[News] Post a D&D Picture

Previous incarnations of Cleveland/P&C/D&D have had an image thread, to handle political cartoons and other image-based stuff that doesn't belong in the general post-a-picture threads.

If any of them spawn an extended discussion, please spawn it off into its own thread. Replies to non-picture replies should take the form of a link pointing to a post on a different discussion thread.

And I shouldn't have to say it, but the images still need to abide by the rules.


If he doesn't like getting force fed McDonald's, he could always back out.

But then he couldn't be a cabinet-level secretary.

I keep being reminded of something I heard back in the Bush Jr era: “You spent the last four years trying to ram your head up the president’s arse. It’s a bit late now to start complaining about the view.”

I never thought I would be rooting for E. Coli....

JC wrote:

I never thought I would be rooting for E. Coli....

Well then RFK, Jr. might be your cup o’ tea.





farley3k wrote:


Okay, so this is a forum post, with a Reddit watermark, of a tweet, with an image of a tweet, with another image from somewhere that's quoting someone that's never named, only referred to as the child of her famous parents. Classy.

Tracking down the post in question, firstly: it's from 2017, but sure, history repeats itself, however it would be nice to have that context anywhere in the stream of copies of copies of copies. Secondly, you'll note the first suggestion has been altered to suit the agenda of someone along that chain as well, along with a hashtag, corrupting that first point and completely missing the message of it in the process. So, this is misinformation.

She also never says the next 6 months are going to "get real". It is neither fabulous, nor accurate.

This shit annoys me at face value, but it's literally ignoring the advice given in the original post as well.

While I agree with the points about the source of the message, in it Bernice King played by the old rules, and the old rules no longer apply. They got us where we are today. So while she may have said that "everyone, regardless of their beliefs, deserves the dignity of being called by their name," I believe we are way past giving Orange Mussolini any respect. ESPECIALLY regarding his name, given his propensity for coming up with childish bullying nicknames for anyone he dislikes.

But yeah, not cool to put words in Dr. Bernice King's message. Not cool to edit it rather than point out what I just pointed out in the previous paragraph.

And thanks for tracking down the source, Redwing!






farley3k wrote:


clears waivers and returns to the practice squad.

I think you missed the joke Paleo...


Because Gaetz raped underage women.


Yes, statutory rape is rape.

farley3k wrote:


I know the whole "@FBI, Hey, are you listening? Do you see this?" is a trite joke at this point, but jfc. No wonder people have lost faith in institutions.





My eyes just rolled out of my head.

Maybe I need a mental health break from D&D topics.

A bunch of Silicon Valley millionaires and billionaires, including a guy who begged Biden to spend billions to bail out a bank so that he and his venture capitalist friends wouldn’t lose out on their reckless investments:


Trying to sell Americans on Milei-style austerity. Meanwhile, they'll get tax cuts.

I'd like to hope there'd be real pushback against this, but what's that quote, that the only class solidarity is among the rich?

A near monopoly on media will make it so people will never understand how they are being fleeced.

Prederick wrote:


The billionaires will never be asked to get by with less. They'll get rich off of the chaos that is to come.

... and a culture shift from "I need to get mine!!!" to "we can get by with less" - or even better, "we don't need a handout, we'll do this ourselves"

Two points:

#1: "I need to get mine" has always been ecliped by "I'm happy to give up some of mine if it means THEY get even less".

#2: "Handouts" to many of the people who will be in power include Food Stamps, Welfare, SSDI, Medicaid, and so forth, and they and their supporters would be more than happy to see benefits slashed significantly or even completely eliminated (see also: #1).

Meaning, this isn't going to require any kind of "culture shift" at all. It's just going to be cruelty on a grand scale, as long as we're being more cruel to the people who are different from us.


Free Speech contains the kernel of our own destruction.