Some further reading since the announcement:
PC Gamer - What the changes to Civilization VI mean for the PC’s biggest strategy game
RPS Hands on: Civilization VI Is Exciting, Complex & Aggressive
If that narrator is who I think it is and he's in the full game, the narrator will suffer a gruesome death some time before the game ends.
Ready for some new Civ.
Just saw this on RPS have never had a cpu strong enough to run a civ game at launch until now can't wait!
Reminds me I really should dig into civ 5 at some point.
Between this, stellaris, and endless legend 2 should be a great time for 4x games.
This all sounds good to me as developing cities in Civ has become incredibly stale.
Out of nowhere! (the reveral -of course we knew it it was being made)
I do NOT like the graphics.
Not because I dislike very cartoonish art in general - I rather like that - just doesn't seem like a fit for Civ.
Still, looking forward to hundreds of hours disappearing.
After thy fix the game in the second expansion anyway.
Steam page is up.
Those screenshots...look like a mobile game.
I like how bright it is. Civ V felt like I was in a prestigious museum where I was afraid of knocking a sculpture down by accident. This looks closer to Civ Rev, whose aesthetic I responded to better overall (it wasn't perfect).
Out of nowhere! (the reveral -of course we knew it it was being made)
I do NOT like the graphics.
Not because I dislike very cartoonish art in general - I rather like that - just doesn't seem like a fit for Civ.Still, looking forward to hundreds of hours disappearing.
After thy fix the game in the second expansion anyway.
Graphics wise civ has been downhill since civ1.
I do NOT like the graphics.
Not because I dislike very cartoonish art in general - I rather like that - just doesn't seem like a fit for Civ.
Those screenshots...look like a mobile game.
Looks like a higher res Civilization Revolution.
Those screenshots...look like a mobile game.
Was kind of my first thought looking at the screens. Looks like a phone game.
Out of nowhere! (the reveral -of course we knew it it was being made)
I do NOT like the graphics.
Not because I dislike very cartoonish art in general - I rather like that - just doesn't seem like a fit for Civ.
CIv 3 and 4 were incredibly cartoonish, and 5's animations were the same way. It's pretty much been that way since 2.
I'm really digging the bright colorful style as well haven't seen shots of it outside of my phone so maybe at full resolution it's worse but I think they look great.
I'll always take stylized graphics over realism though. I feel it holds its better with time.
And here I was thinking that after Stellaris there really weren't any other games this year that I'd end up buying full price. I did regret Civ V at first though, so maybe I can hold out; I don't think V got good until all the expansions were out and even then the AI was brutally bad at war and only ever won because of all the bonus resources it got.
Still, I sunk a bajillion or so hours into it in the end; it's highly unlikely I'll be able to resist another day 1 purchase here.
Great trailer, made me smile. I've loved every iteration of Civ (yes, even 5 at release) so I am stoked!
After reading the RPS article, it sounds like they're borrowing significantly from Endless Legend. Hopefully the gameplay changes work well, and hopefully we won't have to wait for an expansion to fix things.
And yeah, that saturated, cartoony graphics style doesn't seem like a good fit for Civ, a historical epic.
Holy crap!!!
I'm not too sure about the graphics yet. Kind of cartoony, but they might grow on me. As long as the gameplay is great.
Holy crap pt 2, $80 for the deluxe version?
EDIT: I like the RPS article a lot, and the approach to research. Sounds like a good idea.
This. This is me right now. I've been waiting impatiently for Civ VI for around a year now (when I finally considered Civ V "done" for me).
Shadout wrote:I do NOT like the graphics.
Not because I dislike very cartoonish art in general - I rather like that - just doesn't seem like a fit for Civ.Aaron D. wrote:Those screenshots...look like a mobile game.
Looks like a higher res Civilization Revolution.
Yeah first I thought of when I saw it too, but I loved Civ 5(put something like 300+ hours into it) and even not Alpha Centauri-Civ so I'm looking forward to this one too. I hope they strengthen the diplomacy in this one, they've been weak for a while now.
Sounds interesting. Like what I'm reading about the changes. Also think it looks great.
Still haven't played V though. Just never got around to picking it up.
Well that came out of nowhere! I'm incredibly excited, almost as much as my girlfriend.
I've been waiting for this. I was even getting worried they were making another BE expansion instead of civ6. Thankfully they didnt and after putting 900+ hours in to civ5 I'm very ready for the next.
I share your worries about the visuals but I will wait to pass judgement until I see it in motion. The other stuff all sounds great.
I've only read the RPS and PCGamesN articles but I'm don't have an opinion on the graphics, yet. I never played a Civ game zoomed in as close as the screenshots in those two articles so I'll wait and see there.
The science changes sound interesting to me because it seems like they're going to be emphasizing expansion more than Civ5 did. Reducing the fiddlyness of the unit movement is also something I'm looking forward to.
Ultimately those two things were the big reasons for me going back to Civ4 after playing 30-40 hours of vanilla Civ5 (AI, no running poorly on my PC, and strangely sound and music strangely being other factors).
Between this and Stellaris it looks like upgrading my PC might be a good idea at some point.
So, does this mean no more BE expansions? I've been waiting til they're all done to give that one a try.
6 years in between Civilizations, not including BE. Damn. Been waiting for this since Civ 5 came out and I love that game.
Where's Tykl in all this? More info!
After checking out those screenshots on Steam, I (kind of unexpectedly) like the art style.
It's been a long time since a Civ game has really had its hooks in me, though, for whatever reason. I played the heck out of each of the first 3 Civ games; 4 and 5, not so much.
"Available free time" is certainly a factor in that, although it's not the ONLY factor, since I did have a resurgence of playing the original Alpha Centauri a few months back.
I kinda like the new graphics but I think they aren't quite 100% there though. I'm not exactly sure what it's missing, but some more detail maybe. Hard to say.
I also like that all of the systems from the complete version are already in place in the base game. Not having to wait for the first expansion for the archaeology etc is nice to hear.
I also like how it's coming out this year. No announcement then wait a couple of years. It's all quiet and then BAM, here's the game! Wish more developers did this.
When i saw this this morning I was like WOW, then....... I am still wow but I must admit the cartoony graphics did put me off a bit.
I like the things they talked about under the hood with city building/science/diplomacy, that all sounded good.
I would stay away from the deluxe, $20 ish dollars extra for 4 bits of dlc, and they won't be the beefy expansion dlc (i'm sure that will come later) , no they will be a couple of civs,a few scenarios mini dlc. And Firaxis puts those mini dlc on a good 50-75% off or bundle discount packages a lot on Steam sales.
The hardest thing will be living without all the things that Firaxis will put in the expansion packs later,
CIV V looked bareboned compared to Civ IV Warlords/BtS, and now I'm sure civ 6 will look bareboned compare to Civ V with GK/Brave new world.
Weird side note - They blurred the nipples in Liberty Leading the People in the trailer
people are odd.
I think the bright, colorful look of the game is quite nice. It's one of the things I also really enjoyed about Civ IV. I know most people preferred to play with the Blue Marble mod, but that just made the game too dull looking to me.
Other than that ... awesome. Happy to hear Ed Beach has continued on post-BNW. As someone who loved Civ V, the only things I really want out of CIv VI are a continuation of extremely unique factions (which it sounds like they're doing) and a take on religion that mixes the Civ V and Civ IV systems. I like being able to customize a religion I found to fit my Civ's needs, but I also want religion to be more of a factor in the other systems of the game.