Star Wars Misc. Catch-All


Not on board with the series as a whole, but this was the best episode by far and I enjoyed it. Excellent character design on the villain and really well played by Manny Jacinto. Yeah, pacing is a little hit and miss, but this episode had a unique feel and some good intensity at times. As for the pausing, that felt true to the kung-fu inspiration. Impressed they actually killed a bunch of folks too.

The writing in this series is trash!


Both twists in this episode were so f*cking predictable. I'm excited by nothing in this series, and my favourite character got killed, Jeki Lon, and I don't see how she comes back from being skewered 3 times in the chest.

Gaald wrote:

Both twists in this episode were so f*cking predictable. I'm excited by nothing in this series, and my favourite character got killed, Jeki Lon, and I don't see how she comes back from being skewered 3 times in the chest.


I would put money down that she will be back.

They made a big point of showing characters falling down and seeing lots of spores floating around them. At first I was thinking the whole thing was an hallucination by Mae since she was the first one who dropped. I wouldn't rule out a lot of misdirection on who died etc.

FlamingPeasant wrote:

Not on board with the series as a whole, but this was the best episode by far and I enjoyed it. Excellent character design on the villain and really well played by Manny Jacinto. Yeah, pacing is a little hit and miss, but this episode had a unique feel and some good intensity at times. As for the pausing, that felt true to the kung-fu inspiration. Impressed they actually killed a bunch of folks too.


I think you might have misspelled Jason Mendoza. ;)

If you are wondering why the spoiler is grammatically correct now, I 'might of' bowed to the zeitgeist*.

*If you suddenly have a sinking feeling that there might be a cabal that is intent on changing English grammar into an unintelligible mess, you would be correct. Now go over to that sink and wash your hands.

might *have OR *might've

There is no "might of" in English, nor "would of", "should of", etc.

Keithustus wrote:

might *have OR *might've

There is no "might of" in English, nor "would have", "should have", etc.

True, but on the other hand might’ve and “might of” are phonetically identical.

they are close but there are subtle differences in the way they sound.

I finally got on board a while ago with the fact that language is fluid and as long as you understand what the person meant it really doesn’t matter.

Except when people say “supposably.” I’ll never get over that one.

Clumber wrote:

are phonetically identical.


Why are the failed-English examples in my original comment turned into real English in the quote function? While "would of" means a comment is often a strong contender for autodeletion, "would have" is of course normal and correct.

Keithustus wrote:

might *have OR *might've

There is no "might of" in English, nor "would of", "should of", etc.

There might of course be a might of, and if they would've used it that way it could of course have been fine.

Irregardlessly, we should focus on Star Wars.

I started Episode 5 not liking any of the characters in the show. I at least like one now.


And he did a good job cleaning out some of the riff-raff from the series.

Episode 6, including a prediction.


A few things were off for me on this one. Not as much as previous but it kind of ruined the episode regardless. The petty one was the use of the term "factory reset". It seems silly to be hung up on this, but one thing about Star Wars is they create their own words for things. Droids, blasters, etc... Even cursing is different in Star Wars (if I ever see them add an F bomb, I am done). The correct term would have been a memory wipe, and usually requires hooking the droid up to a computer.

On a more serious note though, I felt like the bad guy, the could be Sith, but probably just fallen Jedi was acting more Jedi like then Master Sol. He was calm collected, almost at peace for someone who is supposed to be harnessing the dark side. And Sol on the ship was having a whirlwind of emotions, even going so far as having a mini temper tantrum.

The way Master Venestra is hiding things from the Jedi Counsel, I feel like she might be the big bad behind this whole plot.

Was that a Selkath from KOTOR working a desk in the Jedi Temple in the latest episode?

Episode 6 was just... a bit boring.

So the 'good' twin is captured by the 'bad' Sith. And the 'bad' twin is captured by the 'good' Jedi. It all feels a bit rote.

Also, in changing pace in this way, the episode has sucked a lot of the energy out of the show... revealing how shallow it currently is. At least, when the characters were rushing around, I was interested in what would happen next. During Episode 6 I was struggling to care.

This episode's title could be "Blue Balls".

I’ve been avoiding this discussion for quite a while - and the acolyte in general given the collective meltdown about it I’ve been seeing elsewhere. However I’ve started watching it now with - I hope - an open mind.

My thoughts after 3 episodes are basically two fold: it’s great to see something stand alone in the Star Wars Universe that doesn’t actually having anything to do with main Skywalker saga, and to see a ‘real’ Star Wars universe finally begin to be realised on-screen.

It’s just a shame the story is a bit meh. It does, however, point the way forward.

Sorbicol wrote:

I’ve been avoiding this discussion for quite a while - and the acolyte in general given the collective meltdown about it I’ve been seeing elsewhere. However I’ve started watching it now with - I hope - an open mind.

My thoughts after 3 episodes are basically two fold: it’s great to see something stand alone in the Star Wars Universe that doesn’t actually having anything to do with main Skywalker saga, and to see a ‘real’ Star Wars universe finally begin to be realised on-screen.

It’s just a shame the story is a bit meh. It does, however, point the way forward.

One episode remains before we can breathe a collective sigh of relief and prepare to enjoy for a wider and deeper Skywalker-less Universe...

detroit20 wrote:
Sorbicol wrote:

I’ve been avoiding this discussion for quite a while - and the acolyte in general given the collective meltdown about it I’ve been seeing elsewhere. However I’ve started watching it now with - I hope - an open mind.

My thoughts after 3 episodes are basically two fold: it’s great to see something stand alone in the Star Wars Universe that doesn’t actually having anything to do with main Skywalker saga, and to see a ‘real’ Star Wars universe finally begin to be realised on-screen.

It’s just a shame the story is a bit meh. It does, however, point the way forward.

One episode remains before we can breathe a collective sigh of relief and prepare to enjoy for a wider and deeper Skywalker-less Universe...

Unless this villain is somehow connected to Anakin. They don’t need to go there, but I suspect they will. Let’s see if they can resist…

Else, I’ll start calling this show the prequel prequel.

The pre-prequel-quel?

My main criticism of this show is that while it is the live action debut of this High Republic media project that a lot of authors and artists put many hours into, it barely has anything to do with the High Republic outside of the presence of one character. This could have been set 300 years before the films or three weeks before the films; it wouldn't make much of a difference.

Rat Boy wrote:

My main criticism of this show is that while it is the live action debut of this High Republic media project that a lot of authors and artists put many hours into, it barely has anything to do with the High Republic outside of the presence of one character. This could have been set 300 years before the films or three weeks before the films; it wouldn't make much of a difference.

I'm sure this is true, but I'm not sure that this will matter to majority of people likely to watch the show on Disney Plus. I doubt that many of them will even be aware of the High Republic media project (I certainly wasn't until you just mentioned it ).

It's a bit like the various Doctor Who spinoffs. I'm particularly partial to audio plays (like The Nest Cottage Chronicles), but I recognise that they're a very niche interest.

Okay, so maybe for like one second they addressed my criticism with the latest episode.

Well, I guess I will start with the good.


- It was fun watching a Wookie lightsaber battle. It could have been done 100 times better, but still fun.

And while there is too much to say on the bad side, I will hit my main points.


- They used the phrase "M count" instead of saying "Midichlorians". I get the stigma with many fans, but "M count" far from addresses their concerns and just alienates those that are fine or like the term.

- The whole coven dying when Indara used the force to free Kelnacca's mind was extreme. It was a way to make the Jedi not look evil but still blame them for the death of the entire coven.

- Aniseya couldn't tell Sol that she was going to let Osha go before she got stabbed, they were conversing before that.

- The whole "same person in two bodies" thing better end up being a new and interesting idea, because they didn't make it make sense in this episode. Why does it matter if they are one entity and not two? If they are one consciousness then why are they acting like two?

Just finished Ep 7


So Jedi killed all the witches and then they cover it up? And May/Osha are one soul?

I guess they do have some good threads to tie up.


Having watched Episode 7, a couple more things occur to me:

The decision to replay elements of the story that we'd already seen immediately made me think of the film 'Rashomon', with its device of having different characters offering different versions of the same events. I wonder if the makers of 'The Acolyte' missed an opportunity here (or perhaps deliberately swerved away from it). Episode 7 really makes it explicit that the Jedi team has very different priorities, concerns and views of the world.

The second thing that stands out is that the basic story is too slight to sustain 8 episodes. I couldn't help wondering whether it might have been covered better as a two-parter in some 'Tales from the High Republic' anthology series. (I kept thinking of The Animatrix anthology that accompanied the sequels to The Matrix.)

I just don't feel like there's 6 hours worth of story here. That's not far short of the length of Original Trilogy.



May and Osha die, Sol becomes the Acolyte

UpToIsomorphism wrote:



May and Osha die, Sol becomes the Acolyte

You may be right... I just find it desperately hard to give a toss! And I'm even less interested in following in future seasons the adventures of whoever is left standing at the end of Episode 8. The most interesting characters ('interesting' as opposed to 'complex', I should specify) introduced in 'The Acolyte' are all dead!

By way of contrast, I am gagging for Season 2 of Andor...

Come on, Disney! Stop trying to turn every Star Wars story into a multi-season Series. Anthologise the small stories (at least, initially), and save the standalone Series and the Feature Films for ideas that can take that weight.