Welcome to the brave new world of 2016 where a new generation of voice communication platforms have risen up to challenge the aging giants. Skype has become a common vector for DDOS attacks, the Ventrilo desktop client hasn't seen an update in many years, and our own community Ventrilo server has been retired as of February 2017.
TL;DR. How do I chat with the GWJ community?
By clicking this link: https://discord.com/invite/HfYNSdP
Discord is the dominant platform of the next generation of communication apps, combining the best parts of Slack (persistent, rich group chat) and Skype (high quality voice calls). They have a nice mobile app giving convenient access to people playing from consoles, and their website functions nearly as well as the desktop app so you don't have to install anything if you prefer things that way. The link above will invite you to join the GWJ community server which has a ongoing text chat about games and voice rooms to hop into while you're playing.
I'll also mention with a tear in my eye that the Twitch Desktop app (formerly Curse) still exists for the time being. It offers similar features to Discord and had been adopted as a voice platform of choice for many Goodjers. Unfortunately, the voice communication features are only lasting until Februrary. If you're interesting in joining the Twitch server while it lasts, you can do that here: https://invite.twitch.tv/zDS9uyiR00uXjmvw0VX1Wg
Disclaimer: My day job was formerly building the Curse/Twitch Desktop app. Credit to Bombsfall for the banner art.