is, in fact, taking a side. When one side is "yes, women can and should work in tech" and the other side is "no, push women out of tech", sitting back and going "well gee maybe both sides have merit, who can say" doesn't make you above it all.
Taking a side doesn't mean that you think everything is black and white. "This is complicated and there are no good solutions" is, in fact, a side. For some issues, like, say, North Korea nuclear development, it might well be the most correct and well reasoned position. In this case? I really don't think so.
Misogynists have every reason to make the situation seem more complicated than the age-old push against women in a man's space but I think it really is that simple.
The Alex Jones thing IS really bizarre. But he's addressed that even though he doesn't agree with most what Alex thinks. He still considers him a friend. Which I try to look in a "Hey I don't have the same beliefs as you, but we can still get along" type of thing. Which is good, but most of what I hear about Alex Jones is kind if a weird dude.
Judging by the sheer number of conspiracy theories Jones pushes he is either bat shit insane or a soulless conman who's perfectly happy lying to millions of people as long as he can make some money off of them.
Either way Rogan considering Jones a friend doesn't reflect well on him.
And, just so we're clear, we're not talking about harmless conspiracies, like the earth is flat. Jones pushing the Pizzagate conspiracy caused some moron to bust into Comet Pizza and blast away with his AR-15. Jones calling the Sandy Hook shooting a hoax and "false flag" organized by our government (along with 9/11, the Oklahoma City bombing, and just about every mass shooting) is damaging and has led to other crazy ass deniers harassing the families of the children who were shot and killed.
And, again, Rogan calling a person who willingly spreads that filth and lies a "friend" should make anyone look much harder at Rogan, both as a human and a podcaster.
The Conformist wrote:I relate to him (Rogan) on the fact that he doesn't seem to take sides. And always listens to both perspectives. I know that infuriates most people, but not everything is black and white and he seems to understand that.
Listening to both perspectives is fine and all, but not taking a side is, in fact, taking a side. When one side is "yes, women can and should work in tech" and the other side is "no, push women out of tech", sitting back and going "well gee maybe both sides have merit, who can say" doesn't make you above it all.
Taking a side doesn't mean that you think everything is black and white. "This is complicated and there are no good solutions" is, in fact, a side. For some issues, like, say, North Korea nuclear development, it might well be the most correct and well reasoned position. In this case? I really don't think so.
Misogynists have every reason to make the situation seem more complicated than the age-old push against women in a man's space but I think it really is that simple.
I apologize I should have been more specific. I meant taking sides in regards to being Democratic or Republican. Not necessarily the issues that lie within those two parties. There are definite sides to be taken on the stances they both seem to represent.
Dr.Ghastly wrote:Alex Jones is "kind of a weird dude"? Really..that racist, sexist pos is...weird? Ok...sure.
I can't claim to know much about him. So weird is the only adjective I deemed to use. I heard rumors about things, but nowadays everyone and their dog is racist and sexist. I usually like to invest my own time in figuring that out before I make assumptions and label. But those don't seem to be far from the truth hah.
Was there a time when everyone and their dog wasn't racist and sexist?
The Conformist wrote:Dr.Ghastly wrote:Alex Jones is "kind of a weird dude"? Really..that racist, sexist pos is...weird? Ok...sure.
I can't claim to know much about him. So weird is the only adjective I deemed to use. I heard rumors about things, but nowadays everyone and their dog is racist and sexist. I usually like to invest my own time in figuring that out before I make assumptions and label. But those don't seem to be far from the truth hah.
Was there a time when everyone and their dog wasn't racist and sexist?
Pepperage Farm remembers.
To answer. Nope. But with the spread of misinformation, social media, and down right ignorance; there sure seems to be more.