Gamers who play musical instruments

Wow - close. I'd be happy to grab a beer sometime. I love Cinder Block. We live up in Platte Woods, just north of you.

I might visit my brother in Leawood this summer. Slap and tickle?

Sounds good to me!

Slap da bass & tickle!

SallyNasty wrote:

Sounds good to me!

Slap da bass & tickle!


I'm down for all of that! I also know the good nearby restaurants, a good cocktail bar, and a killer Oat Milk ice cream place.

I have all of the parts that I need to fix the guitar, I just have to figure out what the exact wiring issue is. It seems to be that something is shorting somewhere in the signal path. Where? Damned if I know I don't have a multi meter. Would also help if I could read a damn guitar wiring diagram most likely but even the people I know who do electrical stuff look at this and go "WTF?":


Hi guys, what inspired you to combine your passion for gaming with playing a musical instrument?

The amp buzz is getting worse and a little 20w is just not worth bringing it in to my local expert considering he bills at $50/hour. I did find a couple really nice 200w amps on CL. I think I might need to upgrade to neighbor annoying level.

If you had a choice between a Hartke 2115 (200w) or Fender Bassman 200 (200w) in equally good condition and both the same price, what would you choose?

I know nothing about either but my contrarian streak says not the Fender

IHateDRM wrote:

I know nothing about either but my contrarian streak says not the Fender

It's not a bad gut reaction. The Hartke is a hybrid solid state/tube amp while the Fender is purely solid state. In theory, there shouldn't be a difference, but for jazz, the warmth of a tube amp is hard to replicate.

The Fender does have the attenuator which could be a useful feature and has more flexible connectivity options in general.

But I'd probably lean towards the Hartke, especially for the tube pre-amp.


I should also say I'm not sure the attenuator is useful on a bass amp.

On a guitar amp power stage distortion from turning up your master may be desirable. I don't know that this is the case with a bass, so you can just turn the master volume down.

I should at some point get a tube amp just so I can have opinions on them. Just seems like the thing to do

IHateDRM wrote:

I should at some point get a tube amp just so I can have opinions on them. Just seems like the thing to do

The opinion I hear most often is "Heavy af"

Heavy, and loud.

This is actually good timing, this is a great video on the future and present of amps from Ryan Bruce.

Honestly, there's very little sensible argument for tube amps for most players. If you have a small house or apartment working digitally is smarter. And most metal bands don't even use amps on stage anymore.

I'd love an AC15 and a Marshall Studio head and cab and maybe a Princeton if I'm feeling saucy. But they would be luxury purchases for after I've bought a house.

Direct recording and 're-amping' at the click of a mouse is the right thing for me right now. And I have the most basic possible setup. I don't even have hardware FX.

IHateDRM wrote:

I should at some point get a tube amp just so I can have opinions on them. Just seems like the thing to do

If I have learned one thing from the Internet it is that you don't need to have relevant knowledge or experience about something to have an opinion about it.

so the guy had already sold the Hartke, so I ended up coming home with the Fender Bassman. It is a bit bigger than I thought it would be which is fine, but the thing that really blows my mind is how cheat-y compression is. Turn the compression up to full and your dynamic range drops to like 4db, so no need to worry about how messed up your right hand work is.

Also, even at low volume, the richness of the tone on a 15” speaker and powerful amp is so much better. The practice amp is hollow in comparison.

Glad to hear you're enjoying it!

I play the ukulele, for 8 years now and it's ace. What I really like about it is it's portable and learning uke tabs is not as difficult as the guitar.

Actual conversation during my bass lesson.

Me: (playing)
Teacher: stop. Are you using a compressor pedal?
Me: um. no.
Teacher: wait. Your amp has a compressor, doesn't it?
Me: I guess so.
Teacher: How about we save the cheating for your first gig?
Me: Oh. Okay.

That's the kind of blunt honesty that I really appreciate in someone else's teacher

Why would it be cheating? It's a tool.

It's likely cutting out things like the buzz from a misplaced finger or improper picking would be my guess in which case it is a valid thing to point out. And honestly if you are just practicing the basics those things are important to have an ear out for or else you'll develop bad habits

Thats not what compressors do, though. It evens out dynamics in playing, so quiet and loud parts are equally loud. Fret buzz and poor fingering will still come through. Ah well. Not gonna argue about it.

Fredrik_S wrote:

Thats not what compressors do, though. It evens out dynamics in playing, so quiet and loud parts are equally loud. Fret buzz and poor fingering will still come through. Ah well. Not gonna argue about it.

It’s mostly because he’s been working on my atrocious right hand skills.

I'm amazed at how quickly the compressor had an impact on your playing. It actually degraded in 4 days.

So definitely not something to turn on for practice.

Did I need a new guitar? Maybe not, but I definitely needed a hollow body.


Been searching off and on for a lefty hollow body for a while now. Saw this on reverb and realized the seller was only about 35 minutes away from where I live, couldn't resist.

Awesome! Looks great.

Nice!! Eastman makes wonderful instruments. Enjoy!