Name that GAME Thread

I did not expect this to be a stumper...

Pictured is the final entry of a survival horror series. The number in its title is one less than the number of entries in the series there are.


At first I thought it might be "Rule of Rose" but there was only one of those. It looks like it's from the PS2 era, so one of the Clock Tower games?

Trachalio wrote:

... so one of the Clock Tower games?


EDIT: As I'm off to bed, it's Clock Tower 3. You're up Trachalio.

In keeping with the horror theme:


Thrill Kill?


You're up Mario_Alba

I only played that game once about 20 years ago, but it stayed with me. Anyway...


Where The Wild Things Are: The Game?

Haha. No.

This looks a lot like a Rusty Lake game but I don't remember this scene from any of them.

No. Here's another picture:


It is part of a series of games. I think this is the fourth one --it's the only one I've played.

That creature reminds me of a cover of maybe a Zork or other 80s era choose your own adventure book.

I can totally see that! This game is much more recent, though. Here's another screenshot:


It looks exactly halfway between Machinarium and Don't Starve.

So... Machidon't Starvium?

I don't know either, but I want to play it.

I was gonna guess Creaks, but that's not part of a series...

I really don't know but I love the art!


Well, since you guys don't seem to know it but do want to play it, I'll tell you it's Creepy Tale: Some Other Place. It's a point-and-click adventure game, and it is the fourth one in the Creepy Taleseries. I'm currently playing it, and it seems to be independent from the previous entries. It's a good Halloween game!

Anyway, free play!

Looks cool, but I have not heard of it. I will take the free play and try to pay attention today.


Monument Valley?

Yep. Your up Puddin'


The Life and Suffering of Sir Brante?

Yes, ALG! You're up.


I may be completely misremembering, but that gives me Dark Cloud vibes.

It's not Dark Cloud.

I think I watched an LP of this a million years ago... Eldrich Horror?

Close enough - It's just Eldritch.

That's what I was thinking of, too, but couldn't remember the named. I playee it for a few evenings.