[Discussion] Discussions & Debates Videos


videos with subject matter more suited to d&d than everything else. to be discussed and / or debated, with offshot threads if discussion on a particular video or subject warrants it.

Starting the tread off with this

Escaping from North Korea in search of freedom | Yeonmi Park ; I'll caution that this is a pretty rough listen, but I'm thankful for having heard her story and message.

Your Brain On Drug Policy

Al Jazeera America posted a snippet of this the other day. A distressingly topical film against Fascist rhetoric put out by the U.S. War Department (released in 1943, and re-released in 1947):

"Well, in this country we have no 'other' people. We are American people."

I'm a little surprised that I can't find the script for "Don't Be A Sucker" somewhere.

I like the "you have a right to be what you are" in there, but I can also see the rails that lead to "color-blind" as a value in the quote you posted, Hyp.

*nod* In context, I take it to be "in the U.S., we are all U.S. citizens, and any sort of claim that 'those people' are taking America away from Real Americans is hogwash." The more normative sense of "we must all experience life in the same way" is of course bogus.

I left out a word from the quote:

"Well, in this country we have no 'other' people. We are American people, us."

Probably I should have left that in, because the whole "look, I'm not a native speaker, I'm an immigrant, but I'm still part of this country" thing comes through more that way. (And in the film, they go on to make that explicit with clueless guy asking "But wait, you're not American, are you?")

Anyway, whee.

The real take-away, whites find it to be easy-peazy to just blend back into regular life. Just sickening.

Flashback: Ronald Reagan's powerful rebuke of hate groups

Jayhawker wrote:

The real take-away, whites find it to be easy-peazy to just blend back into regular life. Just sickening.

Yes. This is in my mind a lot.

Good political ad here

(p.s. that's a sousaphone, not a tuba)


Vox video on the timeline of construction of confederate monuments, made from data released by the Sothern Poverty Law Center.

Just gonna leave this here in case some are interested. The new season of American Horror Story started last night, and it takes on the Horror many of us here have felt. Living in a world that elected Trump. The first scene is nothing but news reports and people watching the returns and the fallout, all set to scary music. It was horrifying.

Of course, there are also murdering clowns. Still a commentary on our leadership. But there were many moments that brought back that night in an all too real way.

This woman drove her injured boyfriend to the hospital — then claims she was attacked by police

The police claimed Williams scratched a police sergeant before he and other officers took her to the ground, then into custody. She spent a week in jail, charged with second-degree assault on a police officer and battled the criminal accusations for months.

Williams said the police sergeant grew agitated that she would not hand over her keys during an unlawful car seizure. If the officer was scratched, her attorney told The Washington Post, it happened as the sergeant choked Williams, then helped tackle her. Then, as Williams lay on the ground, the sergeant stomped on her head.

The officers didn’t write about those actions in police reports, said the attorney, Adam Frank.

Backing up her claim, Williams’s lawsuit says, is “irrefutable” video footage captured by a hospital security camera. The assault charges were ultimately dropped by the district attorney, but Williams wants police to account for their actions that night.

“The way the police reports read is like a cover up,” Frank told The Post. “I think that is an interesting attempt to cover their butts. They prosecuted Ms. Williams for 10-and-a-half months based on their officers’ reports while they had the video in their possession.”

Williams’s lawsuit, filed Monday in federal district court in Colorado, seeks punitive and compensatory damages for the assault and what she claims were lies by the officers afterward.

There was a white supremacist rally today in Tennessee. This seems like a pretty good way to handle it.

*listens to what that dude said trying to talk over La Bamba*

Wow. No, not white supremacists at all. *eyeroll*

I've heard a lot of nasty things about Shelbyville, but white supremacists take the cake. Those folks can go suck lemons.


"To serve and ... something, something."

How to break the two-party hold on American politics

wordsmythe wrote:

"To serve and ... something, something."

Go crazy?

thrawn82 wrote:
wordsmythe wrote:

"To serve and ... something, something."

Go crazy?

Don’t mind if I do!


I’m a little sad that I immediately got that reference, I haven’t watched Simpsons in over 15 years.

A TED talk by Zeynep Tufekci on how technologists are building a dystopia just to make people click on ads. A lot of interesting stuff about machine learning and technology company's responsibilities.


I love when Shep Smith drops knowledge and debunks Fox's own theories. I can't believe they let his stay. Huge balls on this guy.

Trophy Husband wrote:

I love when Shep Smith drops knowledge and debunks Fox's own theories. I can't believe they let his stay. Huge balls on this guy.

Many Fox viewers are not happy and a vigorous whine has gone up.

Fox News’s Shepard Smith debunks his network’s favorite Hillary Clinton ‘scandal,’ infuriates viewers

Trophy Husband wrote:

Huge balls on this guy.

Huge balls for accurately reporting something on a major cable news channel?

OG_slinger wrote:
Trophy Husband wrote:

Huge balls on this guy.

Huge balls for accurately reporting something on a major cable news channel?

Pretty much. For doing the right thing, knowing it will put your career in jeopardy, since this particular cable news channel doesn't allow its talent to report anything resembling anti-right sentiment for fear of alienating its viewers.
See qaraq's post above.

I mean, if someone interrupted my Soap Opera channel to tell me actual non-emergency news, I would be pretty annoyed too.

It's not his first time. I'm not sure why he's still there- I guess the money's good, but it seems like he could do better news elsewhere.

‘Lie after lie after lie’: Fox News’s Shepard Smith has a Cronkite moment on Russia (from 6/2017)

Shep Smith wrote:

SHEPHARD SMITH: We're still not clean on this, Chris [Wallace]. If there’s nothing there — and that’s what they tell us, they tell us there’s nothing to this and nothing came of it, there’s a nothingburger, it wasn’t even memorable, didn’t write it down, didn’t tell you about it, because it wasn’t anything so I didn’t even remember it — with a Russian interpreter in the room at Trump Tower? If all of that, why all these lies? Why is it lie after lie after lie? If you clean, come on clean, you know? My grandmother used to say when first we practice to — Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive. The deception, Chris, is mind-boggling. And there are still people who are out there who believe we’re making it up. And one day they’re gonna realize we’re not and look around and go, Where are we, and why are we getting told all these lies?
