Metroid Series Catch-All

Vargen wrote:

I tried the Prince of Persia demo. I had too much trouble parrying in handheld mode. I suppose I could take other approaches to combat, but if the core of your fighting isn't back-and-forth parries, are you really playing a Prince of Persia game?

Though there is something to be said for having the acrobatics actually matter in the fight.

I probably just need to get used to it. Or play on the TV. It does look like an awesome game, despite me being all grognard about the original.

I'm probably about 40% through the game, on handheld, and parrying is crucial because you can stack bonuses on it (More stagger, life gain, slow down time ect..). It is doable but still sucks with the Joycons. They are garbage. Also when you get more abilities accidental L2 (or whatever Nintendo calls it) ability presses are inevitable with larger hands.

I tried for the first time with the Pro controller, a couple days ago, and it is night and day.

Farscry wrote:

The final boss was a really rough time, IMO. Took me far more tries to defeat than I like for a Metroid title. Well-designed, but a little too heavily tuned towards demanding quick and precise control.

I remember I beat the final boss after many tries, having not realized I could power bomb away some attack that came after the mid-point that was really hard to deal with. I went back and doing that made the final battle much easier on my 2nd time through.

Farscry wrote:

The final boss was a really rough time, IMO. Took me far more tries to defeat than I like for a Metroid title. Well-designed, but a little too heavily tuned towards demanding quick and precise control.

The trick I used to defeat him was to get my rear handed to me multiple times, get frustrated, sleep on it, and beat him on the second try the next day.

Darkhaund wrote:

I really really like the Metroid series -EXCEPT- the prime (1ST PERSON) ones

That was me until the Switch remaster fixed the controls of Prime 1. Now I like it well enough.

Farscry wrote:

The final boss was a really rough time, IMO. Took me far more tries to defeat than I like for a Metroid title. Well-designed, but a little too heavily tuned towards demanding quick and precise control.

Oh, no. Hope I won't regret not picking the rookie mode.

Does Dread cut you off from getting collectables at the end like Fusion did? I might do a sweep of all the different areas before the final boss.

Darkhaund wrote:

I really really like the Metroid series -EXCEPT- the prime (1ST PERSON) ones

The original Metroid Prime was my first Metroid and I'd probably consider it my favorite in the series.

EvilDead wrote:

I also want to give props to the devs since was a really fun game and I'm looking forward to what they are planning on in the future. You should think about playing the new Prince of Persia next! It is just as smooth, on the Switch, but has so much more depth.

I definitely need to check that out sometime this year! Prince of Persia: Sands of Time is one of my favorites and while I prefer 3D games, the 2D Metroids have shown me that a change in perspective isn't necessarily a bad thing.

Forlorn Hope wrote:

Does Dread cut you off from getting collectables at the end like Fusion did? I might do a sweep of all the different areas before the final boss.

Nope. Feel free to wait until the end.

I was *so* ready to hate Metroid Prime when it first came out. How could the series go first-person 3D and still feel like a Metroid game? How could I possibly enjoy playing a FPS with a controller? Rarely have I been so happy to be so wrong.

I wasn't sure if I was going be able to but I finally beat Metroid Dread. I retained my slowest Metroid player rank too with a clear time of 16 hours and a total play time twice that which means I spent half the game bashing my head against the bosses. I think I struggled the most against Experiment No. Z-57, the X-Parasite Chozo Warriors and the final boss but they were all hard. The accomplishment for finally learning all the attack patterns and beating them was satisfying but did they really need to hit that hard? All that said, I think this is probably my second favorite Metroid after Metroid Prime 1. Samus has never felt this good to play, the pacing was great, the bosses were fun if not a bit challenging and it just felt good collecting all the different missile/energy tanks spattered through out the game. Maybe I'm ready for Dark Souls after this... (probably not)



Congrats! It's a great one. I still think about going back for some fun runs.

Forlorn Hope wrote:

I wasn't sure if I was going be able to but I finally beat Metroid Dread. I retained my slowest Metroid player rank too with a clear time of 16 hours and a total play time twice that which means I spent half the game bashing my head against the bosses. I think I struggled the most against Experiment No. Z-57, the X-Parasite Chozo Warriors and the final boss but they were all hard. The accomplishment for finally learning all the attack patterns and beating them was satisfying but did they really need to hit that hard? All that said, I think this is probably my second favorite Metroid after Metroid Prime 1. Samus has never felt this good to play, the pacing was great, the bosses were fun if not a bit challenging and it just felt good collecting all the different missile/energy tanks spattered through out the game. Maybe I'm ready for Dark Souls after this... (probably not)



Congrats. Maybe Dark Souls but I would first suggest playing what I would consider a better "Metroid" game like Ori or the new Prince of Persia.

I did consider playing Castlevania: Symphony of the Night or Hollow Knight next since they're in my backlog but I'm in the mood for something different. Want to play both Ori and PoP:TLC too.