One of the rare moments I can get the Physical edition Amazon Prime preorder discount so boom! I'm sure it won't be revolutionary or anything but the statue looks cool and I'm sure the game will be fun.
Clueless Gamer Super Bowl Edition: "Doom"
This video talks about the combat and how they are going to keep you moving.
There's a big review of Doom in this month's 'Edge' magazine, and I get the same vibe. A updated version of the traditional/typical corridor shooter. Enemies are faster and more aggressive, apparently. But nothing I read suggested that there was anything 'new' in the game.
I wonder, therefore, whether this is a last through of the dice for id Software. Their last new IP was 'Rage', another corridor shooter, which didn't do too well. (I'm happy to be corrected on both these points.)
So I'm a little suspicious of the decision to revive the 'Doom' franchise; it has just the whiff of desperation about it.
And I'm not sure where 'Doom' fits in in the modern world of the FPS. Isn't it all exo-suits and wall-running nowadays?
The "fatalities" look cool and give you a bonus to health and armor drops.
They kept saying "arena". I really hope this isn't another horde mode FPS unless they really work the solo experience.
Yes the Doom thread!
The fatalities for drops mechanic reminds me a lot of Space Marine which isn't a bad thing at all.
I'm expecting to rent this from Redbox for PS4 on a Friday and be done with it by Monday.
Mentally I'm approaching this game like I did the Serious Sam games.. mindless corridor shooter that will give me a week of entertainment and a cool looking statue for my desk.
Yeah, I'm in for this. Dunno if it'll be right at launch, but since it's out just after my birthday, I'm sure I can talk myself into it.
Not a ton of info about their multiplayer suite, right?
The thing that will give this legs for me is probably a Nightmare playthrough - provided I really, really like the game on normal - and making crazy, pit-filled space dungeons with SnapMap. I hope the community platform they build around that feature is decent.
I'd be perfectly fine with "pretty corridors and satisfying shotgun." Not everything has to reinvent the wheel.
This game looks like exactly what I want from a modern Doom game.
CptGlanton wrote:I'd be perfectly fine with "pretty corridors and satisfying shotgun." Not everything has to reinvent the wheel.
This game looks like exactly what I want from a modern Doom game.
Same. Looking for something mindless and fast. We get enough puzzles, stealth, rpg-ness, etc. from other shooters. They were right about Doom and Doom2, it just felt right. We can only hope for that but I think it's a tall order.
The closed alpha multiplayer hit pretty much all the right buttons for me. Maybe not a day 1 purchase but perhaps when birthday time rolls around.
I am not a fan of melee and finishers. It looks too Halo to me. I would be cool with exploding acid barrels, red, blue, yellow keycards, and hidden doors.
I guess the original held too dear a spot to feel like it could be improved upon. I mean why did they make a trailer without even showcasing the BFG9000 as the end fade clip?
Multiplayer trailer gives me a distinct Q3:A vibe, which is a good thing. I played the hell out of Q3:A back in the day.
Hmm, think I'll see if I can find my disc and reinstall!
Multiplayer trailer gives me a distinct Q3:A vibe, which is a good thing. I played the hell out of Q3:A back in the day.
Hmm, think I'll see if I can find my disc and reinstall!
unless they changed it a lot from the alpha test, it felt much more like quake 2 to me. Which was my favorite quake, so I'm happy
I fully support any hint of Quake 2 style multiplayer!
Anyone in the closed beta?
Well, since the name bring memories of good co-op MP games, I just hope coop will be in that game. No coop, no buy.. :/
Cinematic Trailer
Reminds me of those live-action Destiny launch trailers, except much lonelier with a splash of 2009 Dragon Age: Origins "this is the new sh-t".
I'll likely be playing some on XB1, one hint I will throw out, check the alternate fire mode on all the weapons; even the special drop weapons. The gauss cannon .... ah, the gauss cannon ... I'll let you experiment with it rather than spoiling anything
Open mp beta for PS4, PC and Xbox One to run from 4/15 to 4/17.
Two maps and two modes (team deathmatch and warpath).
Apparently this will have a leveling multiplayer system like BF or COD. Check out this interview that found.
Very interesting and puzzling to read about some of those (still early) design choices.
There's a loadout system but everyone starts with a rocket launcher? And the other weapons feel underwhelming? Damage numbers?
While I never played TDM in any Quake or Doom I can see how loadouts may make sense for team play. The way weapon pickups dictated flow for, say, Quake 2 deathmatch was pretty key.
Beta is out for the PS4. I may have to try to download it.
Hopped on for a few matches. It's... alright. The RPG as a possible starting weapon wasn't as nuts as I originally thought. The sniper and shotgun felt like the only weapons with any punch.
Does not feel like a smooth 60fps expwrience. Some iffy hit detection and really dark levels. I never got to be a demon so we'll need to fix that later in the weekend.
No this is definitely not the draw if I'm going plunk down the cash for Doom.
Such a bummer.
Hopped on for a few matches. It's... alright. The RPG as a possible starting weapon wasn't as nuts as I originally thought. The sniper and shotgun felt like the only weapons with any punch.
Does not feel like a smooth 60fps expwrience. Some iffy hit detection and really dark levels.
It didn't feel tight to me. Most of the TDM matches I played were rockets, rockets, rockets everywhere. I tried to use the other loadouts but they seemed useless compared to the splash damage nonsense going on around me. My only kills all night were with rockets, and remote detonating them made cover useless too.
Also was kind of put off that it starts up with a warning about the company logo animations stuttering due to an nVidia driver issue. Having to sit and watch the Bethesda & iD logos appear a few frames at a time over 5 minutes was a terrible experience. Never should have released like that... Showing just a logo picture until it's fixed would have been better. Spent the whole game wondering if my framerate drops were the engine, the drivers or my net connection.
All in all, I was planning to get Doom for the single player and map / mod tools anyways. Hoping those pan out ok.