Please leave your preparation, consideration, and information at the door. And if there is no nearby door, just set those things on fire because this is a thread for your HOT TAKES. The hotter and take-y-er, the better.
The rules of HOT TAKES thread are simple. Presumably. But I can't find them. HOT TAKE: It doesn't matter that I misplaced them. You should just post your hottest takes on anything game or gaming related. Just do it. No editing allowed - we want these fresh out of the oven, baked as is. Don't you DARE touch that delete keyt. I meant key. But whatever because HOT TAKE: You knew what I meant.
These takes need to be so hot that people will look at the temperature of said take and assume that it must be Kelvin. But it isn't. It is CELSIUS. Cel. Si. Us.
Feel free to have HOT TAKES about someone else's HOT TAKE. But HOT TAKE: everyone should be nice!
Oh, hot Take...
SUPERHOT is neither hot, nor particularly super.
Don't get me wrong, it's neat, but if it was super or hot, I'd want to play it for more than 15 minutes in a sitting, wouldn't I?
Also, this is the most innovative thread I've posted in in years.
That take is downright freezing, my man.
Is this taking over for the Blasphemy thread? If so, I approve, cuz I've been meaning to throw one up for a while now...
Hot Take: Adam Baldwin (as as my bestie puts it "noted piece of shit Adam Baldwin") sucks. And not just for the reasons that he is noted piece of shit Adam Baldwin, but because he's bad. He seems to force his persona into projects, and apparently no one will call him out on it. Kal Reegar sticks out like a wart with dyed hair on a sore thumb, and his "For the Corps!" shouting Green Lantern? Motherf*cker, the Green Lanterns already have a rallying cry, and it's way cooler than your raaarI'mstillaMarineraaar horseshit. Yes, I am aware it's the GL Corps, but they're supposed to be cops, not military to match his Ooo-rahs. Slop on the reasons why he is noted piece of shit Adam Baldwin, he becomes intolerable. I dearly hope Injustice 2 features Jon Stewart, or they recast.
SUPERHOT is neither hot, nor particularly super.
Spoiler:Don't get me wrong, it's neat, but if it was super or hot, I'd want to play it for more than 15 minutes in a sitting, wouldn't I?
Also, this is the most innovative thread I've posted in in years.
HOT TAKE: You're wrong.
HOT TAKE: Batman in general isn't nearly as great as everyone says. Also, the Nolan Batman movies are terrible.
HOT TAKE: You're wrong.
I just wanted to dis the Batman, I guess.
HOT TAKE: I should be dissing Superman.
HOT TAKE: You're right.
HOT TAKE: You're never going to get a good DCCU movie because their source material sucks.
Also Warner Brothers are meddling too much and stifle any sort of creative freedom.
Also also Zack Snyder is shit, so that doesn't help.
Twitter is a terrible way to communicate information about video games whether it be individual to individual, industry to individual, or individual to industry. Hot enough for ya!?!?!?!
HOT TAKE: Everyone should log the hell out of Curse and use the GWJ Discord server instead.
Twitter is terrible.
tuffalobuffalo wrote:Twitter is terrible.
I approve.
HOT TAKE: Everyone here is too chicken to post some more HOT TAKES.
HOT TAKE: Everyone here is too chicken to post some more HOT TAKES.
HOT TAKE: We're all too busy playing video games because 2017 already has TOO MANY GOOD GAMES.
With all the extra systems added on, the new Zelda game doesn't appeal to me despite the fact that I really like Zelda games.
Also, that Horizon game looks stupid.
Some one explain to this non English speaker what Hot Take is.
Is it like a bold declaration that goes against the accepted mainstream pop cultural zeitgeist?
Some one explain to this non English speaker what Hot Take is.
Is it like a bold declaration that goes against the accepted mainstream pop cultural zeitgeist?
My Opinion On This Current Event Is Awesome And Here's Why.
Hobbes2099 wrote:Some one explain to this non English speaker what Hot Take is.
Is it like a bold declaration that goes against the accepted mainstream pop cultural zeitgeist?My Opinion On This Current Event Is Awesome And Here's Why.
I feel like a true hot take offers no meaningful explanation or detail. It's all id. Just instinctive opinion and hyperbole spewed forth as quickly, with as little forethought, and in as few characters as possible.
HOT TAKE: All the Female Doggoing about the Switch OS missing features is dumb because it gets out the way and lets you play video games. I don't give a rat's ass if I can't send messages to my friends, because I can do that in about a billion different ways besides inside the Switch. Hell, I don't even care that there are friend codes because I don't care about system friends, because multiplayer is dumb and not very fun.
Hot take, or hottest of takes?
Also also Zack Snyder is shit, so that doesn't help.
tuffalobuffalo wrote:Twitter is terrible.
I thought HOT TAKES were only when you were full of shit in your HOT TAKE and not when you are factually accurate and 100% correct? It's less HOT TAKEY when the stance you're taking is uncontroversial.
Blake Bortles blows. He's like Joe Flacco but without the ring and all those sweet playoff wins.
Hot takes can be be accurate and true, but only incidentally.
If I get offered a cookie and it's oatmeal raisin, or peanut butter - I can't be held responsible for my language.
Also, I can't stand Maple Syrup (the tree is pretty enough), or poutine... there, I said it.
Also, I can't stand poutine... there, I said it.
Poutine looks like food that's already been eaten and regurgitated so it could be the greatest tasting thing in the world and I'd still have no interest. Visuals matter.