Star Wars Misc. Catch-All

I think we might not see a conclusion this season of The Alcolyte, and i am doubtful there will be a second. They might conclude it in a book or comic.

I thought episode 7 was pretty good.

It didn’t save the series for me though. I didn’t find the big mysteries and flashbacks a compelling way to tell this story.

If it were just told straight, there was good story in there somewhere about the Jedi hubris and their perceived “ownership” over the force when they encounter a coven of dark-side users.

And Sith-guy seems to have no purpose except to be a set up for a season two - which I doubt Disney will green light.

Diorama of a clone wars battle.

Fan made modern trailer for EP I.

The Acolyte


Did you ever see the cameo of Darth Plaugeis the Wise? It's an old Sith legend. Not something the Jedi would teach you.

Rat Boy wrote:

The Acolyte


Did you ever see the cameo of Darth Plaugeis the Wise? It's an old Sith legend. Not something the Jedi would teach you.

Was that


the old creature in the cave they showed for a couple seconds?

Loved the finale and series overall!!! I liked the dirty cop storyline. I really loved all of the fight choreography and cinematography.


Yes, the all powerful Darth Plagueis the Wise, spying from the cave when his apprentice was taking on their own apprentice breaking the rule of two. In fact, Wookiepedia already updated the canon page.



My take is the opposite.


It continued the mess that is misrepresenting Jedi. The only thing that was accurate about their representation was when John Jones said the Jedi needed oversight because of they have become smug and arrogant, which is true given the lens the Acolyte gave the Jedi. They even let Sol commit suicide as any Jedi Master would have been able to stop a force choke after a few seconds.

I dunno. The fight choreography was indeed great, and the style of everything was pretty cool. Some great acting. But, I dunno. Above-mid.

It was probably over choreographed, but that isn't the faults I have with it. I enjoy the pew pew, but the story is just bleh. Sure, some actors are doing what their characters are obviously written to say and do well, but some (like Vernestra) are just bad acting. And even the good acting spots, the characters are written in ways that their motives and actions don't align with their character. It would be like if we watched a Superman movie, and Superman decided he would save someone by destroying a whole building full of people. It doesn't align with his character.

Have just been browsing this thread. So…Acolyte…is done?

Do you advise:
Watch! (Andor),
Skip! (Boba Fett), or
It’s Fine… (late Mandalorian)


kazar wrote:

Fan made modern trailer for EP I.

Phantom Menace has fans?

Oh lordy I just watched it. They totally ripped off the AWESOME Force Awakens trailer.

What I'm curious about is why? the original Phantom Menace trailer is awesome. Except for the Jar Jar bits I guess.

Or maybe it's just nostalgia making me think that, because I still remember seeing the Gungans in the mist in the theater and cheering along with everyone else.

Keithustus wrote:

Have just been browsing this thread. So…Acolyte…is done?

Do you advise:
Watch! (Andor),
Skip! (Boba Fett), or
It’s Fine… (late Mandalorian)


The last episode was released last night. I would put it at a high it's fine, though I haven't seen the finale.

Right now, I would put Andor and the first season of Mandalorian above it, and it would land somewhere in the Ahsoka line (I like it despite some of its flaws).

Mandolorian Season 1
The rest of Mando
Boba Fett

They say in the yt notes that they used TFA and TLJ music.

kazar wrote:

They say in the yt notes that they used TFA and TLJ music.

Yeah, but it's not just the music. It's a similar style, with individual character lines over shots of each character, over the music.

Anyway, I appreciate the sentiment, but I have to wonder if whoever created that was a "sequel trilogy sux" person.

So... as many here predicted, it ended...


as a teaser for Season 2 featuring Yoda and Darth Plagueis

Quelle surprise... et aussi quel dommage.

If 'The Acolyte' gets a second season then it's seems pretty clear where it's going to go.

The more I watch of Disney's efforts to gap-fill the Star Wars universe into tedium, the more impressed I am by George Lucas's story-telling for the original trilogy. Polygon describes it beautifully "as world-building without toiling over the details". I've spoiler tagged the relevant quote:


First name-dropped in Revenge of the Sith, when Sheev Palpatine regales Anakin with the Dark Lord’s “tragedy,” Plagueis’ story was yet another instance of George Lucas world-building without toiling over the details. Like the Clone Wars before it, the mere mention of “Darth Plagueis” in Episode III expanded the history of the galactic timeline — and sent viewer imaginations spiraling — while leaving the heavy-lifting to whoever grabbed the storytelling baton in the future.

In film, sometimes... just sometimes, it is better to tell than to show.

Star Wars did their universe-building the way John Wick did. Little hints here and there that implied something way bigger you didn’t see.

But now, they are trying to fill in all of those blanks, and it can’t possibly live up to what we have in our minds. The only thing that came very close was Rogue One.

Indeed, mudbunny.

What I find baffling is that Disney are spending hundreds of millions of dollars answering questions that nobody has asked. Somewhere upthread I wondered sarcastically when we'll see Admiral Ackbar: The Early Years (or something like that).

The problem is that all of the answers we've been offered in recent years turn out to be much less interesting and exciting than Lucas's most basic throw-away explanations.

It reminds me a little of the tv show "Breaking the Magician's Code: Magic's Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed". I almost always ended up being deeply underwhelmed after a trick had been explained. The joy of watching Paul Daniels on UK tv on a Saturday night, or watching a David Copperfield special, was imagining how it was done, not knowing how it was done.

I maintain that we never needed to know more about the Kessel Run than Han Solo told us in Episode IV, A New Hope.

mudbunny wrote:

The only thing that came very close was Rogue One.

Man, whatever. Many Bothans died to get the intel on the other Death Star, but they made yet another movie starring boring old humans? The same schmucks I can talk to for free every day? Nuts to that.

hbi2k wrote:
mudbunny wrote:

The only thing that came very close was Rogue One.

Man, whatever. Many Bothans died to get the intel on the other Death Star, but they made yet another movie starring boring old humans? The same schmucks I can talk to for free every day? Nuts to that.

Many Bothans died to get the second Death Star location, not the first.

Yeah that’s why the quoted text says “the other Death Star.”

Jar jar levels of reading comprehension on my side today.

Dezlen wrote:

Jar jar levels of reading comprehension on my side today.

On a lark after finishing the Acolyte I started watching Episode 2. I haven't seen it since it was in theaters, but I had seen TPM a few times, so I skipped that one.

Man, it's just so dull. The Anakin/Padme stuff is dull, Obi-wan chasing down the assassin trail is dull. The Jedi Council is dull. It's just an excuse to show off fancy CGI with almost no heart or charm.

All the good parts of the prequels were turned into memes, and there's *a lot* of prequel memes. That can make you think that it means there was a lot for good stuff in the prequels, but that's just remembering them through meme-tinted glasses. A lot of those memes are disconnected from their context as scenes in the movies.

Mixolyde wrote:

Episode 2…it's just so dull.

I enjoy Episode 2. The trick is to do so to get your mind into only examining all the action from the perspective of how Palpatine is manipulating everything to go his way, and then one pretty cool giant melee at the end.

You know what I want out of Star Wars?

The Lone Ranger Jedi: A lone Jedi, wandering the outer rim, just helping people. No big galaxy-shaking plot or anything like that.

That or something on how they first discovered The Force or, even better, how the first Sith came about.

You know what I want out of Star Wars? Disney.

Chairman_Mao wrote:

You know what I want out of Star Wars? Disney.

Yes, I laughed. But then I remembered that - before the sale to Disney - LucasFilm was delivering Star Wars films at a rate of one film every four years. As a comparison, Eon/MGM knocked out 11 Bond films in the same period (and that doesn't include the non-Eon-produced 'Never Say Never Again')

But it's an interesting thought experiment. If you had your choice, who should own the Star Wars IP instead of Disney... and why?

I struggle to think of anyone... Maybe Eon/MGM?

Chairman_Mao wrote:

You know what I want out of Star Wars? Disney.

I think there is a lot more to this than just a glib comment. You only have to look at the mess that was The Rise of Skywalker to understand just how beholden to fandom Disney have allowed themselves to be when it comes to Star Wars. It does seem that every time someone tries something ‘new’ (season one of The Mandalorian for example) then eventually it has be forced back to the films.

That isn’t necessarily a problem - as the brilliance that is Andor shows - but Andor is very much a thinking persons take on Star Wars and knows what it is. The Mandalorian started that way but has so much baggage around Mandalorians that it lost its ways, and nothing else has a clue what it exists for unless it’s for entirely non-story fandom related reasons. Ewan McGregor & Boba Fett, I’m looking at you.

What I want from Star Wars is an exploration of the Galaxy where the Empire, Jedi/Sith, Hutts/Pykes, Mandalorians etc all exist but are firmly in the background. It has the perfect vehicle to do that - a Han Solo style smuggler/rogue just flying around doing what they can to survive. Every show a new world, really explore the galaxy and what else is out there. The Clones Wars was pretty good at that for all the canon stuff but you do have to keep going back to it. For sure you could the odd run in with some bit part Jedi antagonist, but it doesn’t need to be the focus.

We all know the potential of the Star Wars Galaxy. It’s just we only ever see flashes of it. It’s never been truly explored.

My take is I really don't care if Disney wants to make movies and shows even if they suck. If they make money for them, all the more power to them. My problem is Disney will sue for copyright infringement and they tightly control their IP. By excluding the EU, they effectively killed it so no knew content in a world that many long time Star Wars fans have dedicated time reading books, playing games, etc... are now forced to either consume Disney Star Wars content, or stop being a Star Wars fan.

If Disney allowed or even encouraged the EU to keep going, or even the creation of a different Star Wars universe (maybe in the way Sorbicol was describing with the Jedi, Sith, etc in the background) then I wouldn't care if Disney makes another 10 RoS movies.