Previous incarnations of Cleveland/P&C/D&D have had an image thread, to handle political cartoons and other image-based stuff that doesn't belong in the general post-a-picture threads.
If any of them spawn an extended discussion, please spawn it off into its own thread. Replies to non-picture replies should take the form of a link pointing to a post on a different discussion thread.
And I shouldn't have to say it, but the images still need to abide by the rules.
Fair bit of FUD there.
Fair bit of FUD there.
That Twitter thread was chock full of Elonites patiently explaining how all the guy needed to do was causally reach down on the door, figure out a way to pry off the speaker cover without tools, and then they'd be able to root around and finally access the manual release latch which was buried *inside* the door.
When others pointed that your average driver might not know that--nor should they--the Elonites helpfully pointed out that the driver could have just Googled it and watched a YouTube video on how to get to the manual release latch. That the driver's car was on fire and filling up with toxic smoke didn't seem to be a concern to them, which is pretty on par for the group.
I don't know how a car with electric door mechanisms that didn't have an obvious manual release was allowed on the road.
"Let's build in an easily-avoided point of failure for the sake of fancy design!"
No thanks, I'm fine pulling a handle.
Not to mention the fact the car caught on fire...
Orphu wrote:Fair bit of FUD there.
That Twitter thread was chock full of Elonites patiently explaining how all the guy needed to do was causally reach down on the door, figure out a way to pry off the speaker cover without tools, and then they'd be able to root around and finally access the manual release latch which was buried *inside* the door.
When others pointed that your average driver might not know that--nor should they--the Elonites helpfully pointed out that the driver could have just Googled it and watched a YouTube video on how to get to the manual release latch. That the driver's car was on fire and filling up with toxic smoke didn't seem to be a concern to them, which is pretty on par for the group.
Huh? The mechanical release is built into the door handle.
I mean, pile on Elon all you want. He's a jackass. But this is people making shit up, and has nothing to do with him.
Lots of cars on the road these days have electronic door mechanisms, and (speaking from the perspective in the US) we thankfully still have regulations requiring basic safety features (for now). Cars catch fire too, for a large number of reasons. Turns out concentrating energy in one spot is dangerous. Whether or not it's stored in a flammable liquid with controlled explosions, or electrochemically.
I mean, pile on Elon all you want. He's a jackass. But this is people making shit up, and has nothing to do with him.
It's the procedure for manually opening the rear doors on a Tesla X.
While it's not applicable for this instance of a Tesla catching fire, it's still pretty f*cking terrible engineering.
And the jackass who constantly reminds everyone he created Tesla (even though he didn't) is responsible for putting out cars with shitty engineering (and shitty manufacturing quality, and shitty fit and finish, all of which are done in incredibly shitty, racist manufacturing plants).
I mean, pile on Elon all you want. He's a jackass. But this is people making shit up, and has nothing to do with him.
Lots of cars on the road these days have electronic door mechanisms, and (speaking from the perspective in the US) we thankfully still have regulations requiring basic safety features (for now). Cars catch fire too, for a large number of reasons. Turns out concentrating energy in one spot is dangerous. Whether or not it's stored in a flammable liquid with controlled explosions, or electrochemically.
I'm confused.. you went through all this to prove a point and it wasnt even the right car? And last I checked being the CEO of the company means it has everything to do with him.
It's the procedure for manually opening the rear doors on a Tesla X.
Is it an X? Looked like a Y. Which is why I posted that. Didn't seem accurate, that's all.
While it's not applicable for this instance of a Tesla catching fire, it's still pretty f*cking terrible engineering.
And the jackass who constantly reminds everyone he created Tesla (even though he didn't) is responsible for putting out cars with shitty engineering (and shitty manufacturing quality, and shitty fit and finish, all of which are done in incredibly shitty, racist manufacturing plants).
I'm confused.. you went through all this to prove a point and it wasnt even the right car? And last I checked being the CEO of the company means it has everything to do with him.
All of what? I pointed out a few factual errors in a couple sentences. Didn't take long.
Sorry, folks. I just felt a little obligated to point out that Twitter comments to an image aren't a reliable source.
Elon Musk is a shitbag. Agreed.
If people made a big deal about every Tesla that broke down, endangered someone, or caught fire people wouldn’t have time to do anything else.
Good thing Tesla has those weird NDA’s so we only hear about this stuff when a bystander takes a photo.
The good news is that they are 100% biodegradable. In the NE US they use repurposed snow plows to just push all the busted Tesla's off the side of the road so they can become homes for endangered wildlife.
Context really does matter!
Apparently being a vicious antimasker is courageous so long as you’re a member of the right union
By what mechanism are these new billionaires poofing into existence?
My assumption is that it's people who had 100's of millions in stock and the stocks rose. Maybe some sold and actually made that real.
That is my belief as well.
I think it just more a reflection that despite all the stories we hear about how hard the pandemic has been - it has been great for business.
Whew the zelensky one is tough though - here’s the Ukrainian President just before the war and then again a month or so into it:
Posting in D&D because when I saw this I imagined a similar photo in 50 years saying "Women in the US in the 20s" because there isn't a chance that current conservatives wouldn't like to see Islamic type restrictions on women
Women posing in Istanbul in the 50s
Iran in the 70's
Famously Margaret Atwood talks frequently about how she tries to write fiction that includes precedents in real life. So when she imagines a society regressing and taking away freedoms (Handmaid’s Tale) she’s not imagining a Sci-Fi dystopia, but rather telling a story that has real world examples. Iran being one.
Similarly when Octavia Butler wrote Parable of the Sewer and Parable of the Talents she was writing warnings of things that could be, but also things that had happened before. Societies can see freedom and value for human life wax and wane.
Western cultural influences, such as the ones seen in those catalog photos, as well as political ones, were some of the causes of the Iranian Revolution. Women played an active role in the revolution.
Not about the US but really it is the same here.
Corporate profits aren't at a 50-year high. They're at a 71-year high.
So that explains why that absolutely insane pastor keeps showing up on my TikTok feed slobbering on himself!
I have a new hobby...
Expect to see a big push from Republicans to change this as soon as they're able.
Looks like he voluntarily removed his tax exempt status on his own, it did not come from the IRS. It's likely all a publicity stunt - that guy, Greg Locke, has been a batshit crazy ultra-religious nut for years. To quote him: "I renounced 501c3 communism in this church."
I'm pretty sure the IRS has never removed the tax-exempt status of any church, ever. It's a minefield and they don't have the time or the resources. Glad to be proven wrong though!