It's official: The United States is a Plutocracy

I'm not sure about tilapia, but lots of fish and shellfish keep all their poop in a convenient little mudvein you can just remove. It's much easier than scraping the tastebuds off a cow tongue or the silver skin from its tenderloin.

Because we don't have the bacterial flora and fauna in our guts to just eat feces...

Do tilapia have personality? Personality goes a long way.

Is there some sort of metaphor going on here?

It's amazing how much shit you can get the proletariat to eat in service of those higher up the food chain?

Bruce wrote:

It's amazing how much shit you can get the proletariat to eat in service of those higher up the food chain?

There has got to be a book/movie/etc. where the plebs were fed the excrement of those in charge.

Wait, we're living it...

Robear wrote:

Because we don't have the bacterial flora and fauna in our guts to just eat feces...

Not uh! When I eat a tilapia it gets digested in my stomach, so clearly if I just ate what the tilapia eats then I could digest that also. It's just common sense. I can't believe no one has thought of this before! Forget poo, that takes too long to collect, I'll just eat dirt and rocks.

Side note, you would not believe how many calls I got on the product line about corn-fed beef being a potential problem for someone allergic to corn.

Demosthenes wrote:

Side note, you would not believe how many calls I got on the product line about corn-fed beef being a potential problem for someone allergic to corn.

Sadly, I don't think I would be.

obirano wrote:
Demosthenes wrote:

Side note, you would not believe how many calls I got on the product line about corn-fed beef being a potential problem for someone allergic to corn.

Sadly, I don't think I would be.

It's not, at all. There is nothing CORN left in the muscles after consumption and digestion by the cow. It's something that should cause some cognitive dissonance when it comes to Tilapia and eating poop, but... poop is harder to get out of my brain than corn.

garion333 wrote:
Bruce wrote:

It's amazing how much shit you can get the proletariat to eat in service of those higher up the food chain?

There has got to be a book/movie/etc. where the plebs were fed the excrement of those in charge.

Wait, we're living it...

Robear wrote:

Because we don't have the bacterial flora and fauna in our guts to just eat feces...

Not uh! When I eat a tilapia it gets digested in my stomach, so clearly if I just ate what the tilapia eats then I could digest that also. It's just common sense. I can't believe no one has thought of this before! Forget poo, that takes too long to collect, I'll just eat dirt and rocks.

Soylent brown is poople! It's poople!

Tanglebones wrote:
garion333 wrote:
Bruce wrote:

It's amazing how much shit you can get the proletariat to eat in service of those higher up the food chain?

There has got to be a book/movie/etc. where the plebs were fed the excrement of those in charge.

Wait, we're living it...

Robear wrote:

Because we don't have the bacterial flora and fauna in our guts to just eat feces...

Not uh! When I eat a tilapia it gets digested in my stomach, so clearly if I just ate what the tilapia eats then I could digest that also. It's just common sense. I can't believe no one has thought of this before! Forget poo, that takes too long to collect, I'll just eat dirt and rocks.

Soylent brown is poople! It's poople!

Due to its enormous popularity, Soylent Brown is in short supply, so remember—Scaturday is Soylent Brown day.

You guys have extremely weird views about food and what goes into them. Poop's everywhere. It's just everywhere. Unless you're eating it right out the ass of some animal, it's shouldn't be an issue. Hell, some poop IS consumed by people and it's incredibly expensive.

LarryC wrote:

You guys have extremely weird views about food and what goes into them. Poop's everywhere. It's just everywhere. Unless you're eating it right out the ass of some animal, it's shouldn't be an issue. Hell, some poop IS consumed by people and it's incredibly expensive.

Oh yeah, we have weird views on food.

Alcohol is just yeast poop. although Larry may be referring to civet coffee.

Seth wrote:

Alcohol is just yeast poop. although Larry may be referring to civet coffee.

And honey is bee vomit.

Paleocon wrote:
Seth wrote:

Alcohol is just yeast poop. although Larry may be referring to civet coffee.

And honey is bee vomit.

Tasty, tasty vomit.

Wow, this went places. The tilapia 'n' pork bit was clearly engineered by Koch operatives to distract people from implications of the rest of the interview.

Demosthenes wrote:

It's not, at all. There is nothing CORN left in the muscles after consumption and digestion by the cow. It's something that should cause some cognitive dissonance when it comes to Tilapia and eating poop, but... poop is harder to get out of my brain than corn.

Oddly enough corn is one of the few things that can be readily gotten back out of poop. Circles within circles.

imbiginjapan wrote:

Wow, this went places. The tilapia 'n' pork bit was clearly engineered by Koch operatives to distract people from implications of the rest of the interview.

Truly, the arugula salad of our times.

I seriously love GWJ thread tangents.

So um, plurocracy...

Six senators accidentally just admitted they are clueless about internet speeds

The senators say they are "concerned that this arbitrary 25/3 Mbps benchmark fails to accurately capture what most Americans consider broadband," and that "the use of this benchmark discourages broadband providers from offering speeds at or above the benchmark." If these sound exactly like talking points from Verizon, Comcast, and other major ISPs, that's because they are: Comcast loves to tell Americans that they don't need faster internet, and ISPs join together every time they are about to be regulated to say that regulations will chill their future investments.

I'm shocked that elected officials would put the needs of a handful of large corporations with near monopolies over the needs of the people who elected them. Shocked!!


(Both a joke and kind of true.)