Hello! I'm getting back into this after mostly just playing the month or two after Destiny 2s launch. I requested to join the Xbox/PC clan. Right now I'm playing via Game Pass but am considering paying for this season. Are the rewards worth the $10?
Hello! I'm getting back into this after mostly just playing the month or two after Destiny 2s launch. I requested to join the Xbox/PC clan. Right now I'm playing via Game Pass but am considering paying for this season. Are the rewards worth the $10?
I think it’s worth it but none of it is really crucial. You get multiple pieces of seasonal armor for each slot as well as skins for each. I haven’t checked this season’s rewards but past seasons have also given a sparrow and a ship. Most of the rewards are free currency, mats, and boosters.
Well guardians, how goes it? Warlock main here, enjoying the content. Stasis has left me all kinds of sad after going Devour Void for the past month, decided to comb through the vault for ideas. Found Eye of Another World and Monte Carlo and NOW WE ARE TALKING BABY. I've got staff pew pew at the same rate I had grenades, having a lot more fun!
I'm not really big on the Stasis powers. Maybe it's just my play style but I feel like if the powers weren't constantly recharging in the instances the story activates them, they'd be feeling a lot less effective.
My friends and I are also not so impressed with the nature in which they're shoving you through the story without allowing the gear to catch up to the recommended light level. We were 45 levels below the recommend Strike level and while we made it to the boss, we died during the enemy spawns on that final third of health. In particular, because the Wyverns knew precisely when to do their one-hit charge kill as we respawned. Didn't even have a chance to exit the respawn animation before the thing was murdering us.
On one hand, some of this stuff feels a bit more like Destiny 1 or Halo: Legendary. Buddy of mine and I went into a Lost Sector last night only for all the enemies to be immune. The difference is that, in Destiny 1, you could still continue on with the story and come back to that stuff later. Here, there's nothing to do but just wander Europa or Cosmodrome killing stuff aimlessly.
Well, "aimlessly". It seems like they want you to do the quests, so we went in and got them Europa Arms and Legs. Wasn't the most amazing set of quest lines.
I think, for me, Europa itself is just not an interesting destination. Seeing the Exos in the Clovis Bray facility would be more exciting if I expected Bungie to actually do anything with it. The story has revealed that Bungie is now relying on a narrative pattern of rolling through henchman before the boss. None of the characters are interesting, and this villain is not only boring, but absolutely irritating in how much they have to tell us the same thing over and over again. I know people gave Bungie's original writers crap, but it just feels like anyone with talent has left the building (well, figuratively, given Covid's made sure everyone's left the building).
Bungie is real lucky the core mechanics of this game are as fun as they are, otherwise their player numbers would see bigger and bigger drop-offs with each expansion.
My group and I went and geared up before really starting the campaign. There area few places to level up your light really fast, my go to was the Altars of Sorrow. Though, I admit, it's mostly because I hadn't done them before. I bought Shadowkeep when it released, but barely played it. If you're already at 1200 when you start the campaign, you'll completely breeze through it. I've actually done this with every expansion, just held off starting the campaign like it didn't exist and spent a day or so doing stuff I find fun and boosting that light level up.
We all just got the exotic grenade launcher last night, and we're working on the catalyst for No Time To Explain which just involves killing a ton of stuff with it. I'll probably head back to Altars of Sorrow for that, as it's really easy to just get a stupid amount of kills in a short amount of time. The occasional prime engram is just a bonus.
As a warlock, I actually really like the stasis powers. I think it's mostly the melee, which all the other warlock melee abilities just felt like I was tickling people. This one has some bite to it. The super is neat, though doesn't seem quite as powerful as something like Chaos Reach. And the grenade is more funny than effective, but that's good enough for me.
Not going to argue about the writing, but I'm hoping they're going to release a lot more content with the seasons. This felt more like a primer for the expansion than anything else.
The New Light campaign does a real, real good job of getting you to a high enough gear level in order to do all of Europa. But, Bungie has never really been good at onboarding people. I know I tried the Europa campaign with an existing Titan, and was getting roflstomped after about 4 or 5 missions. I took a new Warlock through the New Light Campaign, and was able to finish the campaign with much less difficulty.
Is there any room in the PC guild still?
Does anyone have good suggestions of Destiny-related holiday gifts for a Destiny 2 player? I know my brother in law is a dedicated Destiny 2 player and wanted to come up with some good gifts on that theme. I've seen some nice mugs and water bottles, but not much else has jumped out at me. I don't think he'd make use of the cookbook they put out, and something like a Funko Pop does not seem his style. Any ideas? Is there a way to gift in-game currency or anything? I suppose I should give him some Xbox gift certificates, but I'm hoping to come up with something a little more tangible.
Destiny Grimoires? Printed versions of a lot of the in-game Lore?
Definitely the books. Also the pins are a pretty cool deal.
Yeah, the tricky thing is he doesn't strike me as the kinda guy who is into the lore or overly tchotchke-like collectibles. But then, what else is there, I guess. Maybe I'll get him a grimoire and a mug and leave it at that. Or a t-shirt, if I can find one that doesn't look embarrassing.
As someone who gets in maybe 6 or 7 hours a week playing. I have played pretty consistently since release, and I still have lots of aspects to unlock, and lots of the Varicks things to unlock. The post-campaign campaign is, in my view, amazing.
Especially the story behind Lament and the Gunsmith. The aspects and Exo/Anna is also amazingly good.
The pace at which i am still getting things is, for me, still good. Sure, the grinding is annoying (redoing strikes over and over again) but it is for a specific purpose (aspect), not simply doing it for doing it.
And the Crow stuff? I haven't even started anything on that side yet.
I can understand how, for a content creator who is playing it for 4-5 hours a day, and who knows how to do it in order to maximize their light level increases, there might be a lack of stuff to do. But for me? The pace is perfect. I am only at 1230 (ish), so there is lots to go forward for me.
Cross play coming in 2021. Great news for Stadia players.
Really loving battlegrounds!!
Reinstalling this has been bouncing around in my old head lately. Luckily, there are always "Should You Play Game X in Year Y?" Youtube videos to get me up to speed.
I've sort of forgotten why Datto bugs me so much. It's an irrational dislike that seems to get worse the longer I've been away from Destiny.
Season of the Lost trailer:
The Witch Queen expansion gameplay trailer:
The Witch Queen expansion cinematic trailer
I’m sort of getting tired of the seasonal content, a lot of it has been pretty same-y and I find myself playing for a week or two then forgetting about it until a holiday event or the next season, but the new expansion looks really good.
Time for Destiny 3. Fell off 2 years ago
I’m sort of confused by a decision that was made regarding the current story and the upcoming expansion. So, the current season’s story seems to be revolving around the idea that-
Savathun is our ally now, and we need to totally help her regain her power for reasons, and by golly she’s just so happy to be working with us and went to great lengths to prove it.
the same day the new season starts, while we are spending hours being sweet-talked by Savathun, Bungie also dropped a bunch of trailers and new info about the next expansion where Savathun has stolen the Traveler’s Light and is the new Big Bad we have to fight against.
…I’m sure there’s going to be some twists throughout this season, but… they gave away the ending on the same day the story began. It’s a deeply confusing move on their part.
Cross play is live! With this change we are looking to consolidate the 2 GWJ clans. If you are in the PS4 clan and would like to move to the other GWJ clan please reach out to me on discord or through the clan chat, Psycotoaster on both. If you are not on the Clan discord you should join. https://discord.gg/wHemH5U
So, a little history lesson...
Back when D2 originally released, we had a single clan that I founded for all platforms. Oddly enough, Bungie has always allowed this, even though you couldn’t actually play with clan members of other platforms. As a result, we had a rapid influx of players wanting to join while the game was new and we quickly outgrew a single clan. At the time, our PS4 player base was by far the largest of them all and the Xbox and PC crews did not have enough people to fill two additional clans. So, the PS4 clan became its own group that, as a PS4 player, I took charge of and the Xbox and PC players joined forces to create a second clan.
Since then, the size of the clans has ebbed and flowed and many of us have taken time off only to return when new expansions and/or seasonal content has been released. As with many of the other PS4 players, I found myself playing less and less as I had less people to play with and that trend continued as others did the same. At one point, I was playing so infrequently that I decided to hand off control of the clan, and would occasionally pop back in. Eventually, the Goojer that I handed the reins to decided to leave and join the PC group and I found myself as the clan leader once more.
Again, my periods of activity would come and go, but as I found myself with even fewer people to play with, and unable to complete any raid content, I found myself more and more discouraged to return. To this day, I have yet to complete a D2 raid - something I did on every character every week for several years in D1 - and have only seen the first two areas in the original D2 raid. Once cross play was announced, knowing that the PC crew is very active in setting up events, but having tried PC and having discovered that I prefer to play through my console, I decided that I would more or less go on sabbatical until cross play went active. Even though I wasn't playing much, as owner/moderator of the Discord, I still maintained an infrequent eye on discussions here and there.
Today, as Psychotoaster’s post indicates, the other moderators/clan leaders decided it was time to re-consolidate our players and I completely agree. In fact, I intend to step down as the clan leader of the PS4 clan and join them.
I know it’s been a bit quiet in our halls the last couple of years, but it’s been an honor and a privilege. If you still play, I highly encourage you to join the migration and I look forward to seeing you over there.
I installed this on the PC yesterday. Haven't played since doing the base Forsaken campaign on PS4.
So I did the cross-save transfer to move my Playstation saves over to Steam. Then the game dropped me into a new mission, I guess it's a teaser mission for Beyond Light that had me saving Variks from some bad Fallen.
The core gameplay of Destiny definitely feels better than ever! What a comforting feeling to fire those guns again even if I don't recognize any of my gear.
I finished my session by staring at the Director, not really knowing what to do next. Every major piece of PVE content - even the old stuff - is behind a paywall. I'm not about to buy Forsaken again. What about the following expansions? Beyond Light still seems pretty expensive right now. Or should I just wait for the Witch Queen?
I would just watch for sales. The newest season has 5 months to go. I am sure the expansions will go on sale as some point during that time.
Destiny 2 Legendary Ed will get you everything currently out.
Thanks Psycho. I'm finding some fun in the free version of the game for now. Took some digging but I'm doing stuff and slowly dipping my toes back in it. So much going on, it's bewildering.
Thanks Psycho. I'm finding some fun in the free version of the game for now. Took some digging but I'm doing stuff and slowly dipping my toes back in it. So much going on, it's bewildering.
If you are not yet in the Discord server, here is an invite link:
Witch Queen's on sale (at least on PSN) so I yoinked it. I just can't quit you, Bungie. What's the clan name again?
EDIT: I sent a few FRs from my updated Bungie account to those I had over on XBL (I'm playing on PS5 now).
Guardians with Jobs.
I sent you a PM with the invite link to the Discord.
Witch Queen's on sale (at least on PSN) so I yoinked it. I just can't quit you, Bungie. What's the clan name again?
EDIT: I sent a few FRs from my updated Bungie account to those I had over on XBL (I'm playing on PS5 now).
Same. There’s some interesting new changes and I really like the glaive so far, but I don’t feel it drawing me in the way it used to.
Im on work travel right now and it’s a good time-killer while I’m sitting around my hotel room, but I’ll probably be back out the door for a good long while once the new Outriders DLC releases at the end of the month. I’ve just recently jumped into it and now that it’s had time to mature, the hyper-aggressive run and gun is just SOOO good!
I think I'm finally done with Destiny. Been a dirty casual for many years, bought the Witch Queen and finished the campaign and then BAM. Absolutely no desire to continue.
I think I'm finally done with Destiny. Been a dirty casual for many years, bought the Witch Queen and finished the campaign and then BAM. Absolutely no desire to continue.
I said the same thing last week.
... gonna be grinding Lost Sector for hunter arms tonight.
Edit: Well, I guess not. Got the new arms on my first clear.
I love Lost Sectors! I wish every area was as dense with them as Earth.
I quit Destiny for good about 2 or 3 times a year.