Gamers who play musical instruments

Remember, music teachers love adult learners as you practice your scales and come to lessons prepared. Think of how nice it must be after teaching kids who don't want to be there all day. Be easy on yourself, Paleo.

SallyNasty wrote:

Remember, music teachers love adult learners as you practice your scales and come to lessons prepared. Think of how nice it must be after teaching kids who don't want to be there all day. Be easy on yourself, Paleo.

For sure, don't be hard on yourself. Muscle memory takes longer for adults, but you will get there. And you don't have any bad habits to break, so you're already ahead. Stick with it and we'll be jamming in no time.

Mixolyde wrote:
SallyNasty wrote:

Remember, music teachers love adult learners as you practice your scales and come to lessons prepared. Think of how nice it must be after teaching kids who don't want to be there all day. Be easy on yourself, Paleo.

For sure, don't be hard on yourself. Muscle memory takes longer for adults, but you will get there. And you don't have any bad habits to break, so you're already ahead. Stick with it and we'll be jamming in no time.

lol. Yeah. I was forced to study violin for 14 years under duress as my dad was a violin professor at Peabody and he really wanted his kids to all be musicians. He managed two out of three (brother played for the Kansas City Symphony and sister still plays for Philly). The experience created its own trauma enforced expectations.

I do get the whole adult student thing. It is a whole lot less acceptable to show up unprepared when you are the one forking out $80/hour. That and adults have a lifetime of work experience and performance reviews that shape our expectations of instruction. Or at least I do. My brother who teaches for a living now tells me that it is foolish to use your lesson time as practice time. My sister the elite musician tells me that it "you have to overpractice to be passable in your lesson". I have to give myself permission to let myself breathe and say this is a hobby and not a hustle. The only person depending on my musicianship here is me and if I'm not having fun, it's a wasted exercise.

On a related note, my nephew asked if I was planning on gigging as a side hustle and I replied that if I took a dime for making music, it would take all the magic out of it.

Also as an adult, you have the option to postpone a lesson for a week if you feel you aren't prepared for it.

So I’m still getting rattle between E and F even with the truss rod all the way loose. I think I’m going to take it back to guitar center.

My teacher asked me what I wanted to learn to play and I replied “Haitian Fight Song”. He just about cackled and replied “oh is that all?”

So, went to a music store local to me and screwed around with a bunch of different basses to get an idea of whether or not the buzz I am getting from my Stingray is normal. The really low end stuff like the Squire Affinity appears to be worse, but most of the other basses seem a LOT easier to play. I spent some time doing ascending scales on a Fender Player Series Jazz Bass that impressed me until I looked at the price tag and realized I would die of mysterious circumstances the moment my wife found out how much I'd spent if I got it.

Then an old hockey buddy of mine called to ask if I would be interested in his old bass. Apparently, his dad bought it for him when he was in college, but he got busy with schoolwork and hockey and never, ever played it. When I went to look at it, there it was: a 2004 Fender Standard Jazz Bass (Mexican). It still has the sticker on the pickguard. I played through a few scales and arpeggios and managed it effortlessly without any buzz.

We ended up agreeing on $550 for the bass, a hard case, a Peavy practice amp, and a 20ft cable. Pretty sure we'll both be happy.

Lets see some glamour shots!

And only a partial patricide?

Well… there is the old joke that a guitarist’s biggest fear is after his death, his wife will sell all his guitars for what he told her they cost.

Nice on the Fender!

Very nice deal! Let's see it!

Mixolyde wrote:

And only a partial patricide?

The Chancellor approved the expenditure.

Paleocon wrote:
Mixolyde wrote:

And only a partial patricide?

The Chancellor approved the expenditure.

As benevolent as she is beautiful.

Mixolyde wrote:
Paleocon wrote:
Mixolyde wrote:

And only a partial patricide?

The Chancellor approved the expenditure.

As benevolent as she is beautiful.

All hail The Chancellor.

Wow what a difference a properly adjusted instrument makes. That and a quality upgrade. The Fender is so much easier to play.

Paleocon wrote:

On a related note, my nephew asked if I was planning on gigging as a side hustle and I replied that if I took a dime for making music, it would take all the magic out of it.

If you are doing for gigging or trying to make actual money for it, I agree.

Otherwise, I hate to argue you but that seems wrong to me.

I take money for making music all the time and actively sharing your music in front of a live audience (and yes, maybe one actively engaged because they just paid a cover at the door) is awesome. There's plenty of magic, whether you do it for free or a couple of dollars.

Guitarists who records on their computers and want to play with Amp modeling without spending huge amounts of money have I got something for you.

Neural Amp Modeler is a free modeler and loader with over 100 community modeled amps and chains available already.

Modeler here:

Models here:

It has an IR loader as well but I'm using it with the free Mikko2 Cabinet model from ML Sound Labs at the moment.

Cant beat free! Will definitely try this out.

MrDeVil909 wrote:

Guitarists who records on their computers and want to play with Amp modeling without spending huge amounts of money have I got something for you.

I linked this in The Garages' discord and someone replied:

my bandmate wrote:

this isn't the usable one, GuitarML is the actual vst frontend to this

Ranger Rick wrote:
MrDeVil909 wrote:

Guitarists who records on their computers and want to play with Amp modeling without spending huge amounts of money have I got something for you.

I linked this in The Garages' discord and someone replied:

my bandmate wrote:

this isn't the usable one, GuitarML is the actual vst frontend to this

Oh very cool. Something else to distract myself with. No Vox amps though, I think I've discovered I'm a Vox guy in the last two weeks.

I'll need to investigate compatibility with the NAM models, they use a different file extension.

Having fiddled around between Neural Amp Modeler and GuitarML I prefer the amp range in NAM so far. The pedal range in GuitarML is very cool though.

Does anyone here use IReal Pro? I have been looking at it for bass.

Paleocon wrote:

Does anyone here use IReal Pro? I have been looking at it for bass.

Yes, for guitar at least. Well worth the $9.99, AFAIAC

Took the bass to the pro shop to get the neck adjusted. It’s going to take a week so I’m phuqing around with basses I can’t afford at guitar center.

Paleocon wrote:

Does anyone here use IReal Pro? I have been looking at it for bass.

I haven't tried it but it looks pretty cool.

The old guy at the pro shop called me up this morning to tell me that he got my bass done ahead of schedule. I thanked him and tipped him $20 for taking care of me.

Wow does a properly set up instrument make a difference. This is so much easier to play now.

Awesome! Enjoy it.

Got to play about an hour of gazebo jam with my neighbors on Saturday. The really good guitarist and singer said my baby's first improv solo over Friend of the Devil was "tasty" and that compliment has been living in my head rent-free ever since. Major scale practice ftw.

I need to spend less time looking at used bass ads and more time practicing. Seeing all kinds of tempting deals right now.