Previous incarnations of Cleveland/P&C/D&D have had an image thread, to handle political cartoons and other image-based stuff that doesn't belong in the general post-a-picture threads.
If any of them spawn an extended discussion, please spawn it off into its own thread. Replies to non-picture replies should take the form of a link pointing to a post on a different discussion thread.
And I shouldn't have to say it, but the images still need to abide by the rules.
Fascinating quote liked by the CEO vigilante.
I think this sounds almost exatly like our founding fathers - who we are told were great, great people. But I am sure when "we" rebelled against oligarchs that didn't listen to people it was logical, moral, and just.
I think this sounds almost exatly like our founding fathers - who we are told were great, great people. But I am sure when "we" rebelled against oligarchs that didn't listen to people it was logical, moral, and just.
Founders: Taxation without Representation
Today's radicals: Extraction without Satisfaction
Alex Jones’ court case trying to get The Onion’s bid overturned so a shell company run by one of Jones’ employees will win is still ongoing, but possibly not the way they want it to be.
(“B” is Jones’ lawyer, “T” is the court trustee)
EDIT: well, shit. Did not see that coming based on how the trial had been going.
Always need to remember even just reporting facts can push a specific point of view.
He has my vote
Feature not a bug.
I don't f*cking care about GDP anymore. It means absolutely nothing to the average person. All that chart tells me is rich people with money already in the stock market are getting richer faster under Biden than they did under TFG.
That’s what was so frustrating about Biden’s “actually the economy is doing great you guys” messaging, most of the metrics they’re pointing at don’t mean shit to people whose bills keep increasing faster than their wages.
but line go up
Need some consumer price index and wage trends.
Biden did a really good job at doing the sorts of things that can be accomplished in the time span of a single Presidential administration. The problem is he made, at best, incremental progress on trends that have been going the wrong way for at least half a century. Given the amount of obstruction he faced from a hostile legislative and judicial branch, he actually accomplished quite a lot. But rent and groceries don't grade Presidents on a curve.
Need some consumer price index and wage trends.
For a start. Also the cost of healthcare to life expectancy, also wealth gap trends, also average hours worked, also number of jobs requiring someone to pee in a bittle to make quotas, also ... etc. Point being, the GDP in a vacuum tells you nothing about how those gains were made and who was exploited to make them. It's like being told one team's score after a game.
Theoretically, we could replace all of our human workforce with AI and robots (not the C-suite though, of course), leaving 99.9% of the US population destitute and homeless, but post the greatest GDP growth the world has ever seen. It's an inherently flawed measurement for the manner in which it has been used.
Theoretically, we could replace all of our human workforce with AI and robots (not the C-suite though, of course), leaving 99.9% of the US population destitute and homeless, but post the greatest GDP growth the world has ever seen. It's an inherently flawed measurement for the manner in which it has been used.
I am unconvinced that the C-suite is immune. An AI capable of making "rational" decisions based on available data quickly and without affect would definitely maximize shareholder value far more efficiently than a highly paid meatbag. I think it is only a matter of time before the arms race of shareholder greed demands that executive decisions be made by learning systems.
I 100% agree with you Paleo, but my point is that they won't choose to allow themselves to be replaced, and they would praise an amazing economy even if the only people who can actually participate are them and their ilk.
I 100% agree with you Paleo, but my point is that they won't choose to allow themselves to be replaced, and they would praise an amazing economy even if the only people who can actually participate are them and their ilk.
The C-suite doesn't hold the ultimate power. That resides in the shareholders. Sometimes there is considerable overlap between them, but not always. I can definitely foresee a time where a predatory company like Bain Capital would force humans out of board rooms and replace them with bits after hostile takeovers.
Ultimately, the only humans that will participate in the economy will be the folks who own everything. Their only qualification will be that they own stuff. There will be no need for decision making. It will all come down to what you have. And most of that will come down to how you were born.
We are already seeing that evidenced by the richest person on earth. Elon Musk is "CEO" of 4 different companies but effectively does nothing constructive for any of them. His executive decision making has cratered Twitter and made Tesla a laughingstock. He is little more than a cheerleader for techbro ideology and a commodities manipulator with an enormous bankroll. He could VERY easily be replaced by an AI today and none of those companies would suffer for it. They would all arguably benefit from a more rational and engaged leader even if it wasn't organic.
Oh, NYT. Never change.
EDIT: double post
Very typical Bretbug slop.
That type of extremely graphic throat stretching boot lickery would get banned from pornhub, yet there it is on the Times.
I was much happier in the brief moment when I couldn't remember what the granddaughter bit was referring to.